view xml/en/docs/http/ngx_http_js_module.xml @ 2683:c901a27f7844

NGINX Instance Manager promo added.
author Maxim Konovalov <>
date Tue, 16 Mar 2021 19:09:09 +0300
parents 8751cab1d562
children 45214e5316cd
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line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "../../../../dtd/module.dtd">

<module name="Module ngx_http_js_module"

<section id="summary">

The <literal>ngx_http_js_module</literal> module is used to implement
location and variable handlers
in <link doc="../njs/index.xml">njs</link> —
a subset of the JavaScript language.

Download and install instructions are available
<link doc="../njs/install.xml">here</link>.


<section id="example" name="Example Configuration">

The example works since
<link doc="../njs/changes.xml" id="njs0.4.0">0.4.0</link>.
http {
    js_import http.js;

    js_set $foo;
    js_set $summary http.summary;

    server {
        listen 8000;

        location / {
            add_header X-Foo $foo;
            js_content http.baz;

        location = /summary {
            return 200 $summary;

        location = /hello {
            js_content http.hello;

The <path>http.js</path> file:
function foo(r) {
    r.log("hello from foo() handler");
    return "foo";

function summary(r) {
    var a, s, h;

    s = "JS summary\n\n";

    s += "Method: " + r.method + "\n";
    s += "HTTP version: " + r.httpVersion + "\n";
    s += "Host: " + + "\n";
    s += "Remote Address: " + r.remoteAddress + "\n";
    s += "URI: " + r.uri + "\n";

    s += "Headers:\n";
    for (h in r.headersIn) {
        s += "  header '" + h + "' is '" + r.headersIn[h] + "'\n";

    s += "Args:\n";
    for (a in r.args) {
        s += "  arg '" + a + "' is '" + r.args[a] + "'\n";

    return s;

function baz(r) {
    r.status = 200; = 1234;
    r.headersOut['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
    r.headersOut['Content-Length'] = 15;


function hello(r) {
    r.return(200, "Hello world!");

export default {foo, summary, baz, hello};


<section id="directives" name="Directives">

<directive name="js_body_filter">
<syntax><value>function</value> | <value>module.function</value>
[<value>buffer_type</value>=<value>string</value> | <value>buffer</value>]</syntax>

Sets an njs function as a response body filter.
The filter function is called for each data chunk of a response body
with the following arguments:

<list type="tag">
the <link doc="../njs/reference.xml" id="http">HTTP request</link> object

the incoming data chunk,
may be a string or Buffer
depending on the <literal>buffer_type</literal> value,
by default is a string.

an object with the following properties:
<list type="tag">
a boolean value, true if data is a last buffer.



The filter function can pass its own modified version
of the input data chunk to the next body filter by calling
<link doc="../njs/reference.xml" id="r_sendbuffer"><literal>r.sendBuffer()</literal></link>.
For example, to transform all the lowercase letters in the response body:
function filter(r, data, flags) {
    r.sendBuffer(data.toLowerCase(), flags);
To stop filtering (following data chunks will be passed to client
without calling <literal>js_body_filter</literal>),
<link doc="../njs/reference.xml" id="r_done"><literal>r.done()</literal></link>
can be used.

If the filter function changes the length of the response body, then
it is required to clear out the <header>Content-Length</header> response header
(if any) in
<link id="js_header_filter"><literal>js_header_filter</literal></link>
to enforce chunked transfer encoding.


<directive name="js_content">
<syntax><value>function</value> | <value>module.function</value></syntax>

Sets an njs function as a location content handler.
Since <link doc="../njs/changes.xml" id="njs0.4.0">0.4.0</link>,
a module function can be referenced.


<directive name="js_header_filter">
<syntax><value>function</value> | <value>module.function</value></syntax>

Sets an njs function as a response header filter.
The directive allows changing arbitrary header fields of a response header.


<directive name="js_import">
<syntax><value>module.js</value> |
<value>export_name from module.js</value></syntax>

Imports a module that implements location and variable handlers in njs.
The <literal>export_name</literal> is used as a namespace
to access module functions.
If the <literal>export_name</literal> is not specified,
the module name will be used as a namespace.
js_import http.js;
Here, the module name <literal>http</literal> is used as a namespace
while accessing exports.
If the imported module exports <literal>foo()</literal>,
<literal></literal> is used to refer to it.

Several <literal>js_import</literal> directives can be specified.


<directive name="js_include">

Specifies a file that implements location and variable handlers in njs:
js_include http.js;
location   /version {
    js_content version;

function version(r) {
    r.return(200, njs.version);

The directive is deprecated since
<link doc="../njs/changes.xml" id="njs0.4.0">0.4.0</link>,
the <link id="js_import"/> directive should be used instead.


<directive name="js_path">

Sets an additional path for njs modules.


<directive name="js_set">
<value>$variable</value> <value>function</value> |

Sets an njs function for the specified variable.
Since <link doc="../njs/changes.xml" id="njs0.4.0">0.4.0</link>,
a module function can be referenced.



<section id="arguments" name="Request Argument">

Each HTTP njs handler receives one argument, a request
<link doc="../njs/reference.xml" id="http">object</link>.

