view xsls/content.xsls @ 58:fc5918d8bd21 points to now. The pointless duplication was removed. Yandex, Mail.Ru, and VKontakte as examples of the busiest Russian sites were added. Mention of FreeBSD-9.x.
author Igor Sysoev <>
date Mon, 03 Oct 2011 16:27:14 +0000
parents 12f1de4539b4
children c007b57d617c
line wrap: on
line source

X:stylesheet {

    X:template = "section[@id and @name]" {
	<a name="{@id}" /> <center><h4> !{@name} </h4></center>

    X:template = "section[not(@id) and @name]" {
	<center><h4> !{@name} </h4></center>

    X:template = "section[not(@id) and not(@name)]" { !!; }

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	<a name="{@name}" /> <center><h4> !{@title} </h4></center>

    X:template = "section[not(@name) and @title]" {
	<center><h4> !{@title} </h4></center>

    X:template = "section[not(@name) and not(@title)]" { !!; }

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    X:template = "item/para" { <p class="noindent"> !!; </p> }

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    X:template = "para[child::initial]" { <p class="noindent"> !!; </p> }

    X:template = "initial" { <span class="initial"><b> !!; </b></span> }

    X:template = "programlisting" { <blockquote><pre> !!; </pre></blockquote> }

    X:template = "para/programlisting" {
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	<blockquote><pre> !!; </pre></blockquote>
	X:text disable-output-escaping="yes" {&lt;p class="noindent"&gt; }

    X:template = "note" { <blockquote class="note"> !!; </blockquote> }

    X:template = "para/note" {
	X:text disable-output-escaping="yes" {&lt;/p&gt; }
	<blockquote class="note"> !!; </blockquote>
	X:text disable-output-escaping="yes" {&lt;p class="noindent"&gt; }

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    <!-- legacy list templates -->

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    X:template = "item" { <li> !!; </li> }

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	<table width="{@width}"> !!; </table>
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    X:template = "c-def" { <code> !!; </code> }

    X:template = "c-func" { <code> !!; X:text{()} </code> }

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    X:template = "argument" { <code><i> !!; </i></code> }
    X:template = "parameter" { <code> !!; </code> }

    X:template = "header" {
	X:text {&#8220;} !!; X:text {&#8221;}

    X:template = "http-status" {
        !{@code} X:text { (} !{@text} X:text{)}

    X:template = "dirname[/*[@lang='he']]" {
	<nobr><span class="ltr">
	X:text {&#8220;} !!; X:text {&#8221;}

    X:template = "dirname" {
        <nobr> X:text {&#8220;} !!; X:text {&#8221;} </nobr>

    X:template = "url[/*[@lang='he']]" {
	<i><span class="ltr"> !!; </span></i>

    X:template = "url" { <i> !!;</i> }

    X:template = "value" { <code> !!; </code> }

    X:template = "var" { <code> !!; </code> }

    X:template = "path" { X:text {&#8220;} <code> !!; </code> X:text {&#8221;} }
    X:template = "code" { <code> !!; </code> }
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    X:template = "space" { X:text { } }
    X:template = "br" { <br/> }
