view html/50x.html @ 648:f200748c0ac8 NGINX_1_1_8

nginx 1.1.8 *) Change: the ngx_http_limit_zone_module was renamed to the ngx_http_limit_conn_module. *) Change: the "limit_zone" directive was superseded by the "limit_conn_zone" directive with a new syntax. *) Feature: support for multiple "limit_conn" limits on the same level. *) Feature: the "image_filter_sharpen" directive. *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if resolver got a big DNS response. Thanks to Ben Hawkes. *) Bugfix: in cache key calculation if internal MD5 implementation was used; the bug had appeared in 1.0.4. *) Bugfix: the "If-Modified-Since", "If-Range", etc. client request header lines might be passed to backend while caching; or not passed without caching if caching was enabled in another part of the configuration. *) Bugfix: the module ngx_http_mp4_module sent incorrect "Content-Length" response header line if the "start" argument was used. Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
author Igor Sysoev <>
date Mon, 14 Nov 2011 00:00:00 +0400
parents 56688ed172c8
children 2e8a942c8872
line wrap: on
line source

<title>The page is temporarily unavailable</title>
body { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
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The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.<br/>
Please try again later.