view src/http/ngx_http_header_filter_module.c @ 9203:0de20f43db25

Fixed request termination with AIO and subrequests (ticket #2555). When a request was terminated due to an error via ngx_http_terminate_request() while an AIO operation was running in a subrequest, various issues were observed. This happened because ngx_http_request_finalizer() was only set in the subrequest where ngx_http_terminate_request() was called, but not in the subrequest where the AIO operation was running. After completion of the AIO operation normal processing of the subrequest was resumed, leading to issues. In particular, in case of the upstream module, termination of the request called upstream cleanup, which closed the upstream connection. Attempts to further work with the upstream connection after AIO operation completion resulted in segfaults in ngx_ssl_recv(), "readv() failed (9: Bad file descriptor) while reading upstream" errors, or socket leaks. In ticket #2555, issues were observed with the following configuration with cache background update (with thread writing instrumented to introduce a delay, when a client closes the connection during an update): location = /background-and-aio-write { proxy_pass ... proxy_cache one; proxy_cache_valid 200 1s; proxy_cache_background_update on; proxy_cache_use_stale updating; aio threads; aio_write on; limit_rate 1000; } Similarly, the same issue can be seen with SSI, and can be caused by errors in subrequests, such as in the following configuration (where "/proxy" uses AIO, and "/sleep" returns 444 after some delay, causing request termination): location = /ssi-active-boom { ssi on; ssi_types *; return 200 ' <!--#include virtual="/proxy" --> <!--#include virtual="/sleep" --> '; limit_rate 1000; } Or the same with both AIO operation and the error in non-active subrequests (which needs slightly different handling, see below): location = /ssi-non-active-boom { ssi on; ssi_types *; return 200 ' <!--#include virtual="/static" --> <!--#include virtual="/proxy" --> <!--#include virtual="/sleep" --> '; limit_rate 1000; } Similarly, issues can be observed with just static files. However, with static files potential impact is limited due to timeout safeguards in ngx_http_writer(), and the fact that c->error is set during request termination. In a simple configuration with an AIO operation in the active subrequest, such as in the following configuration, the connection is closed right after completion of the AIO operation anyway, since ngx_http_writer() tries to write to the connection and fails due to c->error set: location = /ssi-active-static-boom { ssi on; ssi_types *; return 200 ' <!--#include virtual="/static-aio" --> <!--#include virtual="/sleep" --> '; limit_rate 1000; } In the following configuration, with an AIO operation in a non-active subrequest, the connection is closed only after send_timeout expires: location = /ssi-non-active-static-boom { ssi on; ssi_types *; return 200 ' <!--#include virtual="/static" --> <!--#include virtual="/static-aio" --> <!--#include virtual="/sleep" --> '; limit_rate 1000; } Fix is to introduce r->main->terminated flag, which is to be checked by AIO event handlers when the r->main->blocked counter is decremented. When the flag is set, handlers are expected to wake up the connection instead of the subrequest (which might be already cleaned up). Additionally, now ngx_http_request_finalizer() is always set in the active subrequest, so waking up the connection properly finalizes the request even if termination happened in a non-active subrequest.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Tue, 30 Jan 2024 03:20:05 +0300
parents 7c2adf237091
children 0b51902d9f24
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>
#include <ngx_http.h>
#include <nginx.h>

static ngx_int_t ngx_http_header_filter_init(ngx_conf_t *cf);
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_header_filter(ngx_http_request_t *r);

static ngx_http_module_t  ngx_http_header_filter_module_ctx = {
    NULL,                                  /* preconfiguration */
    ngx_http_header_filter_init,           /* postconfiguration */

    NULL,                                  /* create main configuration */
    NULL,                                  /* init main configuration */

    NULL,                                  /* create server configuration */
    NULL,                                  /* merge server configuration */

    NULL,                                  /* create location configuration */
    NULL,                                  /* merge location configuration */

ngx_module_t  ngx_http_header_filter_module = {
    &ngx_http_header_filter_module_ctx,    /* module context */
    NULL,                                  /* module directives */
    NGX_HTTP_MODULE,                       /* module type */
    NULL,                                  /* init master */
    NULL,                                  /* init module */
    NULL,                                  /* init process */
    NULL,                                  /* init thread */
    NULL,                                  /* exit thread */
    NULL,                                  /* exit process */
    NULL,                                  /* exit master */

static u_char ngx_http_server_string[] = "Server: nginx" CRLF;
static u_char ngx_http_server_full_string[] = "Server: " NGINX_VER CRLF;
static u_char ngx_http_server_build_string[] = "Server: " NGINX_VER_BUILD CRLF;

static ngx_str_t ngx_http_status_lines[] = {

    ngx_string("200 OK"),
    ngx_string("201 Created"),
    ngx_string("202 Accepted"),
    ngx_null_string,  /* "203 Non-Authoritative Information" */
    ngx_string("204 No Content"),
    ngx_null_string,  /* "205 Reset Content" */
    ngx_string("206 Partial Content"),

    /* ngx_null_string, */  /* "207 Multi-Status" */

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_2XX  207
#define NGX_HTTP_OFF_3XX   (NGX_HTTP_LAST_2XX - 200)

    /* ngx_null_string, */  /* "300 Multiple Choices" */

    ngx_string("301 Moved Permanently"),
    ngx_string("302 Moved Temporarily"),
    ngx_string("303 See Other"),
    ngx_string("304 Not Modified"),
    ngx_null_string,  /* "305 Use Proxy" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "306 unused" */
    ngx_string("307 Temporary Redirect"),
    ngx_string("308 Permanent Redirect"),

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_3XX  309

    ngx_string("400 Bad Request"),
    ngx_string("401 Unauthorized"),
    ngx_string("402 Payment Required"),
    ngx_string("403 Forbidden"),
    ngx_string("404 Not Found"),
    ngx_string("405 Not Allowed"),
    ngx_string("406 Not Acceptable"),
    ngx_null_string,  /* "407 Proxy Authentication Required" */
    ngx_string("408 Request Time-out"),
    ngx_string("409 Conflict"),
    ngx_string("410 Gone"),
    ngx_string("411 Length Required"),
    ngx_string("412 Precondition Failed"),
    ngx_string("413 Request Entity Too Large"),
    ngx_string("414 Request-URI Too Large"),
    ngx_string("415 Unsupported Media Type"),
    ngx_string("416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable"),
    ngx_null_string,  /* "417 Expectation Failed" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "418 unused" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "419 unused" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "420 unused" */
    ngx_string("421 Misdirected Request"),
    ngx_null_string,  /* "422 Unprocessable Entity" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "423 Locked" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "424 Failed Dependency" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "425 unused" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "426 Upgrade Required" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "427 unused" */
    ngx_null_string,  /* "428 Precondition Required" */
    ngx_string("429 Too Many Requests"),

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_4XX  430

    ngx_string("500 Internal Server Error"),
    ngx_string("501 Not Implemented"),
    ngx_string("502 Bad Gateway"),
    ngx_string("503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"),
    ngx_string("504 Gateway Time-out"),
    ngx_string("505 HTTP Version Not Supported"),
    ngx_null_string,        /* "506 Variant Also Negotiates" */
    ngx_string("507 Insufficient Storage"),

    /* ngx_null_string, */  /* "508 unused" */
    /* ngx_null_string, */  /* "509 unused" */
    /* ngx_null_string, */  /* "510 Not Extended" */

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_5XX  508


ngx_http_header_out_t  ngx_http_headers_out[] = {
    { ngx_string("Server"), offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, server) },
    { ngx_string("Date"), offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, date) },
    { ngx_string("Content-Length"),
                 offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, content_length) },
    { ngx_string("Content-Encoding"),
                 offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, content_encoding) },
    { ngx_string("Location"), offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, location) },
    { ngx_string("Last-Modified"),
                 offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, last_modified) },
    { ngx_string("Accept-Ranges"),
                 offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, accept_ranges) },
    { ngx_string("Expires"), offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, expires) },
    { ngx_string("Cache-Control"),
                 offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, cache_control) },
    { ngx_string("ETag"), offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, etag) },

    { ngx_null_string, 0 }

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_header_filter(ngx_http_request_t *r)
    u_char                    *p;
    size_t                     len;
    ngx_str_t                  host, *status_line;
    ngx_buf_t                 *b;
    ngx_uint_t                 status, i, port;
    ngx_chain_t                out;
    ngx_list_part_t           *part;
    ngx_table_elt_t           *header;
    ngx_connection_t          *c;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t  *clcf;
    ngx_http_core_srv_conf_t  *cscf;
    u_char                     addr[NGX_SOCKADDR_STRLEN];

    if (r->header_sent) {
        return NGX_OK;

    r->header_sent = 1;

    if (r != r->main) {
        return NGX_OK;

    if (r->http_version < NGX_HTTP_VERSION_10) {
        return NGX_OK;

    if (r->method == NGX_HTTP_HEAD) {
        r->header_only = 1;

    if (r->headers_out.last_modified_time != -1) {
        if (r->headers_out.status != NGX_HTTP_OK
            && r->headers_out.status != NGX_HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT
            && r->headers_out.status != NGX_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED)
            r->headers_out.last_modified_time = -1;
            r->headers_out.last_modified = NULL;

    if (r->keepalive && (ngx_terminate || ngx_exiting)) {
        r->keepalive = 0;

    len = sizeof("HTTP/1.x ") - 1 + sizeof(CRLF) - 1
          /* the end of the header */
          + sizeof(CRLF) - 1;

    /* status line */

    if (r->headers_out.status_line.len) {
        len += r->headers_out.status_line.len;
        status_line = &r->headers_out.status_line;
        status = 0;

    } else {

        status = r->headers_out.status;

        if (status >= NGX_HTTP_OK
            && status < NGX_HTTP_LAST_2XX)
            /* 2XX */

            if (status == NGX_HTTP_NO_CONTENT) {
                r->header_only = 1;
                r->headers_out.last_modified_time = -1;
                r->headers_out.last_modified = NULL;
                r->headers_out.content_length = NULL;
                r->headers_out.content_length_n = -1;

            status -= NGX_HTTP_OK;
            status_line = &ngx_http_status_lines[status];
            len += ngx_http_status_lines[status].len;

        } else if (status >= NGX_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
                   && status < NGX_HTTP_LAST_3XX)
            /* 3XX */

            if (status == NGX_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) {
                r->header_only = 1;

            status = status - NGX_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY + NGX_HTTP_OFF_3XX;
            status_line = &ngx_http_status_lines[status];
            len += ngx_http_status_lines[status].len;

        } else if (status >= NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
                   && status < NGX_HTTP_LAST_4XX)
            /* 4XX */
            status = status - NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
                            + NGX_HTTP_OFF_4XX;

            status_line = &ngx_http_status_lines[status];
            len += ngx_http_status_lines[status].len;

        } else if (status >= NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                   && status < NGX_HTTP_LAST_5XX)
            /* 5XX */
            status = status - NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                            + NGX_HTTP_OFF_5XX;

            status_line = &ngx_http_status_lines[status];
            len += ngx_http_status_lines[status].len;

        } else {
            len += NGX_INT_T_LEN + 1 /* SP */;
            status_line = NULL;

        if (status_line && status_line->len == 0) {
            status = r->headers_out.status;
            len += NGX_INT_T_LEN + 1 /* SP */;
            status_line = NULL;

    clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

    if (r->headers_out.server == NULL) {
        if (clcf->server_tokens == NGX_HTTP_SERVER_TOKENS_ON) {
            len += sizeof(ngx_http_server_full_string) - 1;

        } else if (clcf->server_tokens == NGX_HTTP_SERVER_TOKENS_BUILD) {
            len += sizeof(ngx_http_server_build_string) - 1;

        } else {
            len += sizeof(ngx_http_server_string) - 1;

    if (r-> == NULL) {
        len += sizeof("Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1970 06:00:00 GMT" CRLF) - 1;

    if (r->headers_out.content_type.len) {
        len += sizeof("Content-Type: ") - 1
               + r->headers_out.content_type.len + 2;

        if (r->headers_out.content_type_len == r->headers_out.content_type.len
            && r->headers_out.charset.len)
            len += sizeof("; charset=") - 1 + r->headers_out.charset.len;

    if (r->headers_out.content_length == NULL
        && r->headers_out.content_length_n >= 0)
        len += sizeof("Content-Length: ") - 1 + NGX_OFF_T_LEN + 2;

    if (r->headers_out.last_modified == NULL
        && r->headers_out.last_modified_time != -1)
        len += sizeof("Last-Modified: Mon, 28 Sep 1970 06:00:00 GMT" CRLF) - 1;

    c = r->connection;

    if (r->headers_out.location
        && r->headers_out.location->value.len
        && r->headers_out.location->[0] == '/'
        && clcf->absolute_redirect)
        r->headers_out.location->hash = 0;

        if (clcf->server_name_in_redirect) {
            cscf = ngx_http_get_module_srv_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);
            host = cscf->server_name;

        } else if (r->headers_in.server.len) {
            host = r->headers_in.server;

        } else {
            host.len = NGX_SOCKADDR_STRLEN;
   = addr;

            if (ngx_connection_local_sockaddr(c, &host, 0) != NGX_OK) {
                return NGX_ERROR;

        port = ngx_inet_get_port(c->local_sockaddr);

        len += sizeof("Location: https://") - 1
               + host.len
               + r->headers_out.location->value.len + 2;

        if (clcf->port_in_redirect) {

            if (c->ssl)
                port = (port == 443) ? 0 : port;
                port = (port == 80) ? 0 : port;

        } else {
            port = 0;

        if (port) {
            len += sizeof(":65535") - 1;

    } else {
        port = 0;

    if (r->chunked) {
        len += sizeof("Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF) - 1;

    if (r->headers_out.status == NGX_HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) {
        len += sizeof("Connection: upgrade" CRLF) - 1;

    } else if (r->keepalive) {
        len += sizeof("Connection: keep-alive" CRLF) - 1;

         * MSIE and Opera ignore the "Keep-Alive: timeout=<N>" header.
         * MSIE keeps the connection alive for about 60-65 seconds.
         * Opera keeps the connection alive very long.
         * Mozilla keeps the connection alive for N plus about 1-10 seconds.
         * Konqueror keeps the connection alive for about N seconds.

        if (clcf->keepalive_header) {
            len += sizeof("Keep-Alive: timeout=") - 1 + NGX_TIME_T_LEN + 2;

    } else {
        len += sizeof("Connection: close" CRLF) - 1;

    if (r->gzip_vary) {
        if (clcf->gzip_vary) {
            len += sizeof("Vary: Accept-Encoding" CRLF) - 1;

        } else {
            r->gzip_vary = 0;

    part = &r->headers_out.headers.part;
    header = part->elts;

    for (i = 0; /* void */; i++) {

        if (i >= part->nelts) {
            if (part->next == NULL) {

            part = part->next;
            header = part->elts;
            i = 0;

        if (header[i].hash == 0) {

        len += header[i].key.len + sizeof(": ") - 1 + header[i].value.len
               + sizeof(CRLF) - 1;

    b = ngx_create_temp_buf(r->pool, len);
    if (b == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    /* "HTTP/1.x " */
    b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "HTTP/1.1 ", sizeof("HTTP/1.x ") - 1);

    /* status line */
    if (status_line) {
        b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, status_line->data, status_line->len);

    } else {
        b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "%03ui ", status);
    *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF;

    if (r->headers_out.server == NULL) {
        if (clcf->server_tokens == NGX_HTTP_SERVER_TOKENS_ON) {
            p = ngx_http_server_full_string;
            len = sizeof(ngx_http_server_full_string) - 1;

        } else if (clcf->server_tokens == NGX_HTTP_SERVER_TOKENS_BUILD) {
            p = ngx_http_server_build_string;
            len = sizeof(ngx_http_server_build_string) - 1;

        } else {
            p = ngx_http_server_string;
            len = sizeof(ngx_http_server_string) - 1;

        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, p, len);

    if (r-> == NULL) {
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Date: ", sizeof("Date: ") - 1);
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last,,

        *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF;

    if (r->headers_out.content_type.len) {
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Content-Type: ",
                             sizeof("Content-Type: ") - 1);
        p = b->last;
        b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, r->,

        if (r->headers_out.content_type_len == r->headers_out.content_type.len
            && r->headers_out.charset.len)
            b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "; charset=",
                                 sizeof("; charset=") - 1);
            b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, r->,

            /* update r->headers_out.content_type for possible logging */

            r->headers_out.content_type.len = b->last - p;
            r-> = p;

        *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF;

    if (r->headers_out.content_length == NULL
        && r->headers_out.content_length_n >= 0)
        b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "Content-Length: %O" CRLF,

    if (r->headers_out.last_modified == NULL
        && r->headers_out.last_modified_time != -1)
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Last-Modified: ",
                             sizeof("Last-Modified: ") - 1);
        b->last = ngx_http_time(b->last, r->headers_out.last_modified_time);

        *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF;

    if ( {

        p = b->last + sizeof("Location: ") - 1;

        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Location: http",
                             sizeof("Location: http") - 1);

        if (c->ssl) {
            *b->last++ ='s';

        *b->last++ = ':'; *b->last++ = '/'; *b->last++ = '/';
        b->last = ngx_copy(b->last,, host.len);

        if (port) {
            b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, ":%ui", port);

        b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, r->headers_out.location->,

        /* update r->headers_out.location->value for possible logging */

        r->headers_out.location->value.len = b->last - p;
        r->headers_out.location-> = p;
        ngx_str_set(&r->headers_out.location->key, "Location");

        *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF;

    if (r->chunked) {
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF,
                             sizeof("Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF) - 1);

    if (r->headers_out.status == NGX_HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) {
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Connection: upgrade" CRLF,
                             sizeof("Connection: upgrade" CRLF) - 1);

    } else if (r->keepalive) {
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Connection: keep-alive" CRLF,
                             sizeof("Connection: keep-alive" CRLF) - 1);

        if (clcf->keepalive_header) {
            b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "Keep-Alive: timeout=%T" CRLF,

    } else {
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Connection: close" CRLF,
                             sizeof("Connection: close" CRLF) - 1);

    if (r->gzip_vary) {
        b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "Vary: Accept-Encoding" CRLF,
                             sizeof("Vary: Accept-Encoding" CRLF) - 1);

    part = &r->headers_out.headers.part;
    header = part->elts;

    for (i = 0; /* void */; i++) {

        if (i >= part->nelts) {
            if (part->next == NULL) {

            part = part->next;
            header = part->elts;
            i = 0;

        if (header[i].hash == 0) {

        b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, header[i], header[i].key.len);
        *b->last++ = ':'; *b->last++ = ' ';

        b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, header[i], header[i].value.len);
        *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF;

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "%*s", (size_t) (b->last - b->pos), b->pos);

    /* the end of HTTP header */
    *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF;

    r->header_size = b->last - b->pos;

    if (r->header_only) {
        b->last_buf = 1;

    out.buf = b; = NULL;

    return ngx_http_write_filter(r, &out);

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_header_filter_init(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    ngx_http_top_header_filter = ngx_http_header_filter;

    return NGX_OK;