view src/stream/ngx_stream.h @ 6153:4f6efabcb09b

The "reuseport" option of the "listen" directive. When configured, an individual listen socket on a given address is created for each worker process. This allows to reduce in-kernel lock contention on configurations with high accept rates, resulting in better performance. As of now it works on Linux and DragonFly BSD. Note that on Linux incoming connection requests are currently tied up to a specific listen socket, and if some sockets are closed, connection requests will be reset, see With nginx, this may happen if the number of worker processes is reduced. There is no such problem on DragonFly BSD. Based on previous work by Sepherosa Ziehau and Yingqi Lu.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Wed, 20 May 2015 15:51:56 +0300
parents 187aa751ad62
children f654addf0eea
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Roman Arutyunyan
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.


#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>

#include <ngx_stream_ssl_module.h>

typedef struct ngx_stream_session_s  ngx_stream_session_t;

#include <ngx_stream_upstream.h>
#include <ngx_stream_upstream_round_robin.h>

typedef struct {
    void                  **main_conf;
    void                  **srv_conf;
} ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t;

typedef struct {
    u_char                  sockaddr[NGX_SOCKADDRLEN];
    socklen_t               socklen;

    /* server ctx */
    ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t  *ctx;

    unsigned                bind:1;
    unsigned                wildcard:1;
    unsigned                ssl:1;
#if (NGX_HAVE_INET6 && defined IPV6_V6ONLY)
    unsigned                ipv6only:1;
    unsigned                reuseport:1;
    unsigned                so_keepalive:2;
    int                     tcp_keepidle;
    int                     tcp_keepintvl;
    int                     tcp_keepcnt;
} ngx_stream_listen_t;

typedef struct {
    ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t  *ctx;
    ngx_str_t               addr_text;
    ngx_uint_t              ssl;    /* unsigned   ssl:1; */
} ngx_stream_addr_conf_t;

typedef struct {
    in_addr_t               addr;
    ngx_stream_addr_conf_t  conf;
} ngx_stream_in_addr_t;


typedef struct {
    struct in6_addr         addr6;
    ngx_stream_addr_conf_t  conf;
} ngx_stream_in6_addr_t;


typedef struct {
    /* ngx_stream_in_addr_t or ngx_stream_in6_addr_t */
    void                   *addrs;
    ngx_uint_t              naddrs;
} ngx_stream_port_t;

typedef struct {
    int                     family;
    in_port_t               port;
    ngx_array_t             addrs;       /* array of ngx_stream_conf_addr_t */
} ngx_stream_conf_port_t;

typedef struct {
    struct sockaddr        *sockaddr;
    socklen_t               socklen;

    ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t  *ctx;

    unsigned                bind:1;
    unsigned                wildcard:1;
    unsigned                ssl:1;
#if (NGX_HAVE_INET6 && defined IPV6_V6ONLY)
    unsigned                ipv6only:1;
    unsigned                so_keepalive:2;
    int                     tcp_keepidle;
    int                     tcp_keepintvl;
    int                     tcp_keepcnt;
} ngx_stream_conf_addr_t;

typedef struct {
    ngx_array_t             servers;     /* ngx_stream_core_srv_conf_t */
    ngx_array_t             listen;      /* ngx_stream_listen_t */
} ngx_stream_core_main_conf_t;

typedef void (*ngx_stream_handler_pt)(ngx_stream_session_t *s);

typedef struct {
    ngx_stream_handler_pt   handler;
    ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t  *ctx;
    u_char                 *file_name;
    ngx_int_t               line;
    ngx_log_t              *error_log;
} ngx_stream_core_srv_conf_t;

struct ngx_stream_session_s {
    uint32_t                signature;         /* "STRM" */

    ngx_connection_t       *connection;

    off_t                   received;

    ngx_log_handler_pt      log_handler;

    void                  **ctx;
    void                  **main_conf;
    void                  **srv_conf;

    ngx_stream_upstream_t  *upstream;

typedef struct {
    void                 *(*create_main_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf);
    char                 *(*init_main_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *conf);

    void                 *(*create_srv_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf);
    char                 *(*merge_srv_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *prev,
                                            void *conf);
} ngx_stream_module_t;

#define NGX_STREAM_MODULE       0x4d525453     /* "STRM" */

#define NGX_STREAM_MAIN_CONF    0x02000000
#define NGX_STREAM_SRV_CONF     0x04000000
#define NGX_STREAM_UPS_CONF     0x08000000

#define NGX_STREAM_MAIN_CONF_OFFSET  offsetof(ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t, main_conf)
#define NGX_STREAM_SRV_CONF_OFFSET   offsetof(ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t, srv_conf)

#define ngx_stream_get_module_ctx(s, module)   (s)->ctx[module.ctx_index]
#define ngx_stream_set_ctx(s, c, module)       s->ctx[module.ctx_index] = c;
#define ngx_stream_delete_ctx(s, module)       s->ctx[module.ctx_index] = NULL;

#define ngx_stream_get_module_main_conf(s, module)                             \
#define ngx_stream_get_module_srv_conf(s, module)                              \

#define ngx_stream_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, module)                       \
    ((ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t *) cf->ctx)->main_conf[module.ctx_index]
#define ngx_stream_conf_get_module_srv_conf(cf, module)                        \
    ((ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t *) cf->ctx)->srv_conf[module.ctx_index]

#define ngx_stream_cycle_get_module_main_conf(cycle, module)                   \
    (cycle->conf_ctx[ngx_stream_module.index] ?                                \
        ((ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t *) cycle->conf_ctx[ngx_stream_module.index])   \
            ->main_conf[module.ctx_index]:                                     \

void ngx_stream_init_connection(ngx_connection_t *c);
void ngx_stream_close_connection(ngx_connection_t *c);

extern ngx_module_t  ngx_stream_module;
extern ngx_uint_t    ngx_stream_max_module;
extern ngx_module_t  ngx_stream_core_module;

#endif /* _NGX_STREAM_H_INCLUDED_ */