changeset 2350 091d555653a4
equal deleted inserted replaced
2349:88c881bda888 2350:091d555653a4
     1 " Vim global plugin for doing single or multipatch code reviews"{{{
     3 " Version       : 0.1                                          "{{{
     4 " Last Modified : Thu 25 May 2006 10:15:11 PM PDT
     5 " Author        : Manpreet Singh (junkblocker AT yahoo DOT com)
     6 " Copyright     : 2006 by Manpreet Singh
     7 " License       : This file is placed in the public domain.
     8 "
     9 " History       : 0.1 - First released
    10 "}}}
    11 " Documentation:                                                         "{{{
    12 " ===========================================================================
    13 " This plugin allows single or multipatch code reviews to be done in VIM. Vim
    14 " has :diffpatch command to do single file reviews but can not handle patch
    15 " files containing multiple patches. This plugin provides that missing
    16 " functionality and doesn't require the original file to be open.
    17 "
    18 " Installing:                                                            "{{{
    19 "
    20 "  For a quick start...
    21 "
    22 "   Requirements:                                                        "{{{
    23 "
    24 "   1) (g)vim 7.0 or higher built with +diff option.
    25 "   2) patch and patchutils ( ) installed
    26 "      for your OS. For windows it is availble from Cygwin (
    27 " ) or GnuWin32 (
    28 "      ).
    29 ""}}}
    30 "   Install:                                                            "{{{
    31 "
    32 "   1) Extract this in your $VIM/vimfiles or $HOME/.vim directory and restart
    33 "      vim.
    34 "
    35 "   2) Make sure that you have filterdiff from patchutils and patch commands
    36 "      installed.
    37 "
    38 "   3) Optinally, specify the locations to filterdiff and patch commands and
    39 "      location of a temporary directory to use in your .vimrc.
    40 "
    41 "      let g:patchreview_filterdiff  = '/path/to/filterdiff'
    42 "      let g:patchreview_patch       = '/path/to/patch'
    43 "      let g:patchreview_tmpdir      = '/tmp/or/something'
    44 "
    45 "   4) Optionally, generate help tags to use help
    46 "
    47 "      :helptags ~/.vim/doc
    48 "      or
    49 "      :helptags c:\vim\vimfiles\doc
    50 ""}}}
    51 ""}}}
    52 " Usage:                                                                 "{{{
    53 "
    54 "  :PatchReview path_to_submitted_patchfile [optional_source_directory]
    55 "
    56 "  after review is done
    57 "
    58 "  :PatchReviewCleanup
    59 "
    60 " See :help patchreview for details after you've created help tags.
    61 ""}}}
    62 "}}}
    63 " Code                                                                   "{{{
    65 " Enabled only during development                                        "{{{
    66 " unlet! g:loaded_patchreview " DEBUG
    67 " unlet! g:patchreview_tmpdir " DEBUG
    68 " unlet! g:patchreview_filterdiff " DEBUG
    69 " unlet! g:patchreview_patch " DEBUG
    70 "}}}
    72 " load only once                                                         "{{{
    73 if exists('g:loaded_patchreview')
    74   finish
    75 endif
    76 let g:loaded_patchreview=1
    77 let s:msgbufname = 'Patch Review Messages'
    78 "}}}
    80 function! <SID>PR_wipeMsgBuf()                                           "{{{
    81   let s:winnum = bufwinnr(s:msgbufname)
    82   if s:winnum != -1 " If the window is already open, jump to it
    83     let s:cur_winnr = winnr()
    84     if winnr() != s:winnum
    85       exe s:winnum . 'wincmd w'
    86       exe 'bw'
    87       exe s:cur_winnr . 'wincmd w'
    88     endif
    89   endif
    90 endfunction
    91 "}}}
    93 function! <SID>PR_echo(...)                                              "{{{
    94   " Usage: PR_echo(msg, [return_to_original_window_flag])
    95   "            default return_to_original_window_flag = 0
    96   "
    97   let s:cur_winnr = winnr()
    98   let s:winnum = bufwinnr(s:msgbufname)
    99   if s:winnum != -1 " If the window is already open, jump to it
   100     if winnr() != s:winnum
   101       exe s:winnum . 'wincmd w'
   102     endif
   103   else
   104     let s:bufnum = bufnr(s:msgbufname)
   105     if s:bufnum == -1
   106       let s:wcmd = s:msgbufname
   107     else
   108       let s:wcmd = '+buffer' . s:bufnum
   109     endif
   110     exe 'silent! botright 5split ' . s:wcmd
   111   endif
   112   setlocal modifiable
   113   setlocal buftype=nofile
   114   setlocal bufhidden=delete
   115   setlocal noswapfile
   116   setlocal nowrap
   117   setlocal nobuflisted
   118   if a:0 != 0
   119     silent! $put =a:1
   120   endif
   121   exe ':$'
   122   setlocal nomodifiable
   123   if a:0 > 1 && a:2
   124     exe s:cur_winnr . 'wincmd w'
   125   endif
   126 endfunction
   127 "}}}
   129 function! <SID>PR_checkBinary(BinaryName)                                "{{{
   130   " Verify that BinaryName is specified or available
   131   if ! exists('g:patchreview_' . a:BinaryName)
   132     if executable(a:BinaryName)
   133       let g:patchreview_{a:BinaryName} = a:BinaryName
   134       return 1
   135     else
   136       call s:PR_echo('g:patchreview_' . a:BinaryName . ' is not defined and could not be found on path. Please define it in your .vimrc.')
   137       return 0
   138     endif
   139   elseif ! executable(g:patchreview_{a:BinaryName})
   140     call s:PR_echo('Specified g:patchreview_' . a:BinaryName . ' [' . g:patchreview_{a.BinaryName} . '] is not executable.')
   141     return 0
   142   else
   143     return 1
   144   endif
   145 endfunction
   146 "}}}
   148 function! <SID>PR_GetTempDirLocation(Quiet)                              "{{{
   149   if exists('g:patchreview_tmpdir')
   150     if ! isdirectory(g:patchreview_tmpdir) || ! filewritable(g:patchreview_tmpdir)
   151       if ! a:Quiet
   152         call s:PR_echo('Temporary directory specified by g:patchreview_tmpdir [' . g:patchreview_tmpdir . '] is not accessible.')
   153         return 0
   154       endif
   155     endif
   156   elseif exists("$TMP") && isdirectory($TMP) && filewritable($TMP)
   157     let g:patchreview_tmpdir = $TMP
   158   elseif exists("$TEMP") && isdirectory($TEMP) && filewritable($TEMP)
   159     let g:patchreview_tmpdir = $TEMP
   160   elseif exists("$TMPDIR") && isdirectory($TMPDIR) && filewritable($TMPDIR)
   161     let g:patchreview_tmpdir = $TMPDIR
   162   else
   163     if ! a:Quiet
   164       call s:PR_echo('Could not figure out a temporary directory to use. Please specify g:patchreview_tmpdir in your .vimrc.')
   165       return 0
   166     endif
   167   endif
   168   let g:patchreview_tmpdir = g:patchreview_tmpdir . '/'
   169   let g:patchreview_tmpdir = substitute(g:patchreview_tmpdir, '\\', '/', 'g')
   170   let g:patchreview_tmpdir = substitute(g:patchreview_tmpdir, '/+$', '/', '')
   171   if has('win32')
   172     let g:patchreview_tmpdir = substitute(g:patchreview_tmpdir, '/', '\\', 'g')
   173   endif
   174   return 1
   175 endfunction
   176 "}}}
   178 function! <SID>PatchReview(...)                                          "{{{
   179   " VIM 7+ required"{{{
   180   if version < 700
   181     call s:PR_echo('This plugin needs VIM 7 or higher')
   182     return
   183   endif
   184 "}}}
   186   let s:save_shortmess = &shortmess
   187   set shortmess+=aW
   188   call s:PR_wipeMsgBuf()
   190   " Check passed arguments                                               "{{{
   191   if a:0 == 0
   192     call s:PR_echo('PatchReview command needs at least one argument specifying a patchfile path.')
   193     let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   194     return
   195   endif
   196   if a:0 >= 1 && a:0 <= 2
   197     let s:PatchFilePath = expand(a:1, ':p')
   198     if ! filereadable(s:PatchFilePath)
   199       call s:PR_echo('File [' . s:PatchFilePath . '] is not accessible.')
   200       let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   201       return
   202     endif
   203     if a:0 == 2
   204       let s:SrcDirectory = expand(a:2, ':p')
   205       if ! isdirectory(s:SrcDirectory)
   206         call s:PR_echo('[' . s:SrcDirectory . '] is not a directory')
   207         let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   208         return
   209       endif
   210       try
   211         exe 'cd ' . s:SrcDirectory
   212       catch /^.*E344.*/
   213         call s:PR_echo('Could not change to directory [' . s:SrcDirectory . ']')
   214         let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   215         return
   216       endtry
   217     endif
   218   else
   219     call s:PR_echo('PatchReview command needs at most two arguments: patchfile path and optional source directory path.')
   220     let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   221     return
   222   endif
   223 "}}}
   225   " Verify that filterdiff and patch are specified or available          "{{{
   226   if ! s:PR_checkBinary('filterdiff') || ! s:PR_checkBinary('patch')
   227     let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   228     return
   229   endif
   231   let s:retval = s:PR_GetTempDirLocation(0)
   232   if ! s:retval
   233     let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   234     return
   235   endif
   236 "}}}
   238   " Requirements met, now execute                                        "{{{
   239   let s:PatchFilePath = fnamemodify(s:PatchFilePath, ':p')
   240   call s:PR_echo('Patch file      : ' . s:PatchFilePath)
   241   call s:PR_echo('Source directory: ' . getcwd())
   242   call s:PR_echo('------------------')
   243   let s:theFilterDiffCommand = '' . g:patchreview_filterdiff . ' --list -s ' . s:PatchFilePath
   244   let s:theFilesString = system(s:theFilterDiffCommand)
   245   let s:theFilesList = split(s:theFilesString, '[\r\n]')
   246   for s:filewithchangetype in s:theFilesList
   247     if s:filewithchangetype !~ '^[!+-] '
   248       call s:PR_echo('*** Skipping review generation due to understood change for [' . s:filewithchangetype . ']', 1)
   249       continue
   250     endif
   251     unlet! s:RelativeFilePath
   252     let s:RelativeFilePath = substitute(s:filewithchangetype, '^. ', '', '')
   253     let s:RelativeFilePath = substitute(s:RelativeFilePath, '^[a-z][^\\\/]*[\\\/]' , '' , '')
   254     if s:filewithchangetype =~ '^! '
   255       let s:msgtype = 'Modification : '
   256     elseif s:filewithchangetype =~ '^+ '
   257       let s:msgtype = 'Addition     : '
   258     elseif s:filewithchangetype =~ '^- '
   259       let s:msgtype = 'Deletion     : '
   260     endif
   261     let s:bufnum = bufnr(s:RelativeFilePath)
   262     if buflisted(s:bufnum) && getbufvar(s:bufnum, '&mod')
   263       call s:PR_echo('Old buffer for file [' . s:RelativeFilePath . '] exists in modified state. Skipping review.', 1)
   264       continue
   265     endif
   266     let s:tmpname = substitute(s:RelativeFilePath, '/', '_', 'g')
   267     let s:tmpname = substitute(s:tmpname, '\\', '_', 'g')
   268     let s:tmpname = g:patchreview_tmpdir . 'PatchReview.' . s:tmpname . '.' . strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
   269     if has('win32')
   270       let s:tmpname = substitute(s:tmpname, '/', '\\', 'g')
   271     endif
   272     if ! exists('s:patchreview_tmpfiles')
   273       let s:patchreview_tmpfiles = []
   274     endif
   275     let s:patchreview_tmpfiles = s:patchreview_tmpfiles + [s:tmpname]
   277     let s:filterdiffcmd = '!' . g:patchreview_filterdiff . ' -i ' . s:RelativeFilePath . ' ' . s:PatchFilePath . ' > ' . s:tmpname
   278     silent! exe s:filterdiffcmd
   279     if s:filewithchangetype =~ '^+ '
   280       if has('win32')
   281         let s:inputfile = 'nul'
   282       else
   283         let s:inputfile = '/dev/null'
   284       endif
   285     else
   286       let s:inputfile = expand(s:RelativeFilePath, ':p')
   287     endif
   288     silent exe '!' . g:patchreview_patch . ' -o ' . s:tmpname . '.file ' . s:inputfile . ' < ' . s:tmpname
   289     let s:origtabpagenr = tabpagenr()
   290     silent! exe 'tabedit ' . s:RelativeFilePath
   291     silent! exe 'vert diffsplit ' . s:tmpname . '.file'
   292     if filereadable(s:tmpname . '.file.rej')
   293       silent! exe 'topleft 5split ' . s:tmpname . '.file.rej'
   294       call s:PR_echo(s:msgtype . '*** REJECTED *** ' . s:RelativeFilePath, 1)
   295     else
   296       call s:PR_echo(s:msgtype . ' ' . s:RelativeFilePath, 1)
   297     endif
   298     silent! exe 'tabn ' . s:origtabpagenr
   299   endfor
   300   call s:PR_echo('-----')
   301   call s:PR_echo('Done.')
   302   let &shortmess = s:save_shortmess
   303 "}}}
   304 endfunction
   305 "}}}
   307 function! <SID>PatchReviewCleanup()                                      "{{{
   308   let s:retval = s:PR_GetTempDirLocation(1)
   309   if s:retval && exists('g:patchreview_tmpdir') && isdirectory(g:patchreview_tmpdir) && filewritable(g:patchreview_tmpdir)
   310     let s:zefilestr = globpath(g:patchreview_tmpdir, 'PatchReview.*')
   311     let s:theFilesList = split(s:zefilestr, '\m[\r\n]\+')
   312     for s:thefile in s:theFilesList
   313       call delete(s:thefile)
   314     endfor
   315   endif
   316 endfunction
   317 "}}}
   319 " Commands                                                               "{{{
   320 "============================================================================
   321 " :PatchReview
   322 command! -nargs=* -complete=file PatchReview call s:PatchReview (<f-args>)
   325 " :PatchReviewCleanup
   326 command! -nargs=0 PatchReviewCleanup call s:PatchReviewCleanup ()
   327 "}}}
   328 "}}}
   330 " vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab
   331 " vim: filetype=vim encoding=latin1 fileformat=unix foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker
   332 "}}}