changeset 2192 2be3ac7abc21
child 2197 5de8b44f0446
child 2218 afe24f5b7a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
2191:c2e43535d4d1 2192:2be3ac7abc21
     1 # bugzilla.py - bugzilla integration for mercurial
     2 #
     3 # Copyright 2006 Vadim Gelfer <vadim.gelfer@gmail.com>
     4 #
     5 # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
     6 # of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
     7 #
     8 # hook extension to update comments of bugzilla bugs when changesets
     9 # that refer to bugs by id are seen.  this hook does not change bug
    10 # status, only comments.
    11 #
    12 # to configure, add items to '[bugzilla]' section of hgrc.
    13 #
    14 # to use, configure bugzilla extension and enable like this:
    15 #
    16 #   [extensions]
    17 #   hgext.bugzilla =
    18 #
    19 #   [hooks]
    20 #   # run bugzilla hook on every change pulled or pushed in here
    21 #   incoming.bugzilla = python:hgext.bugzilla.hook
    22 #
    23 # config items:
    24 #
    25 # REQUIRED:
    26 #   host = bugzilla # mysql server where bugzilla database lives
    27 #   password = **   # user's password
    28 #   version = 2.16  # version of bugzilla installed
    29 #
    30 # OPTIONAL:
    31 #   bzuser = ...    # bugzilla user id to record comments with
    32 #   db = bugs       # database to connect to
    33 #   hgweb = http:// # root of hg web site for browsing commits
    34 #   notify = ...    # command to run to get bugzilla to send mail
    35 #   regexp = ...    # regexp to match bug ids (must contain one "()" group)
    36 #   strip = 0       # number of slashes to strip for url paths
    37 #   style = ...     # style file to use when formatting comments
    38 #   template = ...  # template to use when formatting comments
    39 #   timeout = 5     # database connection timeout (seconds)
    40 #   user = bugs     # user to connect to database as
    42 from mercurial.demandload import *
    43 from mercurial.i18n import gettext as _
    44 from mercurial.node import *
    45 demandload(globals(), 'cStringIO mercurial:templater,util os re time')
    47 try:
    48     import MySQLdb
    49 except ImportError:
    50     raise util.Abort(_('python mysql support not available'))
    52 def buglist(ids):
    53     return '(' + ','.join(map(str, ids)) + ')'
    55 class bugzilla_2_16(object):
    56     '''support for bugzilla version 2.16.'''
    58     def __init__(self, ui):
    59         self.ui = ui
    60         host = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'host', 'localhost')
    61         user = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'user', 'bugs')
    62         passwd = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'password')
    63         db = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'db', 'bugs')
    64         timeout = int(self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'timeout', 5))
    65         self.ui.note(_('connecting to %s:%s as %s, password %s\n') %
    66                      (host, db, user, '*' * len(passwd)))
    67         self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd,
    68                                     db=db, connect_timeout=timeout)
    69         self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
    70         self.run('select fieldid from fielddefs where name = "longdesc"')
    71         ids = self.cursor.fetchall()
    72         if len(ids) != 1:
    73             raise util.Abort(_('unknown database schema'))
    74         self.longdesc_id = ids[0][0]
    75         self.user_ids = {}
    77     def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
    78         '''run a query.'''
    79         self.ui.note(_('query: %s %s\n') % (args, kwargs))
    80         try:
    81             self.cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
    82         except MySQLdb.MySQLError, err:
    83             self.ui.note(_('failed query: %s %s\n') % (args, kwargs))
    84             raise
    86     def filter_real_bug_ids(self, ids):
    87         '''filter not-existing bug ids from list.'''
    88         self.run('select bug_id from bugs where bug_id in %s' % buglist(ids))
    89         ids = [c[0] for c in self.cursor.fetchall()]
    90         ids.sort()
    91         return ids
    93     def filter_unknown_bug_ids(self, node, ids):
    94         '''filter bug ids from list that already refer to this changeset.'''
    96         self.run('''select bug_id from longdescs where
    97                     bug_id in %s and thetext like "%%%s%%"''' %
    98                  (buglist(ids), short(node)))
    99         unknown = dict.fromkeys(ids)
   100         for (id,) in self.cursor.fetchall():
   101             self.ui.status(_('bug %d already knows about changeset %s\n') %
   102                            (id, short(node)))
   103             unknown.pop(id, None)
   104         ids = unknown.keys()
   105         ids.sort()
   106         return ids
   108     def notify(self, ids):
   109         '''tell bugzilla to send mail.'''
   111         self.ui.status(_('telling bugzilla to send mail:\n'))
   112         for id in ids:
   113             self.ui.status(_('  bug %s\n') % id)
   114             cmd = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'notify',
   115                                'cd /var/www/html/bugzilla && '
   116                                './processmail %s nobody@nowhere.com') % id
   117             fp = os.popen('(%s) 2>&1' % cmd)
   118             out = fp.read()
   119             ret = fp.close()
   120             if ret:
   121                 self.ui.warn(out)
   122                 raise util.Abort(_('bugzilla notify command %s') %
   123                                  util.explain_exit(ret)[0])
   124         self.ui.status(_('done\n'))
   126     def get_user_id(self, user):
   127         '''look up numeric bugzilla user id.'''
   128         try:
   129             return self.user_ids[user]
   130         except KeyError:
   131             try:
   132                 userid = int(user)
   133             except ValueError:
   134                 self.ui.note(_('looking up user %s\n') % user)
   135                 self.run('''select userid from profiles
   136                             where login_name like %s''', user)
   137                 all = self.cursor.fetchall()
   138                 if len(all) != 1:
   139                     raise KeyError(user)
   140                 userid = int(all[0][0])
   141             self.user_ids[user] = userid
   142             return userid
   144     def add_comment(self, bugid, text, prefuser):
   145         '''add comment to bug. try adding comment as committer of
   146         changeset, otherwise as default bugzilla user.'''
   147         try:
   148             userid = self.get_user_id(prefuser)
   149         except KeyError:
   150             try:
   151                 defaultuser = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'bzuser')
   152                 userid = self.get_user_id(defaultuser)
   153             except KeyError:
   154                 raise util.Abort(_('cannot find user id for %s or %s') %
   155                                  (prefuser, defaultuser))
   156         now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
   157         self.run('''insert into longdescs
   158                     (bug_id, who, bug_when, thetext)
   159                     values (%s, %s, %s, %s)''',
   160                  (bugid, userid, now, text))
   161         self.run('''insert into bugs_activity (bug_id, who, bug_when, fieldid)
   162                     values (%s, %s, %s, %s)''',
   163                  (bugid, userid, now, self.longdesc_id))
   165 class bugzilla(object):
   166     # supported versions of bugzilla. different versions have
   167     # different schemas.
   168     _versions = {
   169         '2.16': bugzilla_2_16,
   170         }
   172     _default_bug_re = (r'bugs?\s*,?\s*(?:#|nos?\.?|num(?:ber)?s?)?\s*'
   173                        r'((?:\d+\s*(?:,?\s*(?:and)?)?\s*)+)')
   175     _bz = None
   177     def __init__(self, ui, repo):
   178         self.ui = ui
   179         self.repo = repo
   181     def bz(self):
   182         '''return object that knows how to talk to bugzilla version in
   183         use.'''
   185         if bugzilla._bz is None:
   186             bzversion = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'version')
   187             try:
   188                 bzclass = bugzilla._versions[bzversion]
   189             except KeyError:
   190                 raise util.Abort(_('bugzilla version %s not supported') %
   191                                  bzversion)
   192             bugzilla._bz = bzclass(self.ui)
   193         return bugzilla._bz
   195     def __getattr__(self, key):
   196         return getattr(self.bz(), key)
   198     _bug_re = None
   199     _split_re = None
   201     def find_bug_ids(self, node, desc):
   202         '''find valid bug ids that are referred to in changeset
   203         comments and that do not already have references to this
   204         changeset.'''
   206         if bugzilla._bug_re is None:
   207             bugzilla._bug_re = re.compile(
   208                 self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'regexp', bugzilla._default_bug_re),
   209                 re.IGNORECASE)
   210             bugzilla._split_re = re.compile(r'\D+')
   211         start = 0
   212         ids = {}
   213         while True:
   214             m = bugzilla._bug_re.search(desc, start)
   215             if not m:
   216                 break
   217             start = m.end()
   218             for id in bugzilla._split_re.split(m.group(1)):
   219                 ids[int(id)] = 1
   220         ids = ids.keys()
   221         if ids:
   222             ids = self.filter_real_bug_ids(ids)
   223         if ids:
   224             ids = self.filter_unknown_bug_ids(node, ids)
   225         return ids
   227     def update(self, bugid, node, changes):
   228         '''update bugzilla bug with reference to changeset.'''
   230         def webroot(root):
   231             '''strip leading prefix of repo root and turn into
   232             url-safe path.'''
   233             count = int(self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'strip', 0))
   234             root = util.pconvert(root)
   235             while count > 0:
   236                 c = root.find('/')
   237                 if c == -1:
   238                     break
   239                 root = root[c+1:]
   240                 count -= 1
   241             return root
   243         class stringio(object):
   244             '''wrap cStringIO.'''
   245             def __init__(self):
   246                 self.fp = cStringIO.StringIO()
   248             def write(self, *args):
   249                 for a in args:
   250                     self.fp.write(a)
   252             write_header = write
   254             def getvalue(self):
   255                 return self.fp.getvalue()
   257         mapfile = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'style')
   258         tmpl = self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'template')
   259         sio = stringio()
   260         t = templater.changeset_templater(self.ui, self.repo, mapfile, sio)
   261         if not mapfile and not tmpl:
   262             tmpl = _('changeset {node|short} in repo {root} refers '
   263                      'to bug {bug}.\ndetails:\n\t{desc|tabindent}')
   264         if tmpl:
   265             tmpl = templater.parsestring(tmpl, quoted=False)
   266             t.use_template(tmpl)
   267         t.show(changenode=node, changes=changes,
   268                bug=str(bugid),
   269                hgweb=self.ui.config('bugzilla', 'hgweb'),
   270                root=self.repo.root,
   271                webroot=webroot(self.repo.root))
   272         self.add_comment(bugid, sio.getvalue(), templater.email(changes[1]))
   274 def hook(ui, repo, hooktype, node=None, **kwargs):
   275     '''add comment to bugzilla for each changeset that refers to a
   276     bugzilla bug id. only add a comment once per bug, so same change
   277     seen multiple times does not fill bug with duplicate data.'''
   278     if node is None:
   279         raise util.Abort(_('hook type %s does not pass a changeset id') %
   280                          hooktype)
   281     try:
   282         bz = bugzilla(ui, repo)
   283         bin_node = bin(node)
   284         changes = repo.changelog.read(bin_node)
   285         ids = bz.find_bug_ids(bin_node, changes[4])
   286         if ids:
   287             for id in ids:
   288                 bz.update(id, bin_node, changes)
   289             bz.notify(ids)
   290         return True
   291     except MySQLdb.MySQLError, err:
   292         raise util.Abort(_('database error: %s') % err[1])