changeset 3099 c27d1e1798a3
parent 3010 494521a3f142
child 3100 09e8aecd8016
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/tests/test-trusted.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Since it's not easy to write a test that portably deals
-# with files from different users/groups, we cheat a bit by
-# monkey-patching some functions in the util module
-import os
-from mercurial import ui, util
-hgrc = os.environ['HGRCPATH']
-def testui(user='foo', group='bar', tusers=(), tgroups=(),
-           cuser='foo', cgroup='bar'):
-    # user, group => owners of the file
-    # tusers, tgroups => trusted users/groups
-    # cuser, cgroup => user/group of the current process
-    # write a global hgrc with the list of trusted users/groups and
-    # some setting so that we can be sure it was read
-    f = open(hgrc, 'w')
-    f.write('[paths]\n')
-    f.write('global = /some/path\n\n')
-    if tusers or tgroups:
-        f.write('[trusted]\n')
-        if tusers:
-            f.write('users = %s\n' % ', '.join(tusers))
-        if tgroups:
-            f.write('groups = %s\n' % ', '.join(tgroups))
-    f.close()
-    # override the functions that give names to uids and gids
-    def username(uid=None):
-        if uid is None:
-            return cuser
-        return user
-    util.username = username
-    def groupname(gid=None):
-        if gid is None:
-            return 'bar'
-        return group
-    util.groupname = groupname
-    # try to read everything
-    #print '# File belongs to user %s, group %s' % (user, group)
-    #print '# trusted users = %s; trusted groups = %s' % (tusers, tgroups)
-    kind = ('different', 'same')
-    who = ('', 'user', 'group', 'user and the group')
-    trusted = who[(user in tusers) + 2*(group in tgroups)]
-    if trusted:
-        trusted = ', but we trust the ' + trusted
-    print '# %s user, %s group%s' % (kind[user == cuser], kind[group == cgroup],
-                                     trusted)
-    parentui = ui.ui()
-    u = ui.ui(parentui=parentui)
-    u.readconfig('.hg/hgrc')
-    for name, path in u.configitems('paths'):
-        print name, '=', path
-    print
-    return u
-f = open('.hg/hgrc', 'w')
-f.write('local = /another/path\n\n')
-#print '# Everything is run by user foo, group bar\n'
-# same user, same group
-# same user, different group
-# different user, same group
-# ... but we trust the group
-testui(user='abc', tgroups=['bar'])
-# different user, different group
-testui(user='abc', group='def')
-# ... but we trust the user
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['abc'])
-# ... but we trust the group
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tgroups=['def'])
-# ... but we trust the user and the group
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['abc'], tgroups=['def'])
-# ... but we trust all users
-print '# we trust all users'
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['*'])
-# ... but we trust all groups
-print '# we trust all groups'
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tgroups=['*'])
-# ... but we trust the whole universe
-print '# we trust all users and groups'
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['*'], tgroups=['*'])
-# ... check that users and groups are in different namespaces
-print "# we don't get confused by users and groups with the same name"
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['def'], tgroups=['abc'])
-# ... lists of user names work
-print "# list of user names"
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['foo', 'xyz', 'abc', 'bleh'],
-       tgroups=['bar', 'baz', 'qux'])
-# ... lists of group names work
-print "# list of group names"
-testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['foo', 'xyz', 'bleh'],
-       tgroups=['bar', 'def', 'baz', 'qux'])
-print "# Can't figure out the name of the user running this process"
-testui(user='abc', group='def', cuser=None)