view mercurial/ @ 174:23057dc57d1b

hg merge: abort if there are outstanding changes in the working directory We currently don't support merging from the tip into the working directory, so merge with outstanding local changes is asking for trouble.
date Thu, 26 May 2005 22:54:48 -0800
parents e6c621a825f2
children 697f05bfe976
line wrap: on
line source

import difflib, struct, mmap
from mercurial.mpatch import *

def unidiff(a, ad, b, bd, fn):
    if not a and not b: return ""
    a = a.splitlines(1)
    b = b.splitlines(1)
    l = list(difflib.unified_diff(a, b, "a/" + fn, "b/" + fn, ad, bd))

    for ln in xrange(len(l)):
        if l[ln][-1] != '\n':
            l[ln] += "\n\ No newline at end of file\n"

    return "".join(l)

def textdiff(a, b):
    return diff(a.splitlines(1), b.splitlines(1))

def sortdiff(a, b):
    la = lb = 0

    while 1:
        if la >= len(a) or lb >= len(b): break
        if b[lb] < a[la]:
            si = lb
            while lb < len(b) and b[lb] < a[la] : lb += 1
            yield "insert", la, la, si, lb
        elif a[la] < b[lb]:
            si = la
            while la < len(a) and a[la] < b[lb]: la += 1
            yield "delete", si, la, lb, lb
            la += 1
            lb += 1

    if lb < len(b):
        yield "insert", la, la, lb, len(b)

    if la < len(a):
        yield "delete", la, len(a), lb, lb

def diff(a, b, sorted=0):
    bin = []
    p = [0]
    for i in a: p.append(p[-1] + len(i))

    if sorted:
        d = sortdiff(a, b)
        d = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).get_opcodes()

    for o, m, n, s, t in d:
        if o == 'equal': continue
        s = "".join(b[s:t])
        bin.append(struct.pack(">lll", p[m], p[n], len(s)) + s)

    return "".join(bin)

def patchtext(bin):
    pos = 0
    t = []
    while pos < len(bin):
        p1, p2, l = struct.unpack(">lll", bin[pos:pos + 12])
        pos += 12
        t.append(bin[pos:pos + l])
        pos += l
    return "".join(t)

def patch(a, bin):
    return patches(a, [bin])