view mercurial/ @ 1562:2f97af0b522c

Fix walkhelper on windows. The ''seen'' dictionary stores paths in canonical form, so the walkhelp must also provide paths in that form, otherwise the changed files are listed twice.
author Christian Boos <>
date Thu, 01 Dec 2005 10:48:18 -0600
parents 2073e5a71008
children 7f12a63568ae
line wrap: on
line source

# - Helper module for identifing used modules.
# Used for the py2exe distutil.
# Copyright 2005 Volker Kleinfeld <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
import glob
import os
import sys
import demandload
import ihooks

requiredmodules = {} # Will contain the modules imported by demandload
def demandload(scope, modules):
    """ fake demandload function that collects the required modules """
    for m in modules.split():
        mod = None
        mod = __import__(m,scope,scope)
        scope[m] = mod
        requiredmodules[mod.__name__] = 1

def getmodules(libpath,packagename):
    """ helper for finding all required modules of package <packagename> """
    # Use the package in the build directory
    libpath = os.path.abspath(libpath)
    packdir = os.path.join(libpath,packagename)
    # A normal import would not find the package in
    # the build directory. ihook is used to force the import.
    # After the package is imported the import scope for
    # the following imports is settled.
    p = importfrom(packdir)
    globals()[packagename] = p
    sys.modules[packagename] = p
    # Fetch the python modules in the package
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    pymodulefiles = glob.glob('*.py')
    extmodulefiles = glob.glob('*.pyd')
    # Install a fake demandload module
    sys.modules['mercurial.demandload'] = sys.modules['mercurial.packagescan']
    # Import all python modules and by that run the fake demandload
    for m in pymodulefiles:
        if m == '': continue
        tmp = {}
        mname,ext = os.path.splitext(m)
        fullname = packagename+'.'+mname
        requiredmodules[fullname] = 1
    # Import all extension modules and by that run the fake demandload
    for m in extmodulefiles:
        tmp = {}
        mname,ext = os.path.splitext(m)
        fullname = packagename+'.'+mname
        requiredmodules[fullname] = 1
    includes = requiredmodules.keys()
    return includes

def importfrom(filename):
    import module/package from a named file and returns the module.
    It does not check on sys.modules or includes the module in the scope.
    loader = ihooks.BasicModuleLoader()
    path, file = os.path.split(filename)
    name, ext  = os.path.splitext(file)
    m = loader.find_module_in_dir(name, path)
    if not m:
        raise ImportError, name
    m = loader.load_module(name, m)
    return m