author Thomas Arendsen Hein <>
Sat, 04 Aug 2007 22:25:12 +0200
changeset 5067 3d35c8cb5eb4
parent 2350 091d555653a4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Simplify/correct finding the hg executable (fixes issue644) Simply use find_exe('hg') as the default value for $HG and require to manually set it if you have special requirements. While the default will not always be 100% correct (i.e. the identical hg version) for many users it is and for the others the hg executable found in the PATH should do most things correctly. Developers or other users with multiple installs can set $HG or run something like util.set_hgexecutable in their shell or python scripts. Additionally util.hgexecutable() is now available so extensions can access the value with a public interface, too.

*patchreview.txt* Vim global plugin for doing single or multipatch code reviews

            Author: Manpreet Singh (junkblocker-CAT-yahoo-DOG-com)
                    (Replace -CAT- and -DOG- with @ and . first)
            Copyright (C) 2006 by Manpreet Singh
            License : This file is placed in the public domain.


CONTENTS	                               *patchreview* *patchreview-contents*

  1. Contents.........................................: |patchreview-contents|
  2. Introduction.....................................: |patchreview-intro|
  3. PatchReview options..............................: |patchreview-options|
  4. PatchReview Usage................................: |patchreview-usage|
     4.1 PatchReview Usage............................: |:PatchReview|
     4.2 PatchReview Usage............................: |:PatchReviewCleanup|


PatchReview Introduction                                  *patchreview-intro*

The Patch Review plugin allows single or multipatch code review to be done in
VIM. VIM provides the |:diffpatch| command to do single file reviews but can
not handle patch files containing multiple patches as is common with software
development projects. This plugin provides that missing functionality. It also
tries to improve on |:diffpatch|'s behaviour of creating the patched files in
the same directory as original file which can lead to project workspace


PatchReview Options                                     *patchreview-options*

  g:patchreview_filterdiff : Optional path to filterdiff binary. PatchReview
                             tries to locate filterdiff on system path
                             automatically. If the binary is not on system
                             path, this option tell PatchReview the full path
                             to the binary.  This option, if specified,
                             overrides the default filterdiff binary on the

        (On Windows with Cygwin)

           let g:patchreview_filterdiff = 'c:\\cygwin\\bin\\filterdiff.exe'

        (On *nix systems)

           let g:patchreview_filterdiff = '/usr/bin/filterdiff'

  g:patchreview_patch      : Optional path to patch binary. PatchReview tries
                             to locate patch on system path automatically. If
                             the binary is not on system path, this option
                             tell PatchReview the full path to the binary.
                             This option, if specified, overrides the default
                             patch binary on the path.

        (On Windows with Cygwin)

           let g:patchreview_patch = 'c:\\cygwin\\bin\\patch.exe'

        (On *nix systems)

           let g:patchreview_patch = '/usr/bin/gpatch'

  g:patchreview_tmpdir : Optional path where the plugin can save temporary
                         files.  If this is not specified, the plugin tries to
                         use TMP, TEMP and TMPDIR environment variables in

        (On Windows)      let g:patchreview_tmpdir = 'c:\\tmp'
        (On *nix systems) let g:patchreview_tmpdir = '~/tmp'


PatchReview Usage                                          *patchreview-usage*

  :PatchReview patchfile_path [optional_source_directory]

    Perform a patch review in the current directory based on the supplied
    patchfile_path. If optional_source_directory is specified, patchreview is
    done on that directory. Othewise, the current directory is assumed to be
    the source directory.


    After you are done using the :PatchReview command, you can cleanup the
    temporary files in the temporary directory using this command.

vim: ft=help:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:tw=78:tw=78