author Edouard Gomez <>
Tue, 09 Aug 2005 09:36:34 -0800
changeset 859 6390c377a9e6
parent 582 df8a5a0098d4
child 1015 22571b8d35d3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Trap OSError when deleting env vars On the other OS, it seems that case insensitivity for environment vars can bite users when using some unknown combination of python 2.4.1 and win2kSP4+minsys (and probably other vversions of these softwares). The best way to avoid problems in those weird cases is to ignore OSError exception during env var deletion.

# - diff and patch routines for mercurial
# Copyright 2005 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

import difflib, struct, bdiff
from mpatch import *

def unidiff(a, ad, b, bd, fn, r=None):

    if not a and not b: return ""

    if a == None:
        b = b.splitlines(1)
        l1 = "--- %s\t%s\n" % ("/dev/null", ad)
        l2 = "+++ %s\t%s\n" % ("b/" + fn, bd)
        l3 = "@@ -0,0 +1,%d @@\n" % len(b)
        l = [l1, l2, l3] + ["+" + e for e in b]
    elif b == None:
        a = a.splitlines(1)
        l1 = "--- %s\t%s\n" % ("a/" + fn, ad)
        l2 = "+++ %s\t%s\n" % ("/dev/null", bd)
        l3 = "@@ -1,%d +0,0 @@\n" % len(a)
        l = [l1, l2, l3] + ["-" + e for e in a]
        a = a.splitlines(1)
        b = b.splitlines(1)
        l = list(difflib.unified_diff(a, b, "a/" + fn, "b/" + fn))
        if not l: return ""
        # difflib uses a space, rather than a tab
        l[0] = l[0][:-2] + "\t" + ad + "\n"
        l[1] = l[1][:-2] + "\t" + bd + "\n"

    for ln in xrange(len(l)):
        if l[ln][-1] != '\n':
            l[ln] += "\n\ No newline at end of file\n"

    if r:
        l.insert(0, "diff %s %s\n" %
                    (' '.join(["-r %s" % rev for rev in r]), fn))

    return "".join(l)

def sortdiff(a, b):
    la = lb = 0
    lena = len(a)
    lenb = len(b)

    while 1:
        am, bm, = la, lb

        # walk over matching lines
        while lb < lenb and la < lena and a[la] == b[lb] :
            la += 1
            lb += 1

        if la > am:
            yield (am, bm, la - am) # return a match

        # skip mismatched lines from b
        while la < lena and lb < lenb and b[lb] < a[la]:
            lb += 1

        if lb >= lenb:

        # skip mismatched lines from a
        while la < lena and lb < lenb and b[lb] > a[la]:
            la += 1

        if la >= lena:

    yield (lena, lenb, 0)

def diff(a, b, sorted=0):
    if not a:
        s = "".join(b)
        return s and (struct.pack(">lll", 0, 0, len(s)) + s)

    bin = []
    p = [0]
    for i in a: p.append(p[-1] + len(i))

    if sorted:
            d = sortdiff(a, b)
        d = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).get_matching_blocks()
    la = 0
    lb = 0
    for am, bm, size in d:
        s = "".join(b[lb:bm])
        if am > la or s:
            bin.append(struct.pack(">lll", p[la], p[am], len(s)) + s)
        la = am + size
        lb = bm + size

    return "".join(bin)

def patchtext(bin):
    pos = 0
    t = []
    while pos < len(bin):
        p1, p2, l = struct.unpack(">lll", bin[pos:pos + 12])
        pos += 12
        t.append(bin[pos:pos + l])
        pos += l
    return "".join(t)

def patch(a, bin):
    return patches(a, [bin])

textdiff = bdiff.bdiff