view contrib/vim/HGAnnotate.vim @ 2697:6c540dd14c38

mq: qpop should act like quilt pop qpop patchname would pop the named patch off the stack. This is slightly different from how quilt pop works. quilt pop pops everything up to the named patch.
author Chris Mason <>
date Thu, 27 Jul 2006 09:27:39 -0700
parents 61f2008cd6bf
line wrap: on
line source

" $Id: CVSAnnotate.vim,v 1.5 2002/10/01 21:34:02 rhiestan Exp $
" Vim syntax file
" Language:	CVS annotate output
" Maintainer:	Bob Hiestand <>
" Last Change:	$Date: 2002/10/01 21:34:02 $
" Remark:	Used by the cvscommand plugin.  Originally written by Mathieu
" Clabaut
if version < 600
  syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")

syn match cvsDate 	/\S\S\S \S\+ \d\+ \d\+:\d\+:\d\+ \d\+ [+-]\?\d\+/ contained
syn match cvsName  	/^\s*\S\+ / 		contained nextgroup=cvsVer
syn match cvsVer 	/\d\+ / 		contained nextgroup=cvsDate
syn region cvsHead 	start="^" end=":" 	contains=cvsVer,cvsName,cvsDate

if !exists("did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits")
let did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits = 1
hi link cvsText 	String
hi link cvsDate 	Comment
hi link cvsName	Type
hi link cvsVer	Statement

let b:current_syntax="CVSAnnotate"