author Bryan O'Sullivan <>
Fri, 29 Jul 2005 15:02:27 -0800
changeset 813 80fd2958235a
parent 812 b65af904d6d7
child 814 0902ffece4b4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adapt commit to use file matching code. The code is slightly complicated by the need to commit all outstanding changes in the repository if no file names are given (other commands operate on the current directory and its subdirectories in this case). localrepository.changes has acquired an optional match parameter, to let it filter out include/exclude options.

# - utility functions and platform specfic implementations
# Copyright 2005 K. Thananchayan <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

import os, errno
from demandload import *
demandload(globals(), "re")

def unique(g):
    seen = {}
    for f in g:
        if f not in seen:
            seen[f] = 1
            yield f

class CommandError(Exception): pass

def always(fn): return True
def never(fn): return False

def globre(pat, head = '^', tail = '$'):
    "convert a glob pattern into a regexp"
    i, n = 0, len(pat)
    res = ''
    group = False
    def peek(): return i < n and pat[i]
    while i < n:
        c = pat[i]
        i = i+1
        if c == '*':
            if peek() == '*':
                i += 1
                res += '.*'
                res += '[^/]*'
        elif c == '?':
            res += '.'
        elif c == '[':
            j = i
            if j < n and pat[j] in '!]':
                j += 1
            while j < n and pat[j] != ']':
                j += 1
            if j >= n:
                res += '\\['
                stuff = pat[i:j].replace('\\','\\\\')
                i = j + 1
                if stuff[0] == '!':
                    stuff = '^' + stuff[1:]
                elif stuff[0] == '^':
                    stuff = '\\' + stuff
                res = '%s[%s]' % (res, stuff)
        elif c == '{':
            group = True
            res += '(?:'
        elif c == '}' and group:
            res += ')'
            group = False
        elif c == ',' and group:
            res += '|'
            res += re.escape(c)
    return head + res + tail

_globchars = {'[': 1, '{': 1, '*': 1, '?': 1}

def matcher(cwd, names, inc, exc, head = ''):
    def patlike(name):
        for prefix in 're:', 'glob:', 'path:':
            if name.startswith(prefix): return True
        for c in name:
            if c in _globchars: return True

    def regex(name, tail):
        '''convert a pattern into a regular expression'''
        if name.startswith('re:'):
            return name[3:]
        elif name.startswith('path:'):
            return '^' + re.escape(name[5:]) + '$'
        elif name.startswith('glob:'):
            return head + globre(name[5:], '', tail)
        return head + globre(name, '', tail)

    cwdsep = cwd + os.sep

    def under(fn):
        """check if fn is under our cwd"""
        return not cwd or fn.startswith(cwdsep)

    def matchfn(pats, tail):
        """build a matching function from a set of patterns"""
        if pats:
            pat = '(?:%s)' % '|'.join([regex(p, tail) for p in pats])
            if cwd:
                pat = re.escape(cwdsep) + pat
            return re.compile(pat).match

    pats = filter(patlike, names)
    files = [n for n in names if not patlike(n)]
    if pats: plain = []
    elif cwd: plain = [cwdsep + f for f in files]
    else: plain = files
    patmatch = matchfn(pats, '$')
    filematch = matchfn(files, '(?:/|$)')
    incmatch = matchfn(inc, '(?:/|$)') or under
    excmatch = matchfn(exc, '(?:/|$)') or (lambda fn: False)

    return plain, lambda fn: (incmatch(fn) and not excmatch(fn) and
                              (fn.endswith('/') or
                               (not pats and not files) or
                               (pats and patmatch(fn)) or
                               (files and filematch(fn))))

def system(cmd, errprefix=None):
    """execute a shell command that must succeed"""
    rc = os.system(cmd)
    if rc:
        errmsg = "%s %s" % (os.path.basename(cmd.split(None, 1)[0]),
        if errprefix:
            errmsg = "%s: %s" % (errprefix, errmsg)
        raise CommandError(errmsg)

def rename(src, dst):
        os.rename(src, dst)
        os.rename(src, dst)

def copytree(src, dst, copyfile):
    """Copy a directory tree, files are copied using 'copyfile'."""
    names = os.listdir(src)

    for name in names:
        srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
        dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
        if os.path.isdir(srcname):
            copytree(srcname, dstname, copyfile)
        elif os.path.isfile(srcname):
            copyfile(srcname, dstname)
            raise IOError("Not a regular file: %r" % srcname)

def _makelock_file(info, pathname):
    ld =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_EXCL)
    os.write(ld, info)

def _readlock_file(pathname):
    return file(pathname).read()

# Platfor specific varients
if == 'nt':
    nulldev = 'NUL:'

    def is_exec(f, last):
        return last

    def set_exec(f, mode):

    def pconvert(path):
        return path.replace("\\", "/")

    makelock = _makelock_file
    readlock = _readlock_file

    def explain_exit(code):
        return "exited with status %d" % code, code

    nulldev = '/dev/null'

    def is_exec(f, last):
        return (os.stat(f).st_mode & 0100 != 0)

    def set_exec(f, mode):
        s = os.stat(f).st_mode
        if (s & 0100 != 0) == mode:
        if mode:
            # Turn on +x for every +r bit when making a file executable
            # and obey umask.
            umask = os.umask(0)
            os.chmod(f, s | (s & 0444) >> 2 & ~umask)
            os.chmod(f, s & 0666)

    def pconvert(path):
        return path

    def makelock(info, pathname):
            os.symlink(info, pathname)
        except OSError, why:
            if why.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                _makelock_file(info, pathname)

    def readlock(pathname):
            return os.readlink(pathname)
        except OSError, why:
            if why.errno == errno.EINVAL:
                return _readlock_file(pathname)

    def explain_exit(code):
        """return a 2-tuple (desc, code) describing a process's status"""
        if os.WIFEXITED(code):
            val = os.WEXITSTATUS(code)
            return "exited with status %d" % val, val
        elif os.WIFSIGNALED(code):
            val = os.WTERMSIG(code)
            return "killed by signal %d" % val, val
        elif os.WIFSTOPPED(code):
            val = os.STOPSIG(code)
            return "stopped by signal %d" % val, val
        raise ValueError("invalid exit code")