author Matt Mackall <>
Wed, 06 Jul 2005 22:20:12 -0800
changeset 635 85e2209d401c
parent 620 7369ec5d93f2
child 645 a55048b2ae3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Protocol switch from using generators to stream-like objects. This allows the the pull side to precisely control how much data is read so that another encapsulation layer is not needed. An http client gets a response with a finite size. Because ssh clients need to keep the stream open, we must not read more data than is sent in a response. But due to the streaming nature of the changegroup scheme, only the piece that's parsing the data knows how far it's allowed to read. This means the generator scheme isn't fine-grained enough. Instead we need file-like objects with a read(x) method. This switches everything for push/pull over to using file-like objects rather than generators.

# - web interface to a mercurial repository
# Copyright 21 May 2005 - (c) 2005 Jake Edge <>
# Copyright 2005 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

import os, cgi, time, re, difflib, sys, zlib
from mercurial.hg import *
from mercurial.ui import *

def templatepath():
    for f in "templates", "../templates":
        p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f)
        if os.path.isdir(p): return p

def age(t):
    def plural(t, c):
        if c == 1: return t
        return t + "s"
    def fmt(t, c):
        return "%d %s" % (c, plural(t, c))

    now = time.time()
    delta = max(1, int(now - t))

    scales = [["second", 1],
              ["minute", 60],
              ["hour", 3600],
              ["day", 3600 * 24],
              ["week", 3600 * 24 * 7],
              ["month", 3600 * 24 * 30],
              ["year", 3600 * 24 * 365]]


    for t, s in scales:
        n = delta / s
        if n >= 2 or s == 1: return fmt(t, n)

def nl2br(text):
    return text.replace('\n', '<br/>\n')

def obfuscate(text):
    return ''.join([ '&#%d;' % ord(c) for c in text ])

def up(p):
    if p[0] != "/": p = "/" + p
    if p[-1] == "/": p = p[:-1]
    up = os.path.dirname(p)
    if up == "/":
        return "/"
    return up + "/"

def httphdr(type):
    sys.stdout.write('Content-type: %s\n\n' % type)

def write(*things):
    for thing in things:
        if hasattr(thing, "__iter__"):
            for part in thing:

def template(tmpl, filters = {}, **map):
    while tmpl:
        m ="#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)((\|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)#", tmpl)
        if m:
            yield tmpl[:m.start(0)]
            v = map.get(, "")
            v = callable(v) and v() or v

            fl =
            if fl:
                for f in fl.split("|")[1:]:
                    v = filters[f](v)

            yield v
            tmpl = tmpl[m.end(0):]
            yield tmpl

class templater:
    def __init__(self, mapfile, filters = {}, defaults = {}):
        self.cache = {} = {}
        self.base = os.path.dirname(mapfile)
        self.filters = filters
        self.defaults = defaults

        for l in file(mapfile):
            m = re.match(r'(\S+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"$', l)
            if m:
                self.cache[] =
                m = re.match(r'(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)', l)
                if m:
          [] = os.path.join(self.base,
                    raise "unknown map entry '%s'"  % l

    def __call__(self, t, **map):
        m = self.defaults.copy()
            tmpl = self.cache[t]
        except KeyError:
            tmpl = self.cache[t] = file([t]).read()
        return template(tmpl, self.filters, **m)

def rfc822date(x):
    return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(x))

class hgweb:
    maxchanges = 10
    maxfiles = 10

    def __init__(self, path, name, templates = ""):
        self.templates = templates or templatepath()
        self.reponame = name
        self.path = path
        self.mtime = -1
        self.viewonly = 0

        self.filters = {
            "escape": cgi.escape,
            "age": age,
            "date": (lambda x: time.asctime(time.gmtime(x))),
            "addbreaks": nl2br,
            "obfuscate": obfuscate,
            "short": (lambda x: x[:12]),
            "firstline": (lambda x: x.splitlines(1)[0]),
            "permissions": (lambda x: x and "-rwxr-xr-x" or "-rw-r--r--"),
            "rfc822date": rfc822date,

    def refresh(self):
        s = os.stat(os.path.join(self.path, ".hg", "00changelog.i"))
        if s.st_mtime != self.mtime:
            self.mtime = s.st_mtime
            self.repo = repository(ui(), self.path)

    def date(self, cs):
        return time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(cs[2].split(' ')[0])))

    def listfiles(self, files, mf):
        for f in files[:self.maxfiles]:
            yield self.t("filenodelink", node = hex(mf[f]), file = f)
        if len(files) > self.maxfiles:
            yield self.t("fileellipses")

    def listfilediffs(self, files, changeset):
        for f in files[:self.maxfiles]:
            yield self.t("filedifflink", node = hex(changeset), file = f)
        if len(files) > self.maxfiles:
            yield self.t("fileellipses")

    def parents(self, t1, nodes=[], rev=None,**args):
        if not rev: rev = lambda x: ""
        for node in nodes:
            if node != nullid:
                yield self.t(t1, node = hex(node), rev = rev(node), **args)

    def showtag(self, t1, node=nullid, **args):
        for t in self.repo.nodetags(node):
             yield self.t(t1, tag = t, **args)

    def diff(self, node1, node2, files):
        def filterfiles(list, files):
            l = [ x for x in list if x in files ]

            for f in files:
                if f[-1] != os.sep: f += os.sep
                l += [ x for x in list if x.startswith(f) ]
            return l

        parity = [0]
        def diffblock(diff, f, fn):
            yield self.t("diffblock",
                         lines = prettyprintlines(diff),
                         parity = parity[0],
                         file = f,
                         filenode = hex(fn or nullid))
            parity[0] = 1 - parity[0]

        def prettyprintlines(diff):
            for l in diff.splitlines(1):
                if l.startswith('+'):
                    yield self.t("difflineplus", line = l)
                elif l.startswith('-'):
                    yield self.t("difflineminus", line = l)
                elif l.startswith('@'):
                    yield self.t("difflineat", line = l)
                    yield self.t("diffline", line = l)

        r = self.repo
        cl = r.changelog
        mf = r.manifest
        change1 =
        change2 =
        mmap1 =[0])
        mmap2 =[0])
        date1 =
        date2 =

        c, a, d, u = r.changes(node1, node2)
        c, a, d = map(lambda x: filterfiles(x, files), (c, a, d))

        for f in c:
            to = r.file(f).read(mmap1[f])
            tn = r.file(f).read(mmap2[f])
            yield diffblock(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f), f, tn)
        for f in a:
            to = None
            tn = r.file(f).read(mmap2[f])
            yield diffblock(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f), f, tn)
        for f in d:
            to = r.file(f).read(mmap1[f])
            tn = None
            yield diffblock(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f), f, tn)

    def header(self):
        yield self.t("header")

    def footer(self):
        yield self.t("footer")

    def changelog(self, pos):
        def changenav():
            def seq(factor = 1):
                yield 1 * factor
                yield 3 * factor
                #yield 5 * factor
                for f in seq(factor * 10):
                    yield f

            l = []
            for f in seq():
                if f < self.maxchanges / 2: continue
                if f > count: break
                r = "%d" % f
                if pos + f < count: l.append(("+" + r, pos + f))
                if pos - f >= 0: l.insert(0, ("-" + r, pos - f))

            yield self.t("naventry", rev = 0, label="(0)")

            for label, rev in l:
                yield self.t("naventry", label = label, rev = rev)

            yield self.t("naventry", label="tip")

        def changelist():
            parity = (start - end) & 1
            cl = self.repo.changelog
            l = [] # build a list in forward order for efficiency
            for i in range(start, end):
                n = cl.node(i)
                changes =
                hn = hex(n)
                t = float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])

                l.insert(0, self.t(
                    parity = parity,
                    author = changes[1],
                    parent = self.parents("changelogparent",
                                          cl.parents(n), cl.rev),
                    changelogtag = self.showtag("changelogtag",n),
                    manifest = hex(changes[0]),
                    desc = changes[4],
                    date = t,
                    files = self.listfilediffs(changes[3], n),
                    rev = i,
                    node = hn))
                parity = 1 - parity

            yield l

        cl = self.repo.changelog
        mf =[0]
        count = cl.count()
        start = max(0, pos - self.maxchanges + 1)
        end = min(count, start + self.maxchanges)
        pos = end - 1

        yield self.t('changelog',
                     changenav = changenav,
                     manifest = hex(mf),
                     rev = pos, changesets = count, entries = changelist)

    def search(self, query):

        def changelist():
            cl = self.repo.changelog
            count = 0
            qw = query.lower().split()

            def revgen():
                for i in range(cl.count() - 1, 0, -100):
                    l = []
                    for j in range(max(0, i - 100), i):
                        n = cl.node(j)
                        changes =
                        l.insert(0, (n, j, changes))
                    for e in l:
                        yield e

            for n, i, changes in revgen():
                miss = 0
                for q in qw:
                    if not (q in changes[1].lower() or
                            q in changes[4].lower() or
                            q in " ".join(changes[3][:20]).lower()):
                        miss = 1
                if miss: continue

                count += 1
                hn = hex(n)
                t = float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])

                yield self.t(
                    parity = count & 1,
                    author = changes[1],
                    parent = self.parents("changelogparent",
                                          cl.parents(n), cl.rev),
                    changelogtag = self.showtag("changelogtag",n),
                    manifest = hex(changes[0]),
                    desc = changes[4],
                    date = t,
                    files = self.listfilediffs(changes[3], n),
                    rev = i,
                    node = hn)

                if count >= self.maxchanges: break

        cl = self.repo.changelog
        mf =[0]

        yield self.t('search',
                     query = query,
                     manifest = hex(mf),
                     entries = changelist)

    def changeset(self, nodeid):
        n = bin(nodeid)
        cl = self.repo.changelog
        changes =
        p1 = cl.parents(n)[0]
        t = float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])

        files = []
        mf =[0])
        for f in changes[3]:
                                filenode = hex(mf.get(f, nullid)), file = f))

        def diff():
            yield self.diff(p1, n, changes[3])

        yield self.t('changeset',
                     diff = diff,
                     rev = cl.rev(n),
                     node = nodeid,
                     parent = self.parents("changesetparent",
                                           cl.parents(n), cl.rev),
                     changesettag = self.showtag("changesettag",n),
                     manifest = hex(changes[0]),
                     author = changes[1],
                     desc = changes[4],
                     date = t,
                     files = files)

    def filelog(self, f, filenode):
        cl = self.repo.changelog
        fl = self.repo.file(f)
        count = fl.count()

        def entries():
            l = []
            parity = (count - 1) & 1

            for i in range(count):

                n = fl.node(i)
                lr = fl.linkrev(n)
                cn = cl.node(lr)
                cs =
                t = float(cs[2].split(' ')[0])

                l.insert(0, self.t("filelogentry",
                                   parity = parity,
                                   filenode = hex(n),
                                   filerev = i,
                                   file = f,
                                   node = hex(cn),
                                   author = cs[1],
                                   date = t,
                                   parent = self.parents("filelogparent",
                                       fl.parents(n), fl.rev, file=f),
                                   desc = cs[4]))
                parity = 1 - parity

            yield l

        yield self.t("filelog",
                     file = f,
                     filenode = filenode,
                     entries = entries)

    def filerevision(self, f, node):
        fl = self.repo.file(f)
        n = bin(node)
        text =
        changerev = fl.linkrev(n)
        cl = self.repo.changelog
        cn = cl.node(changerev)
        cs =
        t = float(cs[2].split(' ')[0])
        mfn = cs[0]

        def lines():
            for l, t in enumerate(text.splitlines(1)):
                yield self.t("fileline", line = t,
                             linenumber = "% 6d" % (l + 1),
                             parity = l & 1)

        yield self.t("filerevision", file = f,
                     filenode = node,
                     path = up(f),
                     text = lines(),
                     rev = changerev,
                     node = hex(cn),
                     manifest = hex(mfn),
                     author = cs[1],
                     date = t,
                     parent = self.parents("filerevparent",
                                           fl.parents(n), fl.rev, file=f),
                     permissions = self.repo.manifest.readflags(mfn)[f])

    def fileannotate(self, f, node):
        bcache = {}
        ncache = {}
        fl = self.repo.file(f)
        n = bin(node)
        changerev = fl.linkrev(n)

        cl = self.repo.changelog
        cn = cl.node(changerev)
        cs =
        t = float(cs[2].split(' ')[0])
        mfn = cs[0]

        def annotate():
            parity = 1
            last = None
            for r, l in fl.annotate(n):
                    cnode = ncache[r]
                except KeyError:
                    cnode = ncache[r] = self.repo.changelog.node(r)

                    name = bcache[r]
                except KeyError:
                    cl =
                    name = cl[1]
                    f = name.find('@')
                    if f >= 0:
                        name = name[:f]
                    f = name.find('<')
                    if f >= 0:
                        name = name[f+1:]
                    bcache[r] = name

                if last != cnode:
                    parity = 1 - parity
                    last = cnode

                yield self.t("annotateline",
                             parity = parity,
                             node = hex(cnode),
                             rev = r,
                             author = name,
                             file = f,
                             line = l)

        yield self.t("fileannotate",
                     file = f,
                     filenode = node,
                     annotate = annotate,
                     path = up(f),
                     rev = changerev,
                     node = hex(cn),
                     manifest = hex(mfn),
                     author = cs[1],
                     date = t,
                     parent = self.parents("fileannotateparent",
                                           fl.parents(n), fl.rev, file=f),
                     permissions = self.repo.manifest.readflags(mfn)[f])

    def manifest(self, mnode, path):
        mf =
        rev = self.repo.manifest.rev(bin(mnode))
        node = self.repo.changelog.node(rev)

        files = {}

        p = path[1:]
        l = len(p)

        for f,n in mf.items():
            if f[:l] != p:
            remain = f[l:]
            if "/" in remain:
                short = remain[:remain.find("/") + 1] # bleah
                files[short] = (f, None)
                short = os.path.basename(remain)
                files[short] = (f, n)

        def filelist():
            parity = 0
            fl = files.keys()
            for f in fl:
                full, fnode = files[f]
                if fnode:
                    yield self.t("manifestfileentry",
                                 file = full,
                                 manifest = mnode,
                                 filenode = hex(fnode),
                                 parity = parity,
                                 basename = f,
                                 permissions = mff[full])
                    yield self.t("manifestdirentry",
                                 parity = parity,
                                 path = os.path.join(path, f),
                                 manifest = mnode, basename = f[:-1])
                parity = 1 - parity

        yield self.t("manifest",
                     manifest = mnode,
                     rev = rev,
                     node = hex(node),
                     path = path,
                     up = up(path),
                     entries = filelist)

    def tags(self):
        cl = self.repo.changelog
        mf =[0]

        i = self.repo.tagslist()

        def entries():
            parity = 0
            for k,n in i:
                yield self.t("tagentry",
                             parity = parity,
                             tag = k,
                             node = hex(n))
                parity = 1 - parity

        yield self.t("tags",
                     manifest = hex(mf),
                     entries = entries)

    def filediff(self, file, changeset):
        n = bin(changeset)
        cl = self.repo.changelog
        p1 = cl.parents(n)[0]
        cs =
        mf =[0])

        def diff():
            yield self.diff(p1, n, file)

        yield self.t("filediff",
                     file = file,
                     filenode = hex(mf.get(file, nullid)),
                     node = changeset,
                     rev = self.repo.changelog.rev(n),
                     parent = self.parents("filediffparent",
                              cl.parents(n), cl.rev),
                     diff = diff)

    # add tags to things
    # tags -> list of changesets corresponding to tags
    # find tag, changeset, file

    def run(self):
        args = cgi.parse()

        m = os.path.join(self.templates, "map")
        if args.has_key('style'):
            b = os.path.basename("map-" + args['style'][0])
            p = os.path.join(self.templates, b)
            if os.path.isfile(p): m = p

        port = os.environ["SERVER_PORT"]
        port = port != "80" and (":" + port) or ""
        uri = os.environ["REQUEST_URI"]
        if "?" in uri: uri = uri.split("?")[0]
        url = "http://%s%s%s" % (os.environ["SERVER_NAME"], port, uri)

        self.t = templater(m, self.filters,

        if not args.has_key('cmd') or args['cmd'][0] == 'changelog':
            c = self.repo.changelog.count() - 1
            hi = c
            if args.has_key('rev'):
                hi = args['rev'][0]
                    hi = self.repo.changelog.rev(self.repo.lookup(hi))
                except KeyError:


        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'changeset':

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'manifest':
            write(self.manifest(args['manifest'][0], args['path'][0]))

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'tags':

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'filediff':
            write(self.filediff(args['file'][0], args['node'][0]))

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'file':
            write(self.filerevision(args['file'][0], args['filenode'][0]))

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'annotate':
            write(self.fileannotate(args['file'][0], args['filenode'][0]))

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'filelog':
            write(self.filelog(args['file'][0], args['filenode'][0]))

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'heads':
            h = self.repo.heads()
            sys.stdout.write(" ".join(map(hex, h)) + "\n")

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'branches':
            nodes = []
            if args.has_key('nodes'):
                nodes = map(bin, args['nodes'][0].split(" "))
            for b in self.repo.branches(nodes):
                sys.stdout.write(" ".join(map(hex, b)) + "\n")

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'between':
            nodes = []
            if args.has_key('pairs'):
                pairs = [ map(bin, p.split("-"))
                          for p in args['pairs'][0].split(" ") ]
            for b in self.repo.between(pairs):
                sys.stdout.write(" ".join(map(hex, b)) + "\n")

        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'changegroup':
            nodes = []
            if self.viewonly:

            if args.has_key('roots'):
                nodes = map(bin, args['roots'][0].split(" "))

            z = zlib.compressobj()
            f = self.repo.changegroup(nodes)
            while 1:
                chunk =
                if not chunk: break



def create_server(path, name, templates, address, port,
                  accesslog = sys.stdout, errorlog = sys.stderr):

    import BaseHTTPServer

    class hgwebhandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
        def log_error(self, format, *args):
            errorlog.write("%s - - [%s] %s\n" % (self.address_string(),
                                                 format % args))
        def log_message(self, format, *args):
            accesslog.write("%s - - [%s] %s\n" % (self.address_string(),
                                                  format % args))

        def do_POST(self):
            except socket.error, inst:
                if inst.args[0] != 32: raise

        def do_GET(self):

        def do_hgweb(self):
            query = ""
            p = self.path.find("?")
            if p:
                query = self.path[p + 1:]
                query = query.replace('+', ' ')

            env = {}
            env['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'] = 'CGI/1.1'
            env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = self.command
            env['SERVER_NAME'] = self.server.server_name
            env['SERVER_PORT'] = str(self.server.server_port)
            env['REQUEST_URI'] = "/"
            if query:
                env['QUERY_STRING'] = query
            host = self.address_string()
            if host != self.client_address[0]:
                env['REMOTE_HOST'] = host
                env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = self.client_address[0]

            if self.headers.typeheader is None:
                env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.headers.type
                env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.headers.typeheader
            length = self.headers.getheader('content-length')
            if length:
                env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = length
            accept = []
            for line in self.headers.getallmatchingheaders('accept'):
                if line[:1] in "\t\n\r ":
                    accept = accept + line[7:].split(',')
            env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = ','.join(accept)


            save = sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr
                sys.stdin = self.rfile
                sys.stdout = self.wfile
                sys.argv = [""]
                if '=' not in query:
                self.send_response(200, "Script output follows")
                sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = save

    hg = hgweb(path, name, templates)
    return BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer((address, port), hgwebhandler)

def server(path, name, templates, address, port,
           accesslog = sys.stdout, errorlog = sys.stderr):
    httpd = create_server(path, name, templates, address, port,
                          accesslog, errorlog)