view mercurial/ @ 5378:8a2915f57dfc

convert: add a mode where mercurial_sink skips empty revisions. The getchanges function of some converter_source classes can return some false positives. I.e. they sometimes claim that a file "foo" was changed in some revision, even though its contents are still the same. convert_svn is particularly bad, but I think this can also happen with convert_cvs and, at least in theory, with mercurial_source. For regular conversions this is not really a problem - as long as getfile returns the right contents, we'll get a converted revision with the right contents. But when we use --filemap, this could lead to superfluous revisions being converted. Instead of fixing every converter_source, I decided to change mercurial_sink to work around this problem. When --filemap is used, we're interested only in revisions that touch some specific files. If a revision doesn't change any of these files, then we're not interested in it (at least for revisions with a single parent; merges are special). For mercurial_sink, we abuse this property and rollback a commit if the manifest text hasn't changed. This avoids duplicating the logic from localrepo.filecommit to detect unchanged files.
author Alexis S. L. Carvalho <>
date Thu, 04 Oct 2007 23:21:37 -0300
parents 0bbd86b847dd
line wrap: on
line source

# - global demand-loading of modules for Mercurial
# Copyright 2006, 2007 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

demandimport - automatic demandloading of modules

To enable this module, do:

  import demandimport; demandimport.enable()

Imports of the following forms will be demand-loaded:

  import a, b.c
  import a.b as c
  from a import b,c # a will be loaded immediately

These imports will not be delayed:

  from a import *
  b = __import__(a)

_origimport = __import__

class _demandmod(object):
    """module demand-loader and proxy"""
    def __init__(self, name, globals, locals):
        if '.' in name:
            head, rest = name.split('.', 1)
            after = [rest]
            head = name
            after = []
        object.__setattr__(self, "_data", (head, globals, locals, after))
        object.__setattr__(self, "_module", None)
    def _extend(self, name):
        """add to the list of submodules to load"""
    def _load(self):
        if not self._module:
            head, globals, locals, after = self._data
            mod = _origimport(head, globals, locals)
            # load submodules
            def subload(mod, p):
                h, t = p, None
                if '.' in p:
                    h, t = p.split('.', 1)
                if not hasattr(mod, h):
                    setattr(mod, h, _demandmod(p, mod.__dict__, mod.__dict__))
                elif t:
                    subload(getattr(mod, h), t)

            for x in after:
                subload(mod, x)

            # are we in the locals dictionary still?
            if locals and locals.get(head) == self:
                locals[head] = mod
            object.__setattr__(self, "_module", mod)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._module:
            return "<proxied module '%s'>" % self._data[0]
        return "<unloaded module '%s'>" % self._data[0]
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise TypeError("'unloaded module' object is not callable")
    def __getattribute__(self, attr):
        if attr in ('_data', '_extend', '_load', '_module'):
            return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
        return getattr(self._module, attr)
    def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
        setattr(self._module, attr, val)

def _demandimport(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
    if not locals or name in ignore or fromlist == ('*',):
        # these cases we can't really delay
        return _origimport(name, globals, locals, fromlist)
    elif not fromlist:
        # import a [as b]
        if '.' in name: # a.b
            base, rest = name.split('.', 1)
            # email.__init__ loading email.mime
            if globals and globals.get('__name__', None) == base:
                return _origimport(name, globals, locals, fromlist)
            # if a is already demand-loaded, add b to its submodule list
            if base in locals:
                if isinstance(locals[base], _demandmod):
                return locals[base]
        return _demandmod(name, globals, locals)
        # from a import b,c,d
        mod = _origimport(name, globals, locals)
        # recurse down the module chain
        for comp in name.split('.')[1:]:
            if not hasattr(mod, comp):
                setattr(mod, comp, _demandmod(comp, mod.__dict__, mod.__dict__))
            mod = getattr(mod, comp)
        for x in fromlist:
            # set requested submodules for demand load
            if not(hasattr(mod, x)):
                setattr(mod, x, _demandmod(x, mod.__dict__, locals))
        return mod

ignore = [
    # imported by tarfile, not available under Windows
    # imported by profile, itself imported by hotshot.stats,
    # not available under Windows

def enable():
    "enable global demand-loading of modules"
    __builtins__["__import__"] = _demandimport

def disable():
    "disable global demand-loading of modules"
    __builtins__["__import__"] = _origimport