view mercurial/ @ 2434:a2df85adface

http server: support persistent connections. only "hg serve" affected yet. http server running cgi script will not use persistent connections. support for fastcgi will help that. clients that support keepalive can use one tcp connection for all commands during clone and pull. this makes latency of binary search during pull much lower over wan. if server does not know content-length, it will force connection to close at end. right fix is to use chunked transfer-encoding but this is easier and does not hurt performance. only command that is affected is "changegroup" which is always last command during a pull.
author Vadim Gelfer <>
date Thu, 15 Jun 2006 12:55:58 -0700
parents 3f24bc5dee81
children ff2bac730b99
line wrap: on
line source

# - HTTP repository proxy classes for mercurial
# Copyright 2005 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

from node import *
from remoterepo import *
from i18n import gettext as _
from demandload import *
demandload(globals(), "hg os urllib urllib2 urlparse zlib util httplib")

class passwordmgr(urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr):
    def __init__(self, ui):
        self.ui = ui

    def find_user_password(self, realm, authuri):
        authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr.find_user_password(
            self, realm, authuri)
        if authinfo != (None, None):
            return authinfo

        if not ui.interactive:
            raise util.Abort(_('http authorization required'))

        self.ui.write(_("http authorization required\n"))
        self.ui.status(_("realm: %s\n") % realm)
        user = self.ui.prompt(_("user:"), default=None)
        passwd = self.ui.getpass()

        self.add_password(realm, authuri, user, passwd)
        return (user, passwd)

def netlocsplit(netloc):
    '''split [user[:passwd]@]host[:port] into 4-tuple.'''

    a = netloc.find('@')
    if a == -1:
        user, passwd = None, None
        userpass, netloc = netloc[:a], netloc[a+1:]
        c = userpass.find(':')
        if c == -1:
            user, passwd = urllib.unquote(userpass), None
            user = urllib.unquote(userpass[:c])
            passwd = urllib.unquote(userpass[c+1:])
    c = netloc.find(':')
    if c == -1:
        host, port = netloc, None
        host, port = netloc[:c], netloc[c+1:]
    return host, port, user, passwd

def netlocunsplit(host, port, user=None, passwd=None):
    '''turn host, port, user, passwd into [user[:passwd]@]host[:port].'''
    if port:
        hostport = host + ':' + port
        hostport = host
    if user:
        if passwd:
            userpass = urllib.quote(user) + ':' + urllib.quote(passwd)
            userpass = urllib.quote(user)
        return userpass + '@' + hostport
    return hostport

class httprepository(remoterepository):
    def __init__(self, ui, path):
        scheme, netloc, urlpath, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(path)
        if query or frag:
            raise util.Abort(_('unsupported URL component: "%s"') %
                             (query or frag))
        if not urlpath: urlpath = '/'
        host, port, user, passwd = netlocsplit(netloc)

        # urllib cannot handle URLs with embedded user or passwd
        self.url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netlocunsplit(host, port),
                                        urlpath, '', ''))
        self.ui = ui

        proxyurl = ui.config("http_proxy", "host") or os.getenv('http_proxy')
        proxyauthinfo = None
        handler = urllib2.BaseHandler()

        if proxyurl:
            # proxy can be proper url or host[:port]
            if not (proxyurl.startswith('http:') or
                proxyurl = 'http://' + proxyurl + '/'
            snpqf = urlparse.urlsplit(proxyurl)
            proxyscheme, proxynetloc, proxypath, proxyquery, proxyfrag = snpqf
            hpup = netlocsplit(proxynetloc)

            proxyhost, proxyport, proxyuser, proxypasswd = hpup
            if not proxyuser:
                proxyuser = ui.config("http_proxy", "user")
                proxypasswd = ui.config("http_proxy", "passwd")

            # see if we should use a proxy for this url
            no_list = [ "localhost", "" ]
            no_list.extend([p.strip().lower() for
                            p in ui.config("http_proxy", "no", '').split(',')
                            if p.strip()])
            no_list.extend([p.strip().lower() for
                            p in os.getenv("no_proxy", '').split(',')
                            if p.strip()])
            # "http_proxy.always" config is for running tests on localhost
            if (not ui.configbool("http_proxy", "always") and
                host.lower() in no_list):
                ui.debug(_('disabling proxy for %s\n') % host)
                proxyurl = urlparse.urlunsplit((
                    proxyscheme, netlocunsplit(proxyhost, proxyport,
                                               proxyuser, proxypasswd or ''),
                    proxypath, proxyquery, proxyfrag))
                handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({scheme: proxyurl})
                ui.debug(_('proxying through %s\n') % proxyurl)

        # urllib2 takes proxy values from the environment and those
        # will take precedence if found, so drop them
        for env in ["HTTP_PROXY", "http_proxy", "no_proxy"]:
                if os.environ.has_key(env):
                    del os.environ[env]
            except OSError:

        passmgr = passwordmgr(ui)
        if user:
            ui.debug(_('will use user %s for http auth\n') % user)
            passmgr.add_password(None, host, user, passwd or '')

        opener = urllib2.build_opener(

        # 1.0 here is the _protocol_ version
        opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'mercurial/proto-1.0')]

    def dev(self):
        return -1

    def lock(self):
        raise util.Abort(_('operation not supported over http'))

    def do_cmd(self, cmd, **args):
        self.ui.debug(_("sending %s command\n") % cmd)
        q = {"cmd": cmd}
        qs = urllib.urlencode(q)
        cu = "%s?%s" % (self.url, qs)
            resp = urllib2.urlopen(cu)
        except httplib.HTTPException, inst:
            self.ui.debug(_('http error while sending %s command\n') % cmd)
            raise IOError(None, inst)
        proto = resp.headers['content-type']

        # accept old "text/plain" and "application/hg-changegroup" for now
        if not proto.startswith('application/mercurial') and \
               not proto.startswith('text/plain') and \
               not proto.startswith('application/hg-changegroup'):
            raise hg.RepoError(_("'%s' does not appear to be an hg repository") %

        if proto.startswith('application/mercurial'):
            version = proto[22:]
            if float(version) > 0.1:
                raise hg.RepoError(_("'%s' uses newer protocol %s") %
                                   (self.url, version))

        return resp

    def heads(self):
        d = self.do_cmd("heads").read()
            return map(bin, d[:-1].split(" "))
            self.ui.warn(_("unexpected response:\n") + d[:400] + "\n...\n")

    def branches(self, nodes):
        n = " ".join(map(hex, nodes))
        d = self.do_cmd("branches", nodes=n).read()
            br = [ tuple(map(bin, b.split(" "))) for b in d.splitlines() ]
            return br
            self.ui.warn(_("unexpected response:\n") + d[:400] + "\n...\n")

    def between(self, pairs):
        n = "\n".join(["-".join(map(hex, p)) for p in pairs])
        d = self.do_cmd("between", pairs=n).read()
            p = [ l and map(bin, l.split(" ")) or [] for l in d.splitlines() ]
            return p
            self.ui.warn(_("unexpected response:\n") + d[:400] + "\n...\n")

    def changegroup(self, nodes, kind):
        n = " ".join(map(hex, nodes))
        f = self.do_cmd("changegroup", roots=n)
        bytes = 0

        def zgenerator(f):
            zd = zlib.decompressobj()
                for chnk in f:
                    yield zd.decompress(chnk)
            except httplib.HTTPException, inst:
                raise IOError(None, _('connection ended unexpectedly'))
            yield zd.flush()

        return util.chunkbuffer(zgenerator(util.filechunkiter(f)))

class httpsrepository(httprepository):