author Vadim Gelfer <>
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 10:27:16 -0800
changeset 2019 ced2d3620f95
parent 2001 a439b7b51530
child 2189 e3eba577a0ae
permissions -rw-r--r--
add merge command. means same thing as "update -m". repo.addchangegroup method now returns number of heads modified and added, so command line can tell whether update or merge needed. this makes tiny change to ssh wire protocol, but change is backwards compatible. pull command now returns 0 if no changes to pull.

# - template expansion for output
# Copyright 2005, 2006 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

import re
from demandload import demandload
from i18n import gettext as _
demandload(globals(), "cStringIO cgi re sys os time urllib util textwrap")

esctable = {
    '\\': '\\',
    'r': '\r',
    't': '\t',
    'n': '\n',
    'v': '\v',

def parsestring(s, quoted=True):
    '''parse a string using simple c-like syntax.
    string must be in quotes if quoted is True.'''
    fp = cStringIO.StringIO()
    if quoted:
        first = s[0]
        if len(s) < 2: raise SyntaxError(_('string too short'))
        if first not in "'\"": raise SyntaxError(_('invalid quote'))
        if s[-1] != first: raise SyntaxError(_('unmatched quotes'))
        s = s[1:-1]
    escape = False
    for c in s:
        if escape:
            fp.write(esctable.get(c, c))
            escape = False
        elif c == '\\': escape = True
        elif quoted and c == first: raise SyntaxError(_('string ends early'))
        else: fp.write(c)
    if escape: raise SyntaxError(_('unterminated escape'))
    return fp.getvalue()

class templater(object):
    '''template expansion engine.

    template expansion works like this. a map file contains key=value
    pairs. if value is quoted, it is treated as string. otherwise, it
    is treated as name of template file.

    templater is asked to expand a key in map. it looks up key, and
    looks for atrings like this: {foo}. it expands {foo} by looking up
    foo in map, and substituting it. expansion is recursive: it stops
    when there is no more {foo} to replace.

    expansion also allows formatting and filtering.

    format uses key to expand each item in list. syntax is

    filter uses function to transform value. syntax is

    def __init__(self, mapfile, filters={}, defaults={}, cache={}):
        '''set up template engine.
        mapfile is name of file to read map definitions from.
        filters is dict of functions. each transforms a value into another.
        defaults is dict of default map definitions.'''
        self.mapfile = mapfile or 'template'
        self.cache = cache.copy() = {}
        self.base = (mapfile and os.path.dirname(mapfile)) or ''
        self.filters = filters
        self.defaults = defaults

        if not mapfile:
        i = 0
        for l in file(mapfile):
            l = l.strip()
            i += 1
            if not l or l[0] in '#;': continue
            m = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*(.+)$', l)
            if m:
                key, val = m.groups()
                if val[0] in "'\"":
                        self.cache[key] = parsestring(val)
                    except SyntaxError, inst:
                        raise SyntaxError('%s:%s: %s' %
                                          (mapfile, i, inst.args[0]))
          [key] = os.path.join(self.base, val)
                raise SyntaxError(_("%s:%s: parse error") % (mapfile, i))

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.cache

    def __call__(self, t, **map):
        '''perform expansion.
        t is name of map element to expand.
        map is added elements to use during expansion.'''
        m = self.defaults.copy()
            tmpl = self.cache[t]
        except KeyError:
                tmpl = self.cache[t] = file([t]).read()
            except IOError, inst:
                raise IOError(inst.args[0], _('template file %s: %s') %
                              ([t], inst.args[1]))
        return self.template(tmpl, self.filters, **m)

    template_re = re.compile(r"[#{]([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)"

    def template(self, tmpl, filters={}, **map):
        lm = map.copy()
        while tmpl:
            m =
            if m:
                start, end = m.span(0)
                s, e = tmpl[start], tmpl[end - 1]
                key =
                if ((s == '#' and e != '#') or (s == '{' and e != '}')):
                    raise SyntaxError(_("'%s'/'%s' mismatch expanding '%s'") %
                                      (s, e, key))
                if start:
                    yield tmpl[:start]
                v = map.get(key, "")
                v = callable(v) and v(**map) or v

                format =
                fl =

                if format:
                    q = v.__iter__
                    for i in q():
                        yield self(format[1:], **lm)

                    v = ""

                elif fl:
                    for f in fl.split("|")[1:]:
                        v = filters[f](v)

                yield v
                tmpl = tmpl[end:]
                yield tmpl

agescales = [("second", 1),
             ("minute", 60),
             ("hour", 3600),
             ("day", 3600 * 24),
             ("week", 3600 * 24 * 7),
             ("month", 3600 * 24 * 30),
             ("year", 3600 * 24 * 365)]


def age(date):
    '''turn a (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into an age string.'''

    def plural(t, c):
        if c == 1:
            return t
        return t + "s"
    def fmt(t, c):
        return "%d %s" % (c, plural(t, c))

    now = time.time()
    then = date[0]
    delta = max(1, int(now - then))

    for t, s in agescales:
        n = delta / s
        if n >= 2 or s == 1:
            return fmt(t, n)

def stringify(thing):
    '''turn nested template iterator into string.'''
    cs = cStringIO.StringIO()
    def walk(things):
        for t in things:
            if hasattr(t, '__iter__'):
    return cs.getvalue()

para_re = re.compile('(\n\n|\n\\s*[-*]\\s*)', re.M)
space_re = re.compile(r'  +')

def fill(text, width):
    '''fill many paragraphs.'''
    def findparas():
        start = 0
        while True:
            m =, start)
            if not m:
                w = len(text)
                while w > start and text[w-1].isspace(): w -= 1
                yield text[start:w], text[w:]
            yield text[start:m.start(0)],
            start = m.end(1)
    fp = cStringIO.StringIO()
    for para, rest in findparas():
        fp.write(space_re.sub(' ', textwrap.fill(para, width)))
    return fp.getvalue()

def isodate(date):
    '''turn a (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into an iso 8631 date and time.'''
    return util.datestr(date, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

def nl2br(text):
    '''replace raw newlines with xhtml line breaks.'''
    return text.replace('\n', '<br/>\n')

def obfuscate(text):
    return ''.join(['&#%d;' % ord(c) for c in text])

def domain(author):
    '''get domain of author, or empty string if none.'''
    f = author.find('@')
    if f == -1: return ''
    author = author[f+1:]
    f = author.find('>')
    if f >= 0: author = author[:f]
    return author

def email(author):
    '''get email of author.'''
    r = author.find('>')
    if r == -1: r = None
    return author[author.find('<')+1:r]
def person(author):
    '''get name of author, or else username.'''
    f = author.find('<')
    if f == -1: return util.shortuser(author)
    return author[:f].rstrip()

def shortdate(date):
    '''turn (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into iso 8631 date.'''
    return util.datestr(date, format='%Y-%m-%d', timezone=False)

def indent(text, prefix):
    '''indent each non-empty line of text after first with prefix.'''
    fp = cStringIO.StringIO()
    lines = text.splitlines()
    num_lines = len(lines)
    for i in xrange(num_lines):
        l = lines[i]
        if i and l.strip(): fp.write(prefix)
        if i < num_lines - 1 or text.endswith('\n'):
    return fp.getvalue()

common_filters = {
    "addbreaks": nl2br,
    "age": age,
    "date": lambda x: util.datestr(x),
    "domain": domain,
    "email": email,
    "escape": lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True),
    "fill68": lambda x: fill(x, width=68),
    "fill76": lambda x: fill(x, width=76),
    "firstline": lambda x: x.splitlines(1)[0].rstrip('\r\n'),
    "tabindent": lambda x: indent(x, '\t'),
    "isodate": isodate,
    "obfuscate": obfuscate,
    "permissions": lambda x: x and "-rwxr-xr-x" or "-rw-r--r--",
    "person": person,
    "rfc822date": lambda x: util.datestr(x, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"),
    "short": lambda x: x[:12],
    "shortdate": shortdate,
    "stringify": stringify,
    "strip": lambda x: x.strip(),
    "urlescape": lambda x: urllib.quote(x),
    "user": lambda x: util.shortuser(x),

def templatepath(name=None):
    '''return location of template file or directory (if no name).
    returns None if not found.'''
    # executable version (py2exe) doesn't support __file__
    if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
        module = sys.executable
        module = __file__
    for f in 'templates', '../templates':
        fl = f.split('/')
        if name: fl.append(name)
        p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(module), *fl)
        if (name and os.path.exists(p)) or os.path.isdir(p):
            return os.path.normpath(p)