author Brendan Cully <brendan@kublai.com>
Tue, 03 Jul 2007 20:22:39 -0700
changeset 4797 d00ca99bc54e
parent 4796 83c1bbb934ec
child 4806 15a3cbfc6568
permissions -rw-r--r--
convert svn: minor improvement to tag detection. The better way is probably to list the latest tags directory and look up the last log message for each entry. This is surprisingly annoying to do.

# Subversion 1.4/1.5 Python API backend
# Copyright(C) 2007 Daniel Holth et al

import pprint
import locale

from mercurial import util

# Subversion stuff. Works best with very recent Python SVN bindings
# e.g. SVN 1.5 or backports. Thanks to the bzr folks for enhancing
# these bindings.

from cStringIO import StringIO

from common import NoRepo, commit, converter_source

    from svn.core import SubversionException, Pool
    import svn.core
    import svn.ra
    import svn.delta
    import svn
    import transport
except ImportError:

class CompatibilityException(Exception): pass

class svn_entry(object):
    """Emulate a Subversion path change."""
    __slots__ = ['path', 'copyfrom_path', 'copyfrom_rev', 'action']
    def __init__(self, entry):
        self.copyfrom_path = entry.copyfrom_path
        self.copyfrom_rev = entry.copyfrom_rev
        self.action = entry.action

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s %s %s" % (self.action, self.copyfrom_path, self.copyfrom_rev)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class svn_paths(object):
    """Emulate a Subversion ordered dictionary of changed paths."""
    __slots__ = ['values', 'order']
    def __init__(self, orig_paths):
        self.order = []
        self.values = {}
        if hasattr(orig_paths, 'keys'):
            self.order = sorted(orig_paths.keys())
        if not orig_paths:
        for path in orig_paths:
            self.values[path] = svn_entry(orig_paths[path])
        self.order.sort() # maybe the order it came in isn't so great...

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.order)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.values[key]

    def __str__(self):
        s = "{\n"
        for path in self.order:
            s += "'%s': %s,\n" % (path, self.values[path])
        s += "}"
        return s
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

# SVN conversion code stolen from bzr-svn and tailor
class convert_svn(converter_source):
    def __init__(self, ui, url, rev=None):
        except NameError:
            msg = 'subversion python bindings could not be loaded\n'
            raise NoRepo(msg)

        self.ui = ui
        self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
        latest = None
        if rev:
                latest = int(rev)
            except ValueError:
                raise util.Abort('svn: revision %s is not an integer' % rev)
            # Support file://path@rev syntax. Useful e.g. to convert
            # deleted branches.
            url, latest = url.rsplit("@", 1)
            latest = int(latest)
        except ValueError, e:
        self.url = url
        self.encoding = 'UTF-8' # Subversion is always nominal UTF-8
            self.transport = transport.SvnRaTransport(url = url)
            self.ra = self.transport.ra
            self.ctx = svn.client.create_context()
            self.base = svn.ra.get_repos_root(self.ra)
            self.module = self.url[len(self.base):]
            self.modulemap = {} # revision, module
            self.commits = {}
            self.files = {}
            self.uuid = svn.ra.get_uuid(self.ra).decode(self.encoding)
        except SubversionException, e:
            raise NoRepo("couldn't open SVN repo %s" % url)

        except IOError, e:

        self.last_changed = self.latest(self.module, latest)

        self.head = self.rev(self.last_changed)

    def rev(self, revnum, module=None):
        if not module:
            module = self.module
        return (u"svn:%s%s@%s" % (self.uuid, module, revnum)).decode(self.encoding)

    def revnum(self, rev):
        return int(rev.split('@')[-1])

    def revsplit(self, rev):
        url, revnum = rev.encode(self.encoding).split('@', 1)
        revnum = int(revnum)
        parts = url.split('/', 1)
        uuid = parts.pop(0)[4:]
        mod = ''
        if parts:
            mod = '/' + parts[0]
        return uuid, mod, revnum

    def latest(self, path, stop=0):
        'find the latest revision affecting path, up to stop'
        if not stop:
            stop = svn.ra.get_latest_revnum(self.ra)
            dirent = svn.ra.stat(self.ra, path.strip('/'), stop)
        except SubversionException:
            dirent = None
        if not dirent:
            raise util.Abort('%s not found up to revision %d' \
                             % (path, stop))

        return dirent.created_rev

    def get_blacklist(self):
        """Avoid certain revision numbers.
        It is not uncommon for two nearby revisions to cancel each other
        out, e.g. 'I copied trunk into a subdirectory of itself instead
        of making a branch'. The converted repository is significantly
        smaller if we ignore such revisions."""
        self.blacklist = set()
        blacklist = self.blacklist
        for line in file("blacklist.txt", "r"):
            if not line.startswith("#"):
                    svn_rev = int(line.strip())
                except ValueError, e:
                    pass # not an integer or a comment

    def is_blacklisted(self, svn_rev):
        return svn_rev in self.blacklist

    def reparent(self, module):
        svn_url = self.base + module
        self.ui.debug("reparent to %s\n" % svn_url.encode(self.encoding))
        svn.ra.reparent(self.ra, svn_url.encode(self.encoding))

    def _fetch_revisions(self, from_revnum = 0, to_revnum = 347):
        def get_entry_from_path(path, module=self.module):
            # Given the repository url of this wc, say
            #   "http://server/plone/CMFPlone/branches/Plone-2_0-branch"
            # extract the "entry" portion (a relative path) from what
            # svn log --xml says, ie
            #   "/CMFPlone/branches/Plone-2_0-branch/tests/PloneTestCase.py"
            # that is to say "tests/PloneTestCase.py"

            if path.startswith(module):
                relative = path[len(module):]
                if relative.startswith('/'):
                    return relative[1:]
                    return relative

            # The path is outside our tracked tree...
            self.ui.debug('Ignoring %r since it is not under %r\n' % (path, module))
            return None

        self.child_cset = None
        def parselogentry(*arg, **args):
            orig_paths, revnum, author, date, message, pool = arg
            orig_paths = svn_paths(orig_paths)

            if self.is_blacklisted(revnum):
                self.ui.note('skipping blacklisted revision %d\n' % revnum)

            self.ui.debug("parsing revision %d\n" % revnum)
            if orig_paths is None:
                self.ui.debug('revision %d has no entries\n' % revnum)

            if revnum in self.modulemap:
                new_module = self.modulemap[revnum]
                if new_module != self.module:
                    self.module = new_module

            copyfrom = {} # Map of entrypath, revision for finding source of deleted revisions.
            copies = {}
            entries = []
            rev = self.rev(revnum)
            parents = []
                branch = self.module.split("/")[-1]
                if branch == 'trunk':
                    branch = ''
            except IndexError:
                branch = None
            for path in orig_paths:
                # self.ui.write("path %s\n" % path)
                if path == self.module: # Follow branching back in history
                    ent = orig_paths[path]
                    if ent:
                        if ent.copyfrom_path:
                            # ent.copyfrom_rev may not be the actual last revision
                            prev = self.latest(ent.copyfrom_path, ent.copyfrom_rev)
                            self.modulemap[prev] = ent.copyfrom_path
                            parents = [self.rev(prev, ent.copyfrom_path)]
                            self.ui.note('found parent of branch %s at %d: %s\n' % \
                                         (self.module, prev, ent.copyfrom_path))
                            self.ui.debug("No copyfrom path, don't know what to do.\n")
                            # Maybe it was added and there is no more history.
                entrypath = get_entry_from_path(path, module=self.module)
                # self.ui.write("entrypath %s\n" % entrypath)
                if entrypath is None:
                    # Outside our area of interest
                    self.ui.debug("boring@%s: %s\n" % (revnum, path))
                entry = entrypath.decode(self.encoding)
                ent = orig_paths[path]

                kind = svn.ra.check_path(self.ra, entrypath, revnum)
                if kind == svn.core.svn_node_file:
                    if ent.copyfrom_path:
                        copyfrom_path = get_entry_from_path(ent.copyfrom_path)
                        if copyfrom_path:
                            self.ui.debug("Copied to %s from %s@%s\n" % (entry, copyfrom_path, ent.copyfrom_rev))
                            # It's probably important for hg that the source
                            # exists in the revision's parent, not just the
                            # ent.copyfrom_rev
                            fromkind = svn.ra.check_path(self.ra, copyfrom_path, ent.copyfrom_rev)
                            if fromkind != 0:
                                copies[self.recode(entry)] = self.recode(copyfrom_path)
                elif kind == 0: # gone, but had better be a deleted *file*
                    self.ui.debug("gone from %s\n" % ent.copyfrom_rev)

                    # if a branch is created but entries are removed in the same
                    # changeset, get the right fromrev
                    if parents:
                        uuid, old_module, fromrev = self.revsplit(parents[0])
                        fromrev = revnum - 1
                        # might always need to be revnum - 1 in these 3 lines?
                        old_module = self.modulemap.get(fromrev, self.module)

                    basepath = old_module + "/" + get_entry_from_path(path, module=self.module)
                    entrypath = old_module + "/" + get_entry_from_path(path, module=self.module)

                    def lookup_parts(p):
                        rc = None
                        parts = p.split("/")
                        for i in range(len(parts)):
                            part = "/".join(parts[:i])
                            info = part, copyfrom.get(part, None)
                            if info[1] is not None:
                                self.ui.debug("Found parent directory %s\n" % info[1])
                                rc = info
                        return rc

                    self.ui.debug("base, entry %s %s\n" % (basepath, entrypath))

                    frompath, froment = lookup_parts(entrypath) or (None, revnum - 1)

                    # need to remove fragment from lookup_parts and replace with copyfrom_path
                    if frompath is not None:
                        self.ui.debug(entrypath + '\n')
                        self.ui.debug(entrypath[len(frompath):] + '\n')
                        entrypath = froment.copyfrom_path + entrypath[len(frompath):]
                        fromrev = froment.copyfrom_rev
                        self.ui.debug("Info: %s %s %s %s\n" % (frompath, froment, ent, entrypath))

                    fromkind = svn.ra.check_path(self.ra, entrypath, fromrev)
                    if fromkind == svn.core.svn_node_file:   # a deleted file
                    elif fromkind == svn.core.svn_node_dir:
                        # print "Deleted/moved non-file:", revnum, path, ent
                        # children = self._find_children(path, revnum - 1)
                        # print "find children %s@%d from %d action %s" % (path, revnum, ent.copyfrom_rev, ent.action)
                        # Sometimes this is tricky. For example: in
                        # The Subversion Repository revision 6940 a dir
                        # was copied and one of its files was deleted 
                        # from the new location in the same commit. This
                        # code can't deal with that yet.
                        if ent.action == 'C':
                            children = self._find_children(path, fromrev)
                            oroot = entrypath.strip('/')
                            nroot = path.strip('/')
                            children = self._find_children(oroot, fromrev)
                            children = [s.replace(oroot,nroot) for s in children]
                        # Mark all [files, not directories] as deleted.
                        for child in children:
                            # Can we move a child directory and its
                            # parent in the same commit? (probably can). Could
                            # cause problems if instead of revnum -1, 
                            # we have to look in (copyfrom_path, revnum - 1)
                            entrypath = get_entry_from_path("/" + child, module=old_module)
                            if entrypath:
                                entry = self.recode(entrypath.decode(self.encoding))
                                if entry in copies:
                                    # deleted file within a copy
                                    del copies[entry]
                        self.ui.debug('unknown path in revision %d: %s\n' % \
                                      (revnum, path))
                elif kind == svn.core.svn_node_dir:
                    # Should probably synthesize normal file entries
                    # and handle as above to clean up copy/rename handling.

                    # If the directory just had a prop change,
                    # then we shouldn't need to look for its children.
                    # Also this could create duplicate entries. Not sure
                    # whether this will matter. Maybe should make entries a set.
                    # print "Changed directory", revnum, path, ent.action, ent.copyfrom_path, ent.copyfrom_rev
                    # This will fail if a directory was copied
                    # from another branch and then some of its files
                    # were deleted in the same transaction.
                    children = self._find_children(path, revnum)
                    for child in children:
                        # Can we move a child directory and its
                        # parent in the same commit? (probably can). Could
                        # cause problems if instead of revnum -1, 
                        # we have to look in (copyfrom_path, revnum - 1)
                        entrypath = get_entry_from_path("/" + child, module=self.module)
                        # print child, self.module, entrypath
                        if entrypath:
                            # Need to filter out directories here...
                            kind = svn.ra.check_path(self.ra, entrypath, revnum)
                            if kind != svn.core.svn_node_dir:

                    # Copies here (must copy all from source)
                    # Probably not a real problem for us if
                    # source does not exist

                    # Can do this with the copy command "hg copy"
                    # if ent.copyfrom_path:
                    #     copyfrom_entry = get_entry_from_path(ent.copyfrom_path.decode(self.encoding),
                    #             module=self.module)
                    #     copyto_entry = entrypath
                    #     print "copy directory", copyfrom_entry, 'to', copyto_entry
                    #     copies.append((copyfrom_entry, copyto_entry))

                    if ent.copyfrom_path:
                        copyfrom_path = ent.copyfrom_path.decode(self.encoding)
                        copyfrom_entry = get_entry_from_path(copyfrom_path, module=self.module)
                        if copyfrom_entry:
                            copyfrom[path] = ent
                            self.ui.debug("mark %s came from %s\n" % (path, copyfrom[path]))

                            # Good, /probably/ a regular copy. Really should check
                            # to see whether the parent revision actually contains
                            # the directory in question.
                            children = self._find_children(self.recode(copyfrom_path), ent.copyfrom_rev)
                            for child in children:
                                entrypath = get_entry_from_path("/" + child, module=self.module)
                                if entrypath:
                                    entry = entrypath.decode(self.encoding)
                                    # print "COPY COPY From", copyfrom_entry, entry
                                    copyto_path = path + entry[len(copyfrom_entry):]
                                    copyto_entry =  get_entry_from_path(copyto_path, module=self.module)
                                    # print "COPY", entry, "COPY To", copyto_entry
                                    copies[self.recode(copyto_entry)] = self.recode(entry)
                                    # copy from quux splort/quuxfile

            self.modulemap[revnum] = self.module # track backwards in time
            # a list of (filename, id) where id lets us retrieve the file.
            # eg in git, id is the object hash. for svn it'll be the 
            self.files[rev] = zip(entries, [rev] * len(entries))
            if not entries:

            # Example SVN datetime. Includes microseconds.
            # ISO-8601 conformant
            # '2007-01-04T17:35:00.902377Z'
            date = util.parsedate(date[:18] + " UTC", ["%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"])

            log = message and self.recode(message)
            author = author and self.recode(author) or ''

            cset = commit(author=author,

            self.commits[rev] = cset
            if self.child_cset and not self.child_cset.parents:
                self.child_cset.parents = [rev]
            self.child_cset = cset

        self.ui.note('fetching revision log for "%s" from %d to %d\n' % \
                     (self.module, from_revnum, to_revnum))

            discover_changed_paths = True
            strict_node_history = False
            svn.ra.get_log(self.ra, [self.module], from_revnum, to_revnum, 0,
                           discover_changed_paths, strict_node_history,
            self.last_revnum = to_revnum
        except SubversionException, (_, num):
            if num == svn.core.SVN_ERR_FS_NO_SUCH_REVISION:
                raise NoSuchRevision(branch=self, 
                    revision="Revision number %d" % to_revnum)

    def getheads(self):
        # detect standard /branches, /tags, /trunk layout
        optrev = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_t()
        optrev.kind = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_number
        optrev.value.number = self.last_changed
        rpath = self.url.strip('/')
        paths = svn.client.ls(rpath, optrev, False, self.ctx)
        if 'branches' in paths and 'trunk' in paths:
            self.module += '/trunk'
            lt = self.latest(self.module, self.last_changed)
            self.head = self.rev(lt)
            self.heads = [self.head]
            branches = svn.client.ls(rpath + '/branches', optrev, False, self.ctx)
            for branch in branches.keys():
                module = '/branches/' + branch
                brevnum = self.latest(module, self.last_changed)
                brev = self.rev(brevnum, module)
                self.ui.note('found branch %s at %d\n' % (branch, brevnum))
            self.heads = [self.head]
        return self.heads

    def _getfile(self, file, rev):
        io = StringIO()
        # TODO: ra.get_file transmits the whole file instead of diffs.
        mode = ''
            revnum = self.revnum(rev)
            if self.module != self.modulemap[revnum]:
                self.module = self.modulemap[revnum]
            info = svn.ra.get_file(self.ra, file, revnum, io)
            if isinstance(info, list):
                info = info[-1]
            mode = ("svn:executable" in info) and 'x' or ''
            mode = ("svn:special" in info) and 'l' or mode
        except SubversionException, e:
            notfound = (svn.core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND,
            if e.apr_err in notfound: # File not found
                raise IOError()
        data = io.getvalue()
        if mode == 'l':
            link_prefix = "link "
            if data.startswith(link_prefix):
                data = data[len(link_prefix):]
        return data, mode

    def getfile(self, file, rev):
        data, mode = self._getfile(file, rev)
        self.modecache[(file, rev)] = mode
        return data

    def getmode(self, file, rev):        
        return self.modecache[(file, rev)]

    def getchanges(self, rev):
        self.modecache = {}
        files = self.files[rev]
        cl = files
        return cl

    def getcommit(self, rev):
        if rev not in self.commits:
            uuid, module, revnum = self.revsplit(rev)
            self.module = module
            self._fetch_revisions(from_revnum=revnum, to_revnum=0)
        return self.commits[rev]

    def gettags(self):
        tags = {}
        def parselogentry(*arg, **args):
            orig_paths, revnum, author, date, message, pool = arg
            orig_paths = svn_paths(orig_paths)
            for path in orig_paths:
                if not path.startswith('/tags/'):
                ent = orig_paths[path]
                source = ent.copyfrom_path
                rev = ent.copyfrom_rev
                tag = path.split('/', 2)[2]
                tags[tag] = self.rev(rev, module=source)

        start = self.revnum(self.head)
            svn.ra.get_log(self.ra, ['/tags'], 0, start, 0, True, False,
            return tags
        except SubversionException:
            self.ui.note('no tags found at revision %d\n' % start)
            return {}

    def _find_children(self, path, revnum):
        path = path.strip("/")

        def _find_children_fallback(path, revnum):
            # SWIG python bindings for getdir are broken up to at least 1.4.3
            pool = Pool()
            optrev = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_t()
            optrev.kind = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_number
            optrev.value.number = revnum
            rpath = '/'.join([self.base, path]).strip('/')
            return ['%s/%s' % (path, x) for x in svn.client.ls(rpath, optrev, True, self.ctx, pool).keys()]

        if hasattr(self, '_find_children_fallback'):
            return _find_children_fallback(path, revnum)

        self.reparent("/" + path)
        pool = Pool()

        children = []
        def find_children_inner(children, path, revnum = revnum):
            if hasattr(svn.ra, 'get_dir2'): # Since SVN 1.4
                fields = 0xffffffff # Binding does not provide SVN_DIRENT_ALL
                getdir = svn.ra.get_dir2(self.ra, path, revnum, fields, pool)
                getdir = svn.ra.get_dir(self.ra, path, revnum, pool)
            if type(getdir) == dict:
                # python binding for getdir is broken up to at least 1.4.3
                raise CompatibilityException()
            dirents = getdir[0]
            if type(dirents) == int:
                # got here once due to infinite recursion bug
                # pprint.pprint(getdir)
            c = dirents.keys()
            for child in c:
                dirent = dirents[child]
                if dirent.kind == svn.core.svn_node_dir:
                    find_children_inner(children, (path + "/" + child).strip("/"))
                    children.append((path + "/" + child).strip("/"))

            find_children_inner(children, "")
        except CompatibilityException:
            self._find_children_fallback = True
            return _find_children_fallback(path, revnum)

        return [path + "/" + c for c in children]