view mercurial/ @ 2328:f789602ba840

hgweb.manifest: revno of manifest and changelog aren't always the same In the v4l-dvb repo, the manifest revno and the changelog revno are not in sync. This happened because the same patch was applied to the same revision in two different branches, resulting in the same manifest text, with the same parents and so the first revision was reused. Since hgweb.manifest was assuming the revnos of the manifest and of the changelog were always the same, clicking on manifest -> bz2 in the v4l-dvb site would download the wrong revision. Use the linkrev to go from manifest revision to changelog revision. This still won't be perfect since the page will still talk about "manifest for changeset XYZ", where XYZ was the first changeset to have this manifest, which is not necessarily the same changeset that the user clicked to get to this page - but at least the contents will be the same.
author Alexis S. L. Carvalho <>
date Sat, 20 May 2006 15:34:19 -0300
parents d01eac5968c6
children a8a7ce1a01a5
line wrap: on
line source

'''Demand load modules when used, not when imported.'''

__author__ = '''Copyright 2006 Vadim Gelfer <>.
This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.'''

# this is based on matt's original demandload module.  it is a
# complete rewrite.  some time, we may need to support syntax of
# "import foo as bar".

class _importer(object):
    '''import a module.  it is not imported until needed, and is
    imported at most once per scope.'''

    def __init__(self, scope, modname, fromlist):
        '''scope is context (globals() or locals()) in which import
        should be made.  modname is name of module to import.
        fromlist is list of modules for "from foo import ..."

        self.scope = scope
        self.modname = modname
        self.fromlist = fromlist
        self.mod = None

    def module(self):
        '''import the module if needed, and return.'''
        if self.mod is None:
            self.mod = __import__(self.modname, self.scope, self.scope,
            del self.modname, self.fromlist
        return self.mod

class _replacer(object):
    '''placeholder for a demand loaded module. demandload puts this in
    a target scope.  when an attribute of this object is looked up,
    this object is replaced in the target scope with the actual

    we use __getattribute__ to avoid namespace clashes between
    placeholder object and real module.'''

    def __init__(self, importer, target):
        self.importer = importer = target
        # consider case where we do this:
        #   demandload(globals(), ' foo.quux')
        # foo will already exist in target scope when we get to
        # foo.quux.  so we remember that we will need to demandload
        # quux into foo's scope when we really load it.
        self.later = []

    def module(self):
        return object.__getattribute__(self, 'importer').module()

    def __getattribute__(self, key):
        '''look up an attribute in a module and return it. replace the
        name of the module in the caller\'s dict with the actual

        module = object.__getattribute__(self, 'module')()
        target = object.__getattribute__(self, 'target')
        importer = object.__getattribute__(self, 'importer')
        later = object.__getattribute__(self, 'later')

        if later:
            demandload(module.__dict__, ' '.join(later))

        importer.scope[target] = module

        return getattr(module, key)

class _replacer_from(_replacer):
    '''placeholder for a demand loaded module.  used for "from foo
    import ..." emulation. semantics of this are different than
    regular import, so different implementation needed.'''

    def module(self):
        importer = object.__getattribute__(self, 'importer')
        target = object.__getattribute__(self, 'target')

        return getattr(importer.module(), target)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        target = object.__getattribute__(self, 'module')()
        return target(*args, **kwargs)

def demandload(scope, modules):
    '''import modules into scope when each is first used.

    scope should be the value of globals() in the module calling this
    function, or locals() in the calling function.

    modules is a string listing module names, separated by white
    space.  names are handled like this:

    foo            import foo
    foo bar        import foo, bar        import
    foo:bar        from foo import bar
    foo:bar,quux   from foo import bar, quux   from import quux'''

    for mod in modules.split():
        col = mod.find(':')
        if col >= 0:
            fromlist = mod[col+1:].split(',')
            mod = mod[:col]
            fromlist = []
        importer = _importer(scope, mod, fromlist)
        if fromlist:
            for name in fromlist:
                scope[name] = _replacer_from(importer, name)
            dot = mod.find('.')
            if dot >= 0:
                basemod = mod[:dot]
                val = scope.get(basemod)
                # if base module has already been demandload()ed,
                # remember to load this submodule into its namespace
                # when needed.
                if isinstance(val, _replacer):
                    later = object.__getattribute__(val, 'later')
                basemod = mod
            scope[basemod] = _replacer(importer, basemod)