view docs/dtd/changes.dtd @ 7358:170922952477

Removed bgcolor attribute on body in error pages and autoindex. The bgcolor attribute overrides compatibility settings in browsers and leads to undesirable behavior when the default font color is set to white in the browser, since font-color is not also overridden.
author Nova DasSarma <>
date Wed, 19 Sep 2018 09:26:47 -0500
parents 5e3bda6f5208
line wrap: on
line source

<!ENTITY  nbsp         "&#xA0;" >
<!ENTITY  mdash        "&#xA0;- " >

<!ELEMENT change_log   (changes)* >
<!ATTLIST change_log   title  CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT changes      (change)* >
<!ATTLIST changes      ver    CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date   CDATA #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT change       (para)* >
<!ATTLIST change       type (bugfix | feature | change | security | workaround) #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT para         (#PCDATA | at | br | nobr)* >
<!ATTLIST para         lang (ru | en) #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT at           EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT br           EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT nobr         (#PCDATA) >