view contrib/ @ 8833:308ac307b3e6 quic

QUIC: improved debug logging. - wording in log->action is adjusted to match function names. - connection close steps are made obvious and start with "quic close" prefix: *1 quic close initiated rc:-4 *1 quic close silent drain:0 timedout:1 *1 quic close resumed rc:-1 *1 quic close resumed rc:-1 *1 quic close resumed rc:-4 *1 quic close completed this makes it easy to understand if particular "close" record is an initial cause or lasting process, or the final one. - cases of close without quic connection now logged as "packet rejected": *14 quic run *14 quic packet rx long flags:ec version:1 *14 quic packet rx hs len:61 *14 quic packet rx dcid len:20 00000000000002c32f60e4aa2b90a64a39dc4228 *14 quic packet rx scid len:8 81190308612cd019 *14 quic expected initial, got handshake *14 quic packet done rc:-1 level:hs decr:0 pn:0 perr:0 *14 quic packet rejected rc:-1, cleanup connection *14 reusable connection: 0 this makes it easy to spot early packet rejection and avoid confuse with quic connection closing (which in fact was not even created). - packet processing summary now uses same prefix "quic packet done rc:" - added debug to places where packet was rejected without any reason logged
author Vladimir Homutov <>
date Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:43:56 +0300
parents c9ad0d9c7d59
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# (c) Andrei Nigmatulin, 2005
# this script provided "as is", without any warranties. use it at your own risk.
# special thanx to Andrew Sitnikov for perl port
# this script converts CSV geoip database (free download at
# to format, suitable for use with nginx_http_geo module (
# for example, line with ip range
#   "","","1041253376","1041268735","RU","Russian Federation"
# will be converted to four subnetworks:
# RU;
# RU;
# RU;
# RU;

use warnings;
use strict;

while( <STDIN> ){
	if (/"[^"]+","[^"]+","([^"]+)","([^"]+)","([^"]+)"/){
		print_subnets($1, $2, $3);

sub  print_subnets {
	my ($a1, $a2, $c) = @_;
	my $l;
    while ($a1 <= $a2) {
		for ($l = 0; ($a1 & (1 << $l)) == 0 && ($a1 + ((1 << ($l + 1)) - 1)) <= $a2; $l++){};
		print long2ip($a1) . "/" . (32 - $l) . " " . $c . ";\n";
    	$a1 += (1 << $l);

sub long2ip {
	my $ip = shift;

	my $str = 0;

	$str = ($ip & 255);

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";