view syslog.t @ 1606:e4e0695552ed

Tests: fixed stream_proxy_ssl_conf_command.t. The stream_proxy_ssl_conf_command.t test used stream return module to return the response. Since this ignores actual request, but the perl test code used http_get(). This might result in the request being sent after the response is returned and the connection closed by the server, resulting in RST being generated and no response seen by the client at all. Fix is to use "stream(...)->read()" instead of http_get(), so no request is sent at all, eliminating possibility of RST being generated.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Tue, 10 Nov 2020 05:03:29 +0300
parents b61e820caa83
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for syslog.
# Various log levels emitted with limit_req_log_level.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

use IO::Select;
use Sys::Hostname;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

plan(skip_all => 'win32') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http limit_req/)->plan(62);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


error_log syslog:server= info;
error_log %%TESTDIR%%/f_glob.log info;

daemon off;

events {

http {

    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:1m rate=1r/m;

    log_format empty "";
    log_format logf "$uri:$status";

    error_log syslog:server= info;
    error_log %%TESTDIR%%/f_http.log info;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location /e {
            error_log syslog:server=;
        location /a {
            access_log syslog:server=;
        location /ef {
            error_log syslog:server=,facility=user;
        location /es {
            error_log syslog:server=,severity=alert;
        location /et {
            error_log syslog:server=,tag=SEETHIS;
        location /af {
            access_log syslog:server=,facility=user;
        location /as {
            # put severity inside to catch possible parsing programming errors
            access_log syslog:severity=alert,server=;
        location /at {
            access_log syslog:server=,tag=SEETHIS;
        location /e2 {
            error_log syslog:server=;
            error_log syslog:server=;
        location /a2 {
            access_log syslog:server=;
            access_log syslog:server=;
        location /a_logf {
            access_log syslog:server= logf;
        location /if {
            access_log syslog:server= logf

        location /nohostname {
            access_log syslog:server=,nohostname;

        location /debug {
            limit_req zone=one;
            error_log syslog:server= debug;
        location /info {
            limit_req zone=one;
            limit_req_log_level info;
            error_log syslog:server= info;
        location /notice {
            limit_req zone=one;
            limit_req_log_level notice;
            error_log syslog:server= notice;
        location /warn {
            limit_req zone=one;
            limit_req_log_level warn;
            error_log syslog:server= warn;
        location /error {
            limit_req zone=one;
            limit_req_log_level error;
            error_log syslog:server=;
        location /low {
            error_log syslog:server= warn;
            error_log syslog:server=;
        location /dup {
            error_log syslog:server=;
            error_log syslog:server=;
        location /high {
            error_log syslog:server= emerg;
            error_log syslog:server=;


$t->run_daemon(\&syslog_daemon, port(8981), $t, 's_glob.log');
$t->run_daemon(\&syslog_daemon, port(8982), $t, 's_http.log');
$t->run_daemon(\&syslog_daemon, port(8983), $t, 's_if.log');

$t->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/s_glob.log');
$t->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/s_http.log');
$t->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/s_if.log');



my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
	Proto => 'udp',
	LocalAddr => '' . port(8984)
	or die "Can't open syslog socket: $!";

parse_syslog_message('error_log', get_syslog('/e'));
parse_syslog_message('access_log', get_syslog('/a'));

like(get_syslog('/ef'), qr/^<11>/, 'error_log facility');
like(get_syslog('/es'), qr/^<187>/, 'error_log severity');
like(get_syslog('/et'), qr/SEETHIS:/, 'error_log tag');

like(get_syslog('/af'), qr/^<14>/, 'access_log facility');
like(get_syslog('/as'), qr/^<185>/, 'access_log severity');
like(get_syslog('/at'), qr/SEETHIS:/, 'access_log tag');

	qr/nginx: \d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \[error\]/,
	'error_log format');
like(get_syslog('/a_logf'), qr/nginx: \/a_logf:404$/, 'access_log log_format');

my @lines = split /<\d+>/, get_syslog('/a2');
is($lines[1], $lines[2], 'access_log many');

@lines = split /<\d+>/, get_syslog('/e2');
is($lines[1], $lines[2], 'error_log many');

# error_log log levels


skip "no --with-debug", 1 unless $t->has_module('--with-debug');

isnt(syslog_lines('/debug', '[debug]'), 0, 'debug');


# charge limit_req


is(syslog_lines('/info', '[info]'), 1, 'info');
is(syslog_lines('/notice', '[notice]'), 1, 'notice');
is(syslog_lines('/warn', '[warn]'), 1, 'warn');
is(syslog_lines('/error', '[error]'), 1, 'error');

# count log messages emitted with various error_log levels

is(syslog_lines('/low', '[error]'), 2, 'low');
is(syslog_lines('/dup', '[error]'), 2, 'dup');
is(syslog_lines('/high', '[error]'), 1, 'high');

# check for the presence of the syslog messages in the global and http contexts

is_deeply(levels($t, 's_glob.log'), levels($t, 'f_glob.log'), 'master syslog');
is_deeply(levels($t, 's_http.log'), levels($t, 'f_http.log'), 'http syslog');



like($t->read_file('s_if.log'), qr/good:404/s, 'syslog if success');
like($t->read_file('s_if.log'), qr/work:404/s, 'syslog if success 2');
unlike($t->read_file('s_if.log'), qr/(if:|empty:|zero:)404/, 'syslog if fail');

	qr/^<(\d{1,3})>				# PRI
	([A-Z][a-z]{2})\s			# mon
	([ \d]\d)\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s	# date
	(\w{1,32}):\s				# tag
	(.*)/x,					# MSG

# send error handling

ok(get_syslog('/a'), 'send success');

close $s;


$s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
	Proto => 'udp',
	LocalAddr => '' . port(8984)
	or die "Can't open syslog socket: $!";

ok(get_syslog('/a'), 'send error - recover');


sub syslog_lines {
	my ($uri, $pattern, $port) = @_;
	return map { $_ =~ /\Q$pattern\E/g } (get_syslog($uri));

sub levels {
	my ($t, $file) = @_;
	my %levels_hash;

	map { $levels_hash{$_}++; } ($t->read_file($file) =~ /(\[\w+\])/g);

	return \%levels_hash;

sub get_syslog {
	my ($uri) = @_;
	my $data = '';


	while (IO::Select->new($s)->can_read(0.1)) {
		my $buffer;
		sysread($s, $buffer, 4096);
		$data .= $buffer;
	return $data;

sub parse_syslog_message {
	my ($desc, $line) = @_;

	unless ($line) {
		fail("$desc timeout in receiving syslog");

	my @months = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
		'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');

	my ($pri, $mon, $mday, $hour, $minute, $sec, $host, $tag, $msg) =
		$line =~ /^<(\d{1,3})>				# PRI
			([A-Z][a-z]{2})\s			# mon
			([ \d]\d)\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s	# date
			([\S]*)\s				# host
			(\w{1,32}):\s				# tag
			(.*)/x;					# MSG

	my $sev = $pri & 0x07;
	my $fac = ($pri & 0x03f8) >> 3;

	ok(defined($pri), "$desc has PRI");
	ok($sev >= 0 && $sev <= 7, "$desc valid severity");
	ok($fac >= 0 && $fac < 24, "$desc valid facility");

	ok(defined($mon), "$desc has month");
	ok((grep $mon, @months), "$desc valid month");

	ok(defined($mday), "$desc has day");
	ok($mday <= 31, "$desc valid day");

	ok(defined($hour), "$desc has hour");
	ok($hour < 24, "$desc valid hour");

	ok(defined($minute), "$desc has minutes");
	ok($minute < 60, "$desc valid minutes");

	ok(defined($sec), "$desc has seconds");
	ok($sec < 60, "$desc valid seconds");

	ok(defined($host), "$desc has host");
	is($host, lc(hostname()), "$desc valid host");

	ok(defined($tag), "$desc has tag");
	like($tag, qr'\w+', "$desc valid tag");

	ok(length($msg) > 0, "$desc valid CONTENT");


sub syslog_daemon {
	my ($port, $t, $file) = @_;

	my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		Proto => 'udp',
		LocalAddr => "$port"

	open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . $file;
	select $fh; $| = 1;

	while (1) {
		my $buffer;
		$s->recv($buffer, 4096);
		print $fh $buffer . "\n";
