view gunzip_static.t @ 290:f781b087b7aa

Tests: fixed possible test suite hang on exit. In some cases (for example, call of global object method in a function), test suite can hang during exit, because temporary directory holding a pid file is removed prior to executing global test object desctructor. The root cause is that the directory removal occurs in the END block (in the File::Temp package) and the order of executing destructors and END blocks is not specified in Perl. The fix is to remove temporary directory in the test object destructor explicitly and get rid of 'CLEANUP' flag in the tempdir() call. The temporary directory is removed by the means of rmtree() function, called inside an eval block to exclude the case when rmtree may abort (some versions are known to do it).
author Vladimir Homutov <>
date Thu, 30 May 2013 07:38:23 +0400
parents 6a0d934950bc
children c28ecaef065f
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin

# Tests for gunzip filter module with gzip_static always.  It is basically
# the copy of gunzip.t with minor modifications.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx qw/ :DEFAULT :gzip /;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

eval { require IO::Compress::Gzip; };
Test::More::plan(skip_all => "IO::Compress::Gzip not found") if $@;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http gunzip proxy gzip_static rewrite/);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;
        location / {
            gunzip on;
            gzip_vary on;
            gzip_static always;
        location = /double {
            error_page 404 @double;
            gzip_static on;
        location @double {
            rewrite ^ /t1 break;
            gunzip on;
            gzip_static always;
        location /error {
            error_page 500 /t1;
            return 500;


my $in = join('', map { sprintf "X%03dXXXXXX", $_ } (0 .. 99));
my $out;

IO::Compress::Gzip::gzip(\$in => \$out);

$t->write_file('t1.gz', $out);
$t->write_file('t2.gz', $out . $out);
$t->write_file('t3', 'not compressed');

eval {
	open OLDERR, ">&", \*STDERR; close STDERR;
	open STDERR, ">&", \*OLDERR;
plan(skip_all => 'no gzip_static always') if $@;




like(http_get('/t1'), qr/(?!Content-Encoding).*^(X\d\d\dXXXXXX){100}$/m,
	'correct gunzipped response');
like(http_gzip_request('/t1'), qr/Content-Encoding: gzip.*\Q$out\E/ms,
	'gzip still works');

like(http_get('/double'), qr/(?!Content-Encoding).^(X\d\d\dXXXXXX){100}$/ms,
	'gunzip with gzip_tested');
like(http_gzip_request('/double'), qr/Content-Encoding: gzip.*\Q$out\E/ms,
	'gzip still works with gzip_tested');

like(http_get('/t2'), qr/^(X\d\d\dXXXXXX){200}$/m, 'multiple gzip members');

like(http_get('/error'), qr/^(X\d\d\dXXXXXX){100}$/m, 'errors gunzipped');

unlike(http_head('/t1'), qr/Content-Encoding/, 'head - no content encoding');

like(http_get('/t1'), qr/Vary/, 'get vary');
like(http_head('/t1'), qr/Vary/, 'head vary');
unlike(http_get('/t3'), qr/Vary/, 'no vary on non-gzipped get');
unlike(http_head('/t3'), qr/Vary/, 'no vary on non-gzipped head');
