view src/core/ngx_inet.h @ 644:ad25218fd14b NGINX_1_0_12

nginx 1.0.12 *) Feature: the "TLSv1.1" and "TLSv1.2" parameters of the "ssl_protocols" directive. *) Feature: the "if" SSI command supports captures in regular expressions. *) Bugfix: the "if" SSI command did not work inside the "block" command. *) Bugfix: in AIO error handling on FreeBSD. *) Bugfix: in the OpenSSL library initialization. *) Bugfix: the "worker_cpu_affinity" directive might not work. *) Bugfix: the "limit_conn_log_level" and "limit_req_log_level" directives might not work. *) Bugfix: the "read_ahead" directive might not work combined with "try_files" and "open_file_cache". *) Bugfix: the "proxy_cache_use_stale" directive with "error" parameter did not return answer from cache if there were no live upstreams. *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if small time was used in the "inactive" parameter of the "proxy_cache_path" directive. *) Bugfix: responses from cache might hang. *) Bugfix: in error handling while connecting to a backend. Thanks to Piotr Sikora. *) Bugfix: in the "epoll" event method. Thanks to Yichun Zhang. *) Bugfix: the $sent_http_cache_control variable might contain a wrong value if the "expires" directive was used. Thanks to Yichun Zhang. *) Bugfix: the "limit_rate" directive did not allow to use full throughput, even if limit value was very high. *) Bugfix: the "sendfile_max_chunk" directive did not work, if the "limit_rate" directive was used. *) Bugfix: nginx could not be built on Solaris; the bug had appeared in 1.0.11. *) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_scgi_module. *) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_mp4_module.
author Igor Sysoev <>
date Mon, 06 Feb 2012 00:00:00 +0400
parents c04fa65fe604
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.


#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>

 *       sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)
 *       sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)
 *       sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)
 *       sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)

#define NGX_INET_ADDRSTRLEN   (sizeof("") - 1)
#define NGX_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN                                                 \
    (sizeof("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:") - 1)
#define NGX_UNIX_ADDRSTRLEN                                                  \
    (sizeof(struct sockaddr_un) - offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path))

#define NGX_SOCKADDR_STRLEN   (sizeof("unix:") - 1 + NGX_UNIX_ADDRSTRLEN)
#define NGX_SOCKADDR_STRLEN   (NGX_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + sizeof(":65535") - 1)

#define NGX_SOCKADDRLEN       sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)
#define NGX_SOCKADDRLEN       512

typedef struct {
    in_addr_t                 addr;
    in_addr_t                 mask;
} ngx_in_cidr_t;


typedef struct {
    struct in6_addr           addr;
    struct in6_addr           mask;
} ngx_in6_cidr_t;


typedef struct {
    ngx_uint_t                family;
    union {
        ngx_in_cidr_t         in;
        ngx_in6_cidr_t        in6;
    } u;
} ngx_cidr_t;

typedef struct {
    struct sockaddr          *sockaddr;
    socklen_t                 socklen;
    ngx_str_t                 name;
} ngx_addr_t;

typedef struct {
    ngx_str_t                 url;
    ngx_str_t                 host;
    ngx_str_t                 port_text;
    ngx_str_t                 uri;

    in_port_t                 port;
    in_port_t                 default_port;
    int                       family;

    unsigned                  listen:1;
    unsigned                  uri_part:1;
    unsigned                  no_resolve:1;
    unsigned                  one_addr:1;

    unsigned                  no_port:1;
    unsigned                  wildcard:1;

    socklen_t                 socklen;
    u_char                    sockaddr[NGX_SOCKADDRLEN];

    ngx_addr_t               *addrs;
    ngx_uint_t                naddrs;

    char                     *err;
} ngx_url_t;

in_addr_t ngx_inet_addr(u_char *text, size_t len);
ngx_int_t ngx_inet6_addr(u_char *p, size_t len, u_char *addr);
size_t ngx_inet6_ntop(u_char *p, u_char *text, size_t len);
size_t ngx_sock_ntop(struct sockaddr *sa, u_char *text, size_t len,
    ngx_uint_t port);
size_t ngx_inet_ntop(int family, void *addr, u_char *text, size_t len);
ngx_int_t ngx_ptocidr(ngx_str_t *text, ngx_cidr_t *cidr);
ngx_int_t ngx_parse_addr(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_addr_t *addr, u_char *text,
    size_t len);
ngx_int_t ngx_parse_url(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_url_t *u);
ngx_int_t ngx_inet_resolve_host(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_url_t *u);

#endif /* _NGX_INET_H_INCLUDED_ */