diff src/http/modules/ngx_http_mp4_module.c @ 642:d3cf6c6b0043 NGINX_1_1_5

nginx 1.1.5 *) Feature: the "uwsgi_buffering" and "scgi_buffering" directives. Thanks to Peter Smit. *) Bugfix: non-cacheable responses might be cached if "proxy_cache_bypass" directive was used. Thanks to John Ferlito. *) Bugfix: in HTTP/1.1 support in the ngx_http_proxy_module. *) Bugfix: cached responses with an empty body were returned incorrectly; the bug had appeared in 0.8.31. *) Bugfix: 201 responses of the ngx_http_dav_module were incorrect; the bug had appeared in 0.8.32. *) Bugfix: in the "return" directive. *) Bugfix: the "ssl_session_cache builtin" directive caused segmentation fault; the bug had appeared in 1.1.1.
author Igor Sysoev <http://sysoev.ru>
date Wed, 05 Oct 2011 00:00:00 +0400
parents eb208e0cf44d
children 6f21ae02fb01
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/http/modules/ngx_http_mp4_module.c
+++ b/src/http/modules/ngx_http_mp4_module.c
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ typedef struct {
     + (           ((u_char *) (p))[7]) )
 #define ngx_mp4_set_64value(p, n)                                             \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[0] = (u_char) ((n) >> 56);                               \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[1] = (u_char) ((n) >> 48);                               \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[2] = (u_char) ((n) >> 40);                               \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[3] = (u_char) ((n) >> 32);                               \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[4] = (u_char) ((n) >> 24);                               \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[5] = (u_char) ((n) >> 16);                               \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[6] = (u_char) ((n) >> 8);                                \
-    ((u_char *) (p))[7] = (u_char) (n)
+    ((u_char *) (p))[0] = (u_char) ((uint64_t) (n) >> 56);                    \
+    ((u_char *) (p))[1] = (u_char) ((uint64_t) (n) >> 48);                    \
+    ((u_char *) (p))[2] = (u_char) ((uint64_t) (n) >> 40);                    \
+    ((u_char *) (p))[3] = (u_char) ((uint64_t) (n) >> 32);                    \
+    ((u_char *) (p))[4] = (u_char) (           (n) >> 24);                    \
+    ((u_char *) (p))[5] = (u_char) (           (n) >> 16);                    \
+    ((u_char *) (p))[6] = (u_char) (           (n) >> 8);                     \
+    ((u_char *) (p))[7] = (u_char)             (n)
 #define ngx_mp4_last_trak(mp4)                                                \
     &((ngx_http_mp4_trak_t *) mp4->trak.elts)[mp4->trak.nelts - 1]
@@ -499,9 +499,16 @@ ngx_http_mp4_handler(ngx_http_request_t 
         if (ngx_http_arg(r, (u_char *) "start", 5, &value) == NGX_OK) {
-            start = ngx_atofp(value.data, value.len, 3);
-            if (start != NGX_ERROR) {
+            /*
+             * A Flash player may send start value with a lot of digits
+             * after dot so strtod() is used instead of atofp().  NaNs and
+             * infinities become negative numbers after (int) conversion.
+             */
+            ngx_set_errno(0);
+            start = (int) (strtod((char *) value.data, NULL) * 1000);
+            if (ngx_errno == 0 && start >= 0) {
                 r->allow_ranges = 0;
                 mp4 = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_mp4_file_t));
@@ -1066,7 +1073,7 @@ ngx_http_mp4_update_mdat_atom(ngx_http_m
     atom_header = mp4->mdat_atom_header;
-    if (atom_data_size > 0xffffffff) {
+    if ((uint64_t) atom_data_size > 0xffffffff) {
         atom_size = 1;
         atom_header_size = sizeof(ngx_mp4_atom_header64_t);
         ngx_mp4_set_64value(atom_header + sizeof(ngx_mp4_atom_header_t),