view docs/GNUmakefile @ 4796:0327b63390be stable-1.2

Merge of r4758: win32: fixed cpu hog after process startup failure. If ngx_spawn_process() failed while starting a process, the process handle was closed but left non-NULL in the ngx_processes[] array. The handle later was used in WaitForMultipleObjects() (if there were multiple worker processes configured and at least one worker process was started successfully), resulting in infinite loop. Reported by Ricardo Villalobos Guevara:
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Mon, 06 Aug 2012 16:24:22 +0000
parents b9dade63fcc2
children 3032f4854b81 0275f587e00b
line wrap: on
line source

VER=	$(shell grep 'define NGINX_VERSION' src/core/nginx.h		\
		| sed -e 's/^.*\"\(.*\)\"/\1/')
NGINX=	nginx-$(VER)
TEMP=	tmp
CP=	$(HOME)/java

define  XSLScript
	java -cp $(CP)/xsls/saxon.jar:$(CP)/xsls/xsls.jar		\
		com.pault.StyleSheet					\
		-x com.pault.XX -y com.pault.XX				\
		$(1) docs/xsls/dump.xsls				\
	| sed 's/ *$$//;/^ *$$/N;/\n *$$/D' > $(2)

	if [ ! -s $(2) ]; then rm $(2); fi; test -s $(2)

define  XSLT
	xmllint --noout --valid $2
	xsltproc -o $3							\
		$(shell echo $4						\\
		| sed -e "s/\([^= ]*\)=\([^= ]*\)/--param \1 \"'\2'\"/g") \
		$1 $2

all:		changes

changes:	$(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/				\

$(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/	docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml		\
				docs/xml/change_log_conf.xml		\

	test -d $(TEMP)/$(NGINX) || mkdir -p $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	xsltproc --stringparam lang ru					\
		-o $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/				\
		docs/xslt/changes.xslt docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml

$(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/CHANGES:	docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml		\
				docs/xml/change_log_conf.xml		\

	test -d $(TEMP)/$(NGINX) || mkdir -p $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	xsltproc --stringparam lang en					\
		-o $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/CHANGES				\
		docs/xslt/changes.xslt docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml

docs/xslt/changes.xslt:		docs/xsls/changes.xsls

	$(call XSLScript, docs/xsls/changes.xsls, $@)