view docs/dtd/change_log_conf.dtd @ 8903:0d3bf08eaac0 quic

HTTP/3: allowed QUIC stream connection reuse. A QUIC stream connection is treated as reusable until first bytes of request arrive, which is also when the request object is now allocated. A connection closed as a result of draining, is reset with the error code H3_REQUEST_REJECTED. Such behavior is allowed by quic-http-34: Once a request stream has been opened, the request MAY be cancelled by either endpoint. Clients cancel requests if the response is no longer of interest; servers cancel requests if they are unable to or choose not to respond. When the server cancels a request without performing any application processing, the request is considered "rejected." The server SHOULD abort its response stream with the error code H3_REQUEST_REJECTED. The client can treat requests rejected by the server as though they had never been sent at all, thereby allowing them to be retried later.
author Roman Arutyunyan <>
date Mon, 18 Oct 2021 15:47:06 +0300
parents 551102312e19
line wrap: on
line source

<!ELEMENT configuration   (length, start, indent, changes+) >

<!ELEMENT length          (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT start           (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT indent          (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT changes         (title, length,
                           bugfix, feature, change, workaround,
                           (month, month, month, month, month, month,
                            month, month, month, month, month, month)?) >

<!ATTLIST changes         lang ( ru | en) #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT title           (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT bugfix          (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT feature         (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT change          (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT workaround      (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT month           (#PCDATA) >