view contrib/ @ 7974:555533169506

HTTP/2: fixed "task already active" with sendfile in threads. With sendfile in threads, "task already active" alerts might appear in logs if a write event happens on the main HTTP/2 connection, triggering a sendfile in threads while another thread operation is already running. Observed with "aio threads; aio_write on; sendfile on;" and with thread event handlers modified to post a write event to the main HTTP/2 connection (though can happen without any modifications). Similarly, sendfile() with AIO preloading on FreeBSD can trigger duplicate aio operation, resulting in "second aio post" alerts. This is, however, harder to reproduce, especially on modern FreeBSD systems, since sendfile() usually does not return EBUSY. Fix is to avoid starting a sendfile operation if other thread operation is active by checking r->aio in the thread handler (and, similarly, in aio preload handler). The added check also makes duplicate calls protection redundant, so it is removed.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Thu, 25 Nov 2021 22:02:05 +0300
parents c9ad0d9c7d59
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# (c) Andrei Nigmatulin, 2005
# this script provided "as is", without any warranties. use it at your own risk.
# special thanx to Andrew Sitnikov for perl port
# this script converts CSV geoip database (free download at
# to format, suitable for use with nginx_http_geo module (
# for example, line with ip range
#   "","","1041253376","1041268735","RU","Russian Federation"
# will be converted to four subnetworks:
# RU;
# RU;
# RU;
# RU;

use warnings;
use strict;

while( <STDIN> ){
	if (/"[^"]+","[^"]+","([^"]+)","([^"]+)","([^"]+)"/){
		print_subnets($1, $2, $3);

sub  print_subnets {
	my ($a1, $a2, $c) = @_;
	my $l;
    while ($a1 <= $a2) {
		for ($l = 0; ($a1 & (1 << $l)) == 0 && ($a1 + ((1 << ($l + 1)) - 1)) <= $a2; $l++){};
		print long2ip($a1) . "/" . (32 - $l) . " " . $c . ";\n";
    	$a1 += (1 << $l);

sub long2ip {
	my $ip = shift;

	my $str = 0;

	$str = ($ip & 255);

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";