view src/http/ngx_http_special_response.c @ 4957:7556a7acb14f stable-1.2

Merge of r4921, r4922, r4923, r4924, r4925: request body fixes. *) Request body: fixed "501 Not Implemented" error handling. It is not about "Method" but a generic message, and is expected to be used e.g. if specified Transfer-Encoding is not supported. Fixed message to match RFC 2616. Additionally, disable keepalive on such errors as we won't be able to read request body correctly if we don't understand Transfer-Encoding used. *) Request body: $request_body variable generalization. The $request_body variable was assuming there can't be more than two buffers. While this is currently true due to request body reading implementation details, this is not a good thing to depend on and may change in the future. *) Request body: code duplication reduced, no functional changes. The r->request_body_in_file_only with empty body case is now handled in ngx_http_write_request_body(). *) Request body: fixed socket leak on errors. The r->main->count reference counter was always incremented in ngx_http_read_client_request_body(), while it is only needs to be incremented on positive returns. *) Request body: properly handle events while discarding body. An attempt to call ngx_handle_read_event() before actually reading data from a socket might result in read event being disabled, which is wrong. Catched by body.t test on Solaris.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Tue, 11 Dec 2012 13:18:50 +0000
parents d11f86a16e3b
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>
#include <ngx_http.h>
#include <nginx.h>

static ngx_int_t ngx_http_send_error_page(ngx_http_request_t *r,
    ngx_http_err_page_t *err_page);
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_send_special_response(ngx_http_request_t *r,
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t *clcf, ngx_uint_t err);
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_send_refresh(ngx_http_request_t *r);

static u_char ngx_http_error_full_tail[] =
"<hr><center>" NGINX_VER "</center>" CRLF
"</body>" CRLF
"</html>" CRLF

static u_char ngx_http_error_tail[] =
"<hr><center>nginx</center>" CRLF
"</body>" CRLF
"</html>" CRLF

static u_char ngx_http_msie_padding[] =
"<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->" CRLF
"<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->" CRLF
"<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->" CRLF
"<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->" CRLF
"<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->" CRLF
"<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->" CRLF

static u_char ngx_http_msie_refresh_head[] =
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; URL=";

static u_char ngx_http_msie_refresh_tail[] =
"\"></head><body></body></html>" CRLF;

static char ngx_http_error_301_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_302_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>302 Found</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>302 Found</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_303_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>303 See Other</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>303 See Other</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_307_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>307 Temporary Redirect</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>307 Temporary Redirect</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_400_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_401_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>401 Authorization Required</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>401 Authorization Required</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_402_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>402 Payment Required</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>402 Payment Required</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_403_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_404_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_405_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>405 Not Allowed</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>405 Not Allowed</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_406_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>406 Not Acceptable</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>406 Not Acceptable</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_408_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>408 Request Time-out</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>408 Request Time-out</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_409_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>409 Conflict</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>409 Conflict</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_410_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>410 Gone</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>410 Gone</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_411_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>411 Length Required</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>411 Length Required</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_412_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>412 Precondition Failed</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>412 Precondition Failed</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_413_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_414_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>414 Request-URI Too Large</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>414 Request-URI Too Large</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_415_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>415 Unsupported Media Type</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>415 Unsupported Media Type</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_416_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_494_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>400 Request Header Or Cookie Too Large</title></head>"
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>" CRLF
"<center>Request Header Or Cookie Too Large</center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_495_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>400 The SSL certificate error</title></head>"
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>" CRLF
"<center>The SSL certificate error</center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_496_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>400 No required SSL certificate was sent</title></head>"
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>" CRLF
"<center>No required SSL certificate was sent</center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_497_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port</title></head>"
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>" CRLF
"<center>The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port</center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_500_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_501_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>501 Not Implemented</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>501 Not Implemented</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_502_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_503_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_504_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>" CRLF

static char ngx_http_error_507_page[] =
"<html>" CRLF
"<head><title>507 Insufficient Storage</title></head>" CRLF
"<body bgcolor=\"white\">" CRLF
"<center><h1>507 Insufficient Storage</h1></center>" CRLF

static ngx_str_t ngx_http_error_pages[] = {

    ngx_null_string,                     /* 201, 204 */

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_2XX  202
#define NGX_HTTP_OFF_3XX   (NGX_HTTP_LAST_2XX - 201)

    /* ngx_null_string, */               /* 300 */
    ngx_null_string,                     /* 304 */
    ngx_null_string,                     /* 305 */
    ngx_null_string,                     /* 306 */

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_3XX  308

    ngx_null_string,                     /* 407 */

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_4XX  417

    ngx_string(ngx_http_error_494_page), /* 494, request header too large */
    ngx_string(ngx_http_error_495_page), /* 495, https certificate error */
    ngx_string(ngx_http_error_496_page), /* 496, https no certificate */
    ngx_string(ngx_http_error_497_page), /* 497, http to https */
    ngx_string(ngx_http_error_404_page), /* 498, canceled */
    ngx_null_string,                     /* 499, client has closed connection */

    ngx_null_string,                     /* 505 */
    ngx_null_string,                     /* 506 */

#define NGX_HTTP_LAST_5XX  508


static ngx_str_t  ngx_http_get_name = { 3, (u_char *) "GET " };

ngx_http_special_response_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_int_t error)
    ngx_uint_t                 i, err;
    ngx_http_err_page_t       *err_page;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t  *clcf;

    ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   "http special response: %d, \"%V?%V\"",
                   error, &r->uri, &r->args);

    r->err_status = error;

    if (r->keepalive) {
        switch (error) {
            case NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST:
            case NGX_HTTP_TO_HTTPS:
            case NGX_HTTPS_CERT_ERROR:
            case NGX_HTTPS_NO_CERT:
            case NGX_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED:
                r->keepalive = 0;

    if (r->lingering_close) {
        switch (error) {
            case NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST:
            case NGX_HTTP_TO_HTTPS:
            case NGX_HTTPS_CERT_ERROR:
            case NGX_HTTPS_NO_CERT:
                r->lingering_close = 0;

    r->headers_out.content_type.len = 0;

    clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

    if (!r->error_page && clcf->error_pages && r->uri_changes != 0) {

        if (clcf->recursive_error_pages == 0) {
            r->error_page = 1;

        err_page = clcf->error_pages->elts;

        for (i = 0; i < clcf->error_pages->nelts; i++) {
            if (err_page[i].status == error) {
                return ngx_http_send_error_page(r, &err_page[i]);

    r->expect_tested = 1;

    if (ngx_http_discard_request_body(r) != NGX_OK) {

    if (clcf->msie_refresh
        && r->headers_in.msie
        && (error == NGX_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
            || error == NGX_HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY))
        return ngx_http_send_refresh(r);

    if (error == NGX_HTTP_CREATED) {
        /* 201 */
        err = 0;

    } else if (error == NGX_HTTP_NO_CONTENT) {
        /* 204 */
        err = 0;

    } else if (error >= NGX_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
               && error < NGX_HTTP_LAST_3XX)
        /* 3XX */

    } else if (error >= NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
               && error < NGX_HTTP_LAST_4XX)
        /* 4XX */
        err = error - NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST + NGX_HTTP_OFF_4XX;

    } else if (error >= NGX_HTTP_NGINX_CODES
               && error < NGX_HTTP_LAST_5XX)
        /* 49X, 5XX */
        err = error - NGX_HTTP_NGINX_CODES + NGX_HTTP_OFF_5XX;
        switch (error) {
            case NGX_HTTP_TO_HTTPS:
            case NGX_HTTPS_CERT_ERROR:
            case NGX_HTTPS_NO_CERT:
                r->err_status = NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;

    } else {
        /* unknown code, zero body */
        err = 0;

    return ngx_http_send_special_response(r, clcf, err);

ngx_http_filter_finalize_request(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_module_t *m,
    ngx_int_t error)
    void       *ctx;
    ngx_int_t   rc;


    ctx = NULL;

    if (m) {
        ctx = r->ctx[m->ctx_index];

    /* clear the modules contexts */
    ngx_memzero(r->ctx, sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);

    if (m) {
        r->ctx[m->ctx_index] = ctx;

    r->filter_finalize = 1;

    rc = ngx_http_special_response_handler(r, error);

    /* NGX_ERROR resets any pending data */

    switch (rc) {

    case NGX_OK:
    case NGX_DONE:
        return NGX_ERROR;

        return rc;

ngx_http_clean_header(ngx_http_request_t *r)
                    - offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, status));

    r->headers_out.headers.part.nelts = 0;
    r-> = NULL;
    r->headers_out.headers.last = &r->headers_out.headers.part;

    r->headers_out.content_length_n = -1;
    r->headers_out.last_modified_time = -1;

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_send_error_page(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_err_page_t *err_page)
    ngx_int_t                  overwrite;
    ngx_str_t                  uri, args;
    ngx_table_elt_t           *location;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t  *clcf;

    overwrite = err_page->overwrite;

    if (overwrite && overwrite != NGX_HTTP_OK) {
        r->expect_tested = 1;

    if (overwrite >= 0) {
        r->err_status = overwrite;

    if (ngx_http_complex_value(r, &err_page->value, &uri) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    if ([0] == '/') {

        if (err_page->value.lengths) {
            ngx_http_split_args(r, &uri, &args);

        } else {
            args = err_page->args;

        if (r->method != NGX_HTTP_HEAD) {
            r->method = NGX_HTTP_GET;
            r->method_name = ngx_http_get_name;

        return ngx_http_internal_redirect(r, &uri, &args);

    if ([0] == '@') {
        return ngx_http_named_location(r, &uri);

    location = ngx_list_push(&r->headers_out.headers);

    if (location == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    if (overwrite != NGX_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
        && overwrite != NGX_HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
        && overwrite != NGX_HTTP_SEE_OTHER
        && overwrite != NGX_HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT)
        r->err_status = NGX_HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY;

    location->hash = 1;
    ngx_str_set(&location->key, "Location");
    location->value = uri;


    r->headers_out.location = location;

    clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

    if (clcf->msie_refresh && r->headers_in.msie) {
        return ngx_http_send_refresh(r);

    return ngx_http_send_special_response(r, clcf, r->err_status
                                                   - NGX_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
                                                   + NGX_HTTP_OFF_3XX);

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_send_special_response(ngx_http_request_t *r,
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t *clcf, ngx_uint_t err)
    u_char       *tail;
    size_t        len;
    ngx_int_t     rc;
    ngx_buf_t    *b;
    ngx_uint_t    msie_padding;
    ngx_chain_t   out[3];

    if (clcf->server_tokens) {
        len = sizeof(ngx_http_error_full_tail) - 1;
        tail = ngx_http_error_full_tail;

    } else {
        len = sizeof(ngx_http_error_tail) - 1;
        tail = ngx_http_error_tail;

    msie_padding = 0;

    if (ngx_http_error_pages[err].len) {
        r->headers_out.content_length_n = ngx_http_error_pages[err].len + len;
        if (clcf->msie_padding
            && (r->headers_in.msie || r->
            && r->http_version >= NGX_HTTP_VERSION_10
            && err >= NGX_HTTP_OFF_4XX)
            r->headers_out.content_length_n +=
                                         sizeof(ngx_http_msie_padding) - 1;
            msie_padding = 1;

        r->headers_out.content_type_len = sizeof("text/html") - 1;
        ngx_str_set(&r->headers_out.content_type, "text/html");
        r->headers_out.content_type_lowcase = NULL;

    } else {
        r->headers_out.content_length_n = 0;

    if (r->headers_out.content_length) {
        r->headers_out.content_length->hash = 0;
        r->headers_out.content_length = NULL;


    rc = ngx_http_send_header(r);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || r->header_only) {
        return rc;

    if (ngx_http_error_pages[err].len == 0) {
        return ngx_http_send_special(r, NGX_HTTP_LAST);

    b = ngx_calloc_buf(r->pool);
    if (b == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    b->memory = 1;
    b->pos = ngx_http_error_pages[err].data;
    b->last = ngx_http_error_pages[err].data + ngx_http_error_pages[err].len;

    out[0].buf = b;
    out[0].next = &out[1];

    b = ngx_calloc_buf(r->pool);
    if (b == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    b->memory = 1;

    b->pos = tail;
    b->last = tail + len;

    out[1].buf = b;
    out[1].next = NULL;

    if (msie_padding) {
        b = ngx_calloc_buf(r->pool);
        if (b == NULL) {
            return NGX_ERROR;

        b->memory = 1;
        b->pos = ngx_http_msie_padding;
        b->last = ngx_http_msie_padding + sizeof(ngx_http_msie_padding) - 1;

        out[1].next = &out[2];
        out[2].buf = b;
        out[2].next = NULL;

    if (r == r->main) {
        b->last_buf = 1;

    b->last_in_chain = 1;

    return ngx_http_output_filter(r, &out[0]);

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_send_refresh(ngx_http_request_t *r)
    u_char       *p, *location;
    size_t        len, size;
    uintptr_t     escape;
    ngx_int_t     rc;
    ngx_buf_t    *b;
    ngx_chain_t   out;

    len = r->headers_out.location->value.len;
    location = r->headers_out.location->;

    escape = 2 * ngx_escape_uri(NULL, location, len, NGX_ESCAPE_REFRESH);

    size = sizeof(ngx_http_msie_refresh_head) - 1
           + escape + len
           + sizeof(ngx_http_msie_refresh_tail) - 1;

    r->err_status = NGX_HTTP_OK;

    r->headers_out.content_type_len = sizeof("text/html") - 1;
    ngx_str_set(&r->headers_out.content_type, "text/html");
    r->headers_out.content_type_lowcase = NULL;

    r->headers_out.location->hash = 0;
    r->headers_out.location = NULL;

    r->headers_out.content_length_n = size;

    if (r->headers_out.content_length) {
        r->headers_out.content_length->hash = 0;
        r->headers_out.content_length = NULL;


    rc = ngx_http_send_header(r);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || r->header_only) {
        return rc;

    b = ngx_create_temp_buf(r->pool, size);
    if (b == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    p = ngx_cpymem(b->pos, ngx_http_msie_refresh_head,
                   sizeof(ngx_http_msie_refresh_head) - 1);

    if (escape == 0) {
        p = ngx_cpymem(p, location, len);

    } else {
        p = (u_char *) ngx_escape_uri(p, location, len, NGX_ESCAPE_REFRESH);

    b->last = ngx_cpymem(p, ngx_http_msie_refresh_tail,
                         sizeof(ngx_http_msie_refresh_tail) - 1);

    b->last_buf = 1;
    b->last_in_chain = 1;

    out.buf = b; = NULL;

    return ngx_http_output_filter(r, &out);