view src/core/ngx_log.h @ 7120:874171c3c71a

Fixed handling of non-null-terminated unix sockets. At least FreeBSD, macOS, NetBSD, and OpenBSD can return unix sockets with non-null-terminated sun_path. Additionally, the address may become non-null-terminated if it does not fit into the buffer provided and was truncated (may happen on macOS, NetBSD, and Solaris, which allow unix socket addresess larger than struct sockaddr_un). As such, ngx_sock_ntop() might overread the sockaddr provided, as it used "%s" format and thus assumed null-terminated string. To fix this, the ngx_strnlen() function was introduced, and it is now used to calculate correct length of sun_path.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Wed, 04 Oct 2017 21:19:38 +0300
parents 4b420f9c4c5d
children f18db38a9826
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.


#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>

#define NGX_LOG_STDERR            0
#define NGX_LOG_EMERG             1
#define NGX_LOG_ALERT             2
#define NGX_LOG_CRIT              3
#define NGX_LOG_ERR               4
#define NGX_LOG_WARN              5
#define NGX_LOG_NOTICE            6
#define NGX_LOG_INFO              7
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG             8

#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE        0x010
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_ALLOC       0x020
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_MUTEX       0x040
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT       0x080
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP        0x100
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_MAIL        0x200
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM      0x400

 * do not forget to update debug_levels[] in src/core/ngx_log.c
 * after the adding a new debug level

#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CONNECTION  0x80000000
#define NGX_LOG_DEBUG_ALL         0x7ffffff0

typedef u_char *(*ngx_log_handler_pt) (ngx_log_t *log, u_char *buf, size_t len);
typedef void (*ngx_log_writer_pt) (ngx_log_t *log, ngx_uint_t level,
    u_char *buf, size_t len);

struct ngx_log_s {
    ngx_uint_t           log_level;
    ngx_open_file_t     *file;

    ngx_atomic_uint_t    connection;

    time_t               disk_full_time;

    ngx_log_handler_pt   handler;
    void                *data;

    ngx_log_writer_pt    writer;
    void                *wdata;

     * we declare "action" as "char *" because the actions are usually
     * the static strings and in the "u_char *" case we have to override
     * their types all the time

    char                *action;

    ngx_log_t           *next;

#define NGX_MAX_ERROR_STR   2048




#define ngx_log_error(level, log, ...)                                        \
    if ((log)->log_level >= level) ngx_log_error_core(level, log, __VA_ARGS__)

void ngx_log_error_core(ngx_uint_t level, ngx_log_t *log, ngx_err_t err,
    const char *fmt, ...);

#define ngx_log_debug(level, log, ...)                                        \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_error_core(NGX_LOG_DEBUG, log, __VA_ARGS__)




#define ngx_log_error(level, log, args...)                                    \
    if ((log)->log_level >= level) ngx_log_error_core(level, log, args)

void ngx_log_error_core(ngx_uint_t level, ngx_log_t *log, ngx_err_t err,
    const char *fmt, ...);

#define ngx_log_debug(level, log, args...)                                    \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_error_core(NGX_LOG_DEBUG, log, args)


#else /* no variadic macros */


void ngx_cdecl ngx_log_error(ngx_uint_t level, ngx_log_t *log, ngx_err_t err,
    const char *fmt, ...);
void ngx_log_error_core(ngx_uint_t level, ngx_log_t *log, ngx_err_t err,
    const char *fmt, va_list args);
void ngx_cdecl ngx_log_debug_core(ngx_log_t *log, ngx_err_t err,
    const char *fmt, ...);

#endif /* variadic macros */




#define ngx_log_debug0(level, log, err, fmt)                                  \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt)

#define ngx_log_debug1(level, log, err, fmt, arg1)                            \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt, arg1)

#define ngx_log_debug2(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2)                      \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2)

#define ngx_log_debug3(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)                \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)

#define ngx_log_debug4(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)          \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

#define ngx_log_debug5(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)    \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)

#define ngx_log_debug6(level, log, err, fmt,                                  \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)                    \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt,                                   \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)

#define ngx_log_debug7(level, log, err, fmt,                                  \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)              \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt,                                   \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)

#define ngx_log_debug8(level, log, err, fmt,                                  \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)        \
        ngx_log_debug(level, log, err, fmt,                                   \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)

#else /* no variadic macros */

#define ngx_log_debug0(level, log, err, fmt)                                  \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt)

#define ngx_log_debug1(level, log, err, fmt, arg1)                            \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt, arg1)

#define ngx_log_debug2(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2)                      \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2)

#define ngx_log_debug3(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)                \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)

#define ngx_log_debug4(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)          \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

#define ngx_log_debug5(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)    \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)

#define ngx_log_debug6(level, log, err, fmt,                                  \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)                    \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)

#define ngx_log_debug7(level, log, err, fmt,                                  \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)              \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt,                                     \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)

#define ngx_log_debug8(level, log, err, fmt,                                  \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)        \
    if ((log)->log_level & level)                                             \
        ngx_log_debug_core(log, err, fmt,                                     \
                       arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)


#else /* !NGX_DEBUG */

#define ngx_log_debug0(level, log, err, fmt)
#define ngx_log_debug1(level, log, err, fmt, arg1)
#define ngx_log_debug2(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2)
#define ngx_log_debug3(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)
#define ngx_log_debug4(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
#define ngx_log_debug5(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
#define ngx_log_debug6(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
#define ngx_log_debug7(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,    \
                       arg6, arg7)
#define ngx_log_debug8(level, log, err, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,    \
                       arg6, arg7, arg8)



ngx_log_t *ngx_log_init(u_char *prefix);
void ngx_cdecl ngx_log_abort(ngx_err_t err, const char *fmt, ...);
void ngx_cdecl ngx_log_stderr(ngx_err_t err, const char *fmt, ...);
u_char *ngx_log_errno(u_char *buf, u_char *last, ngx_err_t err);
ngx_int_t ngx_log_open_default(ngx_cycle_t *cycle);
ngx_int_t ngx_log_redirect_stderr(ngx_cycle_t *cycle);
ngx_log_t *ngx_log_get_file_log(ngx_log_t *head);
char *ngx_log_set_log(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_log_t **head);

 * ngx_write_stderr() cannot be implemented as macro, since
 * MSVC does not allow to use #ifdef inside macro parameters.
 * ngx_write_fd() is used instead of ngx_write_console(), since
 * CharToOemBuff() inside ngx_write_console() cannot be used with
 * read only buffer as destination and CharToOemBuff() is not needed
 * for ngx_write_stderr() anyway.
static ngx_inline void
ngx_write_stderr(char *text)
    (void) ngx_write_fd(ngx_stderr, text, ngx_strlen(text));

static ngx_inline void
ngx_write_stdout(char *text)
    (void) ngx_write_fd(ngx_stdout, text, ngx_strlen(text));

extern ngx_module_t  ngx_errlog_module;
extern ngx_uint_t    ngx_use_stderr;

#endif /* _NGX_LOG_H_INCLUDED_ */