view docs/GNUmakefile @ 7666:8cf31489b479

Correctly flush request body to uwsgi with SSL. The flush flag was not set when forwarding the request body to the uwsgi server. When using uwsgi_pass suwsgi://..., this causes the uwsgi server to wait indefinitely for the request body and eventually time out due to SSL buffering. This is essentially the same change as 4009:3183165283cc, which was made to ngx_http_proxy_module.c. This will fix the uwsgi bug
author Quantum <>
date Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:35:26 -0400
parents f303f3e43f7b
children 1bc938b270dc
line wrap: on
line source

VER=	$(shell grep 'define NGINX_VERSION' src/core/nginx.h		\
		| sed -e 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/')
NGINX=	nginx-$(VER)
TEMP=	tmp

all:		changes

changes:	$(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/				\

$(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/	docs/dtd/changes.dtd			\
				docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml		\
				docs/xml/change_log_conf.xml		\

	mkdir -p $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	xmllint --noout --valid docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml
	xsltproc --stringparam lang ru					\
		-o $@ docs/xslt/changes.xslt docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml

$(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/CHANGES:	docs/dtd/changes.dtd			\
				docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml		\
				docs/xml/change_log_conf.xml		\

	mkdir -p $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	xmllint --noout --valid docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml
	xsltproc --stringparam lang en					\
		-o $@ docs/xslt/changes.xslt docs/xml/nginx/changes.xml

docs/xslt/changes.xslt:		docs/xsls/changes.xsls

	$(XSLS) -o $@ $<