view src/os/win32/ngx_win32_config.h @ 509:9b8c906f6e63 release-0.1.29

nginx-0.1.29-RELEASE import *) Feature: the ngx_http_ssi_module supports "include virtual" command. *) Feature: the ngx_http_ssi_module supports the condition command like 'if expr="$NAME"' and "else" and "endif" commands. Only one nested level is supported. *) Feature: the ngx_http_ssi_module supports the DATE_LOCAL and DATE_GMT variables and "config timefmt" command. *) Feature: the "ssi_ignore_recycled_buffers" directive. *) Bugfix: the "echo" command did not show the default value for the empty QUERY_STRING variable. *) Change: the ngx_http_proxy_module was rewritten. *) Feature: the "proxy_redirect", "proxy_pass_request_headers", "proxy_pass_request_body", and "proxy_method" directives. *) Feature: the "proxy_set_header" directive. The "proxy_x_var" was canceled and must be replaced with the proxy_set_header directive. *) Change: the "proxy_preserve_host" is canceled and must be replaced with the "proxy_set_header Host $host" and the "proxy_redirect off" directives, the "proxy_set_header Host $host:$proxy_port" directive and the appropriate proxy_redirect directives. *) Change: the "proxy_set_x_real_ip" is canceled and must be replaced with the "proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr" directive. *) Change: the "proxy_add_x_forwarded_for" is canceled and must be replaced with the "proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for" directive. *) Change: the "proxy_set_x_url" is canceled and must be replaced with the "proxy_set_header X-URL http://$host:$server_port$request_uri" directive. *) Feature: the "fastcgi_param" directive. *) Change: the "fastcgi_root", "fastcgi_set_var" and "fastcgi_params" directive are canceled and must be replaced with the fastcgi_param directives. *) Feature: the "index" directive can use the variables. *) Feature: the "index" directive can be used at http and server levels. *) Change: the last index only in the "index" directive can be absolute. *) Feature: the "rewrite" directive can use the variables. *) Feature: the "internal" directive. *) Feature: the CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE, REMOTE_PORT, SERVER_ADDR, SERVER_PORT, SERVER_PROTOCOL, DOCUMENT_ROOT, SERVER_NAME, REQUEST_METHOD, REQUEST_URI, and REMOTE_USER variables. *) Change: nginx now passes the invalid lines in a client request headers or a backend response header. *) Bugfix: if the backend did not transfer response for a long time and the "send_timeout" was less than "proxy_read_timeout", then nginx returned the 408 response. *) Bugfix: the segmentation fault was occurred if the backend sent an invalid line in response header; the bug had appeared in 0.1.26. *) Bugfix: the segmentation fault may occurred in FastCGI fault tolerance configuration. *) Bugfix: the "expires" directive did not remove the previous "Expires" and "Cache-Control" headers. *) Bugfix: nginx did not take into account trailing dot in "Host" header line. *) Bugfix: the ngx_http_auth_module did not work under Linux. *) Bugfix: the rewrite directive worked incorrectly, if the arguments were in a request. *) Bugfix: nginx could not be built on MacOS X.
author Igor Sysoev <>
date Thu, 12 May 2005 14:58:06 +0000
parents b1648294f693
children 9c2f3ed7a247
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev


#define STRICT

 * we need to include <windows.h> explicity before <winsock2.h> because
 * the warning 4201 is enabled in <windows.h>
#include <windows.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4201)

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <mswsock.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <stddef.h>    /* offsetof() */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#ifdef __WATCOMC__
typedef long  time_t;
/* OpenWatcom defines time_t as "unsigned long" */

#include <time.h>      /* localtime(), strftime() */

#ifdef _MSC_VER

/* the end of the precompiled headers */
#pragma hdrstop

#pragma warning(default:4201)

/* disable some "-W4" level warnings */

/* 'type cast': from function pointer to data pointer */
#pragma warning(disable:4054)

/* 'type cast': from data pointer to function pointer */
#pragma warning(disable:4055)

/* unreferenced formal parameter */
#pragma warning(disable:4100)

/* FD_SET() and FD_CLR(): conditional expression is constant */
#pragma warning(disable:4127)

/* function 'ngx_handle_write_event' not inlined */
#pragma warning(disable:4710)


#ifdef __WATCOMC__

/* symbol 'ngx_rbtree_min' has been defined, but not referenced */
#pragma disable_message(202)


#ifdef __BORLANDC__

/* the end of the precompiled headers */
#pragma hdrstop

/* functions containing (for|while|some if) are not expanded inline */
#pragma warn -8027

/* unreferenced formal parameter */
#pragma warn -8057


#include <ngx_auto_config.h>

#define ngx_inline        __inline
#define ngx_cdecl         __cdecl

#ifdef _MSC_VER
typedef unsigned __int32  uint32_t;
typedef __int32           int32_t;
#define ngx_libc_cdecl    __cdecl

#elif defined __WATCOMC__
typedef unsigned int      uint32_t;
typedef int               int32_t;
#define ngx_libc_cdecl

#else /* __BORLANDC__ */
typedef unsigned int      uint32_t;
typedef int               int32_t;
#define ngx_libc_cdecl    __cdecl

typedef __int64           int64_t;
typedef unsigned __int64  uint64_t;
typedef u_int             uintptr_t;

typedef int               ssize_t;
typedef __int64           off_t;
typedef uint32_t          in_addr_t;
typedef u_short           in_port_t;
typedef int               sig_atomic_t;

#define NGX_SIZE_T_LEN          sizeof("-2147483648") - 1
#define NGX_TIME_T_LEN          sizeof("-2147483648") - 1
#define NGX_TIME_T_SIZE         4
#define NGX_OFF_T_LEN           sizeof("-9223372036854775807") - 1
#define NGX_MAX_OFF_T_VALUE     9223372036854775807


#define NGX_THREADS       1

#define NGX_WIN_NT        200000





/* setsockopt(SO_SNDLOWAT) returns error WSAENOPROTOOPT */
#define NGX_HAVE_SO_SNDLOWAT         0

#endif /* _NGX_WIN32_CONFIG_H_INCLUDED_ */