view src/http/ngx_http_request.h @ 4247:b79dbadb3d5e stable-1.0

Merging r4147, r4148, r4149, r4150, r4207: Fixes of combination of error_page and return directives: *) Fix for incorrect 201 replies from dav module. Replies with 201 code contain body, and we should clearly indicate it's empty if it's empty. Before 0.8.32 chunked was explicitly disabled for 201 replies and as a result empty body was indicated by connection close (not perfect, but worked). Since 0.8.32 chunked is enabled, and this causes incorrect responses from dav module when HTTP/1.1 is used: with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" but no chunks at all. Fix is to actually return empty body in special response handler instead of abusing r->header_only flag. See here for initial report: *) Fix for double content when return is used in error_page handler. Test case: location / { error_page 405 /nope; return 405; } location /nope { return 200; } This is expected to return 405 with empty body, but in 0.8.42+ will return builtin 405 error page as well (though not counted in Content-Length, thus breaking protocol). Fix is to use status provided by rewrite script execution in case it's less than NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST even if r->error_status set. This check is in line with one in ngx_http_script_return_code(). Note that this patch also changes behaviour for "return 302 ..." and "rewrite ... redirect" used as error handler. E.g. location / { error_page 405 /redirect; return 405; } location /redirect { rewrite ^; } will actually return redirect to "" instead of builtin 405 error page with meaningless Location header. This looks like correct change and it's in line with what happens on e.g. directory redirects in error handlers. *) Fix for "return 202" not discarding body. Big POST (not fully preread) to a location / { return 202; } resulted in incorrect behaviour due to "return" code path not calling ngx_http_discard_request_body(). The same applies to all "return" used with 2xx/3xx codes except 201 and 204, and to all "return ... text" uses. Fix is to add ngx_http_discard_request_body() call to ngx_http_send_response() function where it looks appropriate. Discard body call from emtpy gif module removed as it's now redundant. Reported by Pyry Hakulinen, see *) Incorrect special case for "return 204" removed. The special case in question leads to replies without body in configuration like location / { error_page 404 /zero; return 404; } location /zero { return 204; } while replies with empty body are expected per protocol specs. Correct one will look like if (status == NGX_HTTP_NO_CONTENT) { rc = ngx_http_send_header(r); if (rc == NGX_ERROR || r->header_only) { return rc; } return ngx_http_send_special(r, NGX_HTTP_LAST); } though it looks like it's better to drop this special case at all. *) Clear old Location header (if any) while adding a new one. This prevents incorrect behaviour when another redirect is issued within error_page 302 handler.
author Igor Sysoev <>
date Tue, 01 Nov 2011 13:45:33 +0000
parents 0094c8636d5f
children 91874133fb27 4919fb357a5d
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev


#define NGX_HTTP_MAX_URI_CHANGES           10
#define NGX_HTTP_MAX_SUBREQUESTS           50

/* must be 2^n */
#define NGX_HTTP_LC_HEADER_LEN             32


#define NGX_HTTP_VERSION_9                 9
#define NGX_HTTP_VERSION_10                1000
#define NGX_HTTP_VERSION_11                1001

#define NGX_HTTP_UNKNOWN                   0x0001
#define NGX_HTTP_GET                       0x0002
#define NGX_HTTP_HEAD                      0x0004
#define NGX_HTTP_POST                      0x0008
#define NGX_HTTP_PUT                       0x0010
#define NGX_HTTP_DELETE                    0x0020
#define NGX_HTTP_MKCOL                     0x0040
#define NGX_HTTP_COPY                      0x0080
#define NGX_HTTP_MOVE                      0x0100
#define NGX_HTTP_OPTIONS                   0x0200
#define NGX_HTTP_PROPFIND                  0x0400
#define NGX_HTTP_PROPPATCH                 0x0800
#define NGX_HTTP_LOCK                      0x1000
#define NGX_HTTP_UNLOCK                    0x2000
#define NGX_HTTP_PATCH                     0x4000
#define NGX_HTTP_TRACE                     0x8000

#define NGX_HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE          1

#define NGX_NONE                           1

#define NGX_HTTP_PARSE_HEADER_DONE         1

#define NGX_HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR              10


/* unused                                  1 */
#define NGX_HTTP_LOG_UNSAFE                8

#define NGX_HTTP_OK                        200
#define NGX_HTTP_CREATED                   201
#define NGX_HTTP_ACCEPTED                  202
#define NGX_HTTP_NO_CONTENT                204
#define NGX_HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT           206

#define NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE          300
#define NGX_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY         301
#define NGX_HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY         302
#define NGX_HTTP_SEE_OTHER                 303
#define NGX_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED              304

#define NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST               400
#define NGX_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED              401
#define NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN                 403
#define NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND                 404
#define NGX_HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED               405
#define NGX_HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT          408
#define NGX_HTTP_CONFLICT                  409
#define NGX_HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED           411

/* Our own HTTP codes */

/* The special code to close connection without any response */
#define NGX_HTTP_CLOSE                     444

#define NGX_HTTP_NGINX_CODES               494


#define NGX_HTTPS_CERT_ERROR               495
#define NGX_HTTPS_NO_CERT                  496

 * We use the special code for the plain HTTP requests that are sent to
 * HTTPS port to distinguish it from 4XX in an error page redirection
#define NGX_HTTP_TO_HTTPS                  497

/* 498 is the canceled code for the requests with invalid host name */

 * HTTP does not define the code for the case when a client closed
 * the connection while we are processing its request so we introduce
 * own code to log such situation when a client has closed the connection
 * before we even try to send the HTTP header to it

#define NGX_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED           501
#define NGX_HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY               502
#define NGX_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT          504

#define NGX_HTTP_LOWLEVEL_BUFFERED         0xf0
#define NGX_HTTP_WRITE_BUFFERED            0x10
#define NGX_HTTP_GZIP_BUFFERED             0x20
#define NGX_HTTP_SSI_BUFFERED              0x01
#define NGX_HTTP_SUB_BUFFERED              0x02
#define NGX_HTTP_COPY_BUFFERED             0x04

typedef enum {


} ngx_http_state_e;

typedef struct {
    ngx_str_t                         name;
    ngx_uint_t                        offset;
    ngx_http_header_handler_pt        handler;
} ngx_http_header_t;

typedef struct {
    ngx_str_t                         name;
    ngx_uint_t                        offset;
} ngx_http_header_out_t;

typedef struct {
    ngx_list_t                        headers;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *host;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *connection;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *if_modified_since;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *if_unmodified_since;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *user_agent;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *referer;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *content_length;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *content_type;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *range;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *if_range;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *transfer_encoding;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *expect;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *accept_encoding;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *via;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *authorization;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *keep_alive;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *x_forwarded_for;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *x_real_ip;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *accept;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *accept_language;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *depth;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *destination;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *overwrite;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *date;

    ngx_str_t                         user;
    ngx_str_t                         passwd;

    ngx_array_t                       cookies;

    ngx_str_t                         server;
    off_t                             content_length_n;
    time_t                            keep_alive_n;

    unsigned                          connection_type:2;
    unsigned                          msie:1;
    unsigned                          msie6:1;
    unsigned                          opera:1;
    unsigned                          gecko:1;
    unsigned                          chrome:1;
    unsigned                          safari:1;
    unsigned                          konqueror:1;
} ngx_http_headers_in_t;

typedef struct {
    ngx_list_t                        headers;

    ngx_uint_t                        status;
    ngx_str_t                         status_line;

    ngx_table_elt_t                  *server;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *date;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *content_length;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *content_encoding;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *location;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *refresh;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *last_modified;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *content_range;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *accept_ranges;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *www_authenticate;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *expires;
    ngx_table_elt_t                  *etag;

    ngx_str_t                        *override_charset;

    size_t                            content_type_len;
    ngx_str_t                         content_type;
    ngx_str_t                         charset;
    u_char                           *content_type_lowcase;
    ngx_uint_t                        content_type_hash;

    ngx_array_t                       cache_control;

    off_t                             content_length_n;
    time_t                            date_time;
    time_t                            last_modified_time;
} ngx_http_headers_out_t;

typedef void (*ngx_http_client_body_handler_pt)(ngx_http_request_t *r);

typedef struct {
    ngx_temp_file_t                  *temp_file;
    ngx_chain_t                      *bufs;
    ngx_buf_t                        *buf;
    off_t                             rest;
    ngx_chain_t                      *to_write;
    ngx_http_client_body_handler_pt   post_handler;
} ngx_http_request_body_t;

typedef struct {
    ngx_http_request_t               *request;

    ngx_buf_t                       **busy;
    ngx_int_t                         nbusy;

    ngx_buf_t                       **free;
    ngx_int_t                         nfree;

    ngx_uint_t                        pipeline;    /* unsigned  pipeline:1; */
} ngx_http_connection_t;

typedef struct ngx_http_server_name_s  ngx_http_server_name_t;

typedef struct {
     ngx_hash_combined_t              names;

     ngx_uint_t                       nregex;
     ngx_http_server_name_t          *regex;
} ngx_http_virtual_names_t;

typedef void (*ngx_http_cleanup_pt)(void *data);

typedef struct ngx_http_cleanup_s  ngx_http_cleanup_t;

struct ngx_http_cleanup_s {
    ngx_http_cleanup_pt               handler;
    void                             *data;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t               *next;

typedef ngx_int_t (*ngx_http_post_subrequest_pt)(ngx_http_request_t *r,
    void *data, ngx_int_t rc);

typedef struct {
    ngx_http_post_subrequest_pt       handler;
    void                             *data;
} ngx_http_post_subrequest_t;

typedef struct ngx_http_postponed_request_s  ngx_http_postponed_request_t;

struct ngx_http_postponed_request_s {
    ngx_http_request_t               *request;
    ngx_chain_t                      *out;
    ngx_http_postponed_request_t     *next;

typedef struct ngx_http_posted_request_s  ngx_http_posted_request_t;

struct ngx_http_posted_request_s {
    ngx_http_request_t               *request;
    ngx_http_posted_request_t        *next;

typedef ngx_int_t (*ngx_http_handler_pt)(ngx_http_request_t *r);
typedef void (*ngx_http_event_handler_pt)(ngx_http_request_t *r);

struct ngx_http_request_s {
    uint32_t                          signature;         /* "HTTP" */

    ngx_connection_t                 *connection;

    void                            **ctx;
    void                            **main_conf;
    void                            **srv_conf;
    void                            **loc_conf;

    ngx_http_event_handler_pt         read_event_handler;
    ngx_http_event_handler_pt         write_event_handler;

    ngx_http_cache_t                 *cache;

    ngx_http_upstream_t              *upstream;
    ngx_array_t                      *upstream_states;
                                         /* of ngx_http_upstream_state_t */

    ngx_pool_t                       *pool;
    ngx_buf_t                        *header_in;

    ngx_http_headers_in_t             headers_in;
    ngx_http_headers_out_t            headers_out;

    ngx_http_request_body_t          *request_body;

    time_t                            lingering_time;
    time_t                            start_sec;
    ngx_msec_t                        start_msec;

    ngx_uint_t                        method;
    ngx_uint_t                        http_version;

    ngx_str_t                         request_line;
    ngx_str_t                         uri;
    ngx_str_t                         args;
    ngx_str_t                         exten;
    ngx_str_t                         unparsed_uri;

    ngx_str_t                         method_name;
    ngx_str_t                         http_protocol;

    ngx_chain_t                      *out;
    ngx_http_request_t               *main;
    ngx_http_request_t               *parent;
    ngx_http_postponed_request_t     *postponed;
    ngx_http_post_subrequest_t       *post_subrequest;
    ngx_http_posted_request_t        *posted_requests;

    ngx_http_virtual_names_t         *virtual_names;

    ngx_int_t                         phase_handler;
    ngx_http_handler_pt               content_handler;
    ngx_uint_t                        access_code;

    ngx_http_variable_value_t        *variables;

#if (NGX_PCRE)
    ngx_uint_t                        ncaptures;
    int                              *captures;
    u_char                           *captures_data;

    size_t                            limit_rate;

    /* used to learn the Apache compatible response length without a header */
    size_t                            header_size;

    off_t                             request_length;

    ngx_uint_t                        err_status;

    ngx_http_connection_t            *http_connection;

    ngx_http_log_handler_pt           log_handler;

    ngx_http_cleanup_t               *cleanup;

    unsigned                          subrequests:8;
    unsigned                          count:8;
    unsigned                          blocked:8;

    unsigned                          aio:1;

    unsigned                          http_state:4;

    /* URI with "/." and on Win32 with "//" */
    unsigned                          complex_uri:1;

    /* URI with "%" */
    unsigned                          quoted_uri:1;

    /* URI with "+" */
    unsigned                          plus_in_uri:1;

    /* URI with " " */
    unsigned                          space_in_uri:1;

    unsigned                          invalid_header:1;

    unsigned                          add_uri_to_alias:1;
    unsigned                          valid_location:1;
    unsigned                          valid_unparsed_uri:1;
    unsigned                          uri_changed:1;
    unsigned                          uri_changes:4;

    unsigned                          request_body_in_single_buf:1;
    unsigned                          request_body_in_file_only:1;
    unsigned                          request_body_in_persistent_file:1;
    unsigned                          request_body_in_clean_file:1;
    unsigned                          request_body_file_group_access:1;
    unsigned                          request_body_file_log_level:3;

    unsigned                          subrequest_in_memory:1;
    unsigned                          waited:1;

    unsigned                          cached:1;

    unsigned                          gzip_tested:1;
    unsigned                          gzip_ok:1;
    unsigned                          gzip_vary:1;

    unsigned                          proxy:1;
    unsigned                          bypass_cache:1;
    unsigned                          no_cache:1;

     * instead of using the request context data in
     * ngx_http_limit_zone_module and ngx_http_limit_req_module
     * we use the single bits in the request structure
    unsigned                          limit_zone_set:1;
    unsigned                          limit_req_set:1;

#if 0
    unsigned                          cacheable:1;

    unsigned                          pipeline:1;
    unsigned                          plain_http:1;
    unsigned                          chunked:1;
    unsigned                          header_only:1;
    unsigned                          keepalive:1;
    unsigned                          lingering_close:1;
    unsigned                          discard_body:1;
    unsigned                          internal:1;
    unsigned                          error_page:1;
    unsigned                          ignore_content_encoding:1;
    unsigned                          filter_finalize:1;
    unsigned                          post_action:1;
    unsigned                          request_complete:1;
    unsigned                          request_output:1;
    unsigned                          header_sent:1;
    unsigned                          expect_tested:1;
    unsigned                          root_tested:1;
    unsigned                          done:1;
    unsigned                          logged:1;

    unsigned                          buffered:4;

    unsigned                          main_filter_need_in_memory:1;
    unsigned                          filter_need_in_memory:1;
    unsigned                          filter_need_temporary:1;
    unsigned                          allow_ranges:1;

    unsigned                          stat_reading:1;
    unsigned                          stat_writing:1;

    /* used to parse HTTP headers */

    ngx_uint_t                        state;

    ngx_uint_t                        header_hash;
    ngx_uint_t                        lowcase_index;
    u_char                            lowcase_header[NGX_HTTP_LC_HEADER_LEN];

    u_char                           *header_name_start;
    u_char                           *header_name_end;
    u_char                           *header_start;
    u_char                           *header_end;

     * a memory that can be reused after parsing a request line
     * via ngx_http_ephemeral_t

    u_char                           *uri_start;
    u_char                           *uri_end;
    u_char                           *uri_ext;
    u_char                           *args_start;
    u_char                           *request_start;
    u_char                           *request_end;
    u_char                           *method_end;
    u_char                           *schema_start;
    u_char                           *schema_end;
    u_char                           *host_start;
    u_char                           *host_end;
    u_char                           *port_start;
    u_char                           *port_end;

    unsigned                          http_minor:16;
    unsigned                          http_major:16;

typedef struct {
    ngx_http_posted_request_t         terminal_posted_request;
    u_char                            aio_preload;
} ngx_http_ephemeral_t;

extern ngx_http_header_t       ngx_http_headers_in[];
extern ngx_http_header_out_t   ngx_http_headers_out[];