view docs/xsls/changes.xsls @ 4668:ba2c7463ce18 stable-1.2

Merge of r4614, r4624-r4629, r4631: proxy recursive changes. *) Added IPv6 and UNIX-domain socket support in "debug_connection" directive. *) New function ngx_http_get_forwarded_addr() to look up real client address. On input it takes an original address, string in the X-Forwarded-For format and its length, list of trusted proxies, and a flag indicating to perform the recursive search. On output it returns NGX_OK and the "deepest" valid address in a chain, or NGX_DECLINED. It supports AF_INET and AF_INET6. Additionally, original address and/or proxy may be specified as AF_UNIX. *) Realip: chains of trusted proxies and IPv6 support. The module now supports recursive search of client address through the chain of trusted proxies, controlled by the "real_ip_recursive" directive (closes #2). It also gets full IPv6 support (closes #44) and canonical value of the $client_addr variable on address change. Example: real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For; set_real_ip_from; set_real_ip_from ::1; set_real_ip_from unix:; real_ip_recursive on; *) Geo: chains of trusted proxies and partial IPv6 support. The module now supports recursive search of client address through the chain of trusted proxies, controlled by the "proxy_recursive" directive in the "geo" block. It also gets partial IPv6 support: now proxies may be specified with IPv6 addresses. Example: geo $test { ... proxy; proxy ::1; proxy_recursive; } There's also a slight change in behavior. When original client address (as specified by the "geo" directive) is one of the trusted proxies, and the value of the X-Forwarded-For request header cannot not be parsed as a valid address, an original client address will be used for lookup. Previously, was used in this case. *) Geoip: trusted proxies support and partial IPv6 support. The module now supports recursive search of client address through the chain of trusted proxies (closes #100), in the same scope as the geo module. Proxies are listed by the "geoip_proxy" directive, recursive search is enabled by the "geoip_proxy_recursive" directive. IPv6 is partially supported: proxies may be specified with IPv6 addresses. Example: geoip_country .../GeoIP.dat; geoip_proxy; geoip_proxy ::1; geoip_proxy; geoip_proxy_recursive on;
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Mon, 04 Jun 2012 11:58:12 +0000
parents 76bc29f06168
children 529f10f7757c
line wrap: on
line source

X:stylesheet {

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