view misc/GNUmakefile @ 7374:de50fa05fbeb

Cache: fixed minimum cache keys zone size limit. Size of a shared memory zones must be at least two pages - one page for slab allocator internal data, and another page for actual allocations. Using 8192 instead is wrong, as there are systems with page sizes other than 4096. Note well that two pages is usually too low as well. In particular, cache is likely to use two allocations of different sizes for global structures, and at least four pages will be needed to properly allocate cache nodes. Except in a few very special cases, with keys zone of just two pages nginx won't be able to start. Other uses of shared memory impose a limit of 8 pages, which provides some room for global allocations. This patch doesn't try to address this though. Inspired by ticket #1665.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Wed, 31 Oct 2018 16:49:39 +0300
parents d5da7e71210e
children aeb2d11c2731
line wrap: on
line source

VER =		$(shell grep 'define NGINX_VERSION' src/core/nginx.h	\
			| sed -e 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/')
NGINX =		nginx-$(VER)
TEMP =		tmp

CC =		cl
OBJS =		objs.msvc8
OPENSSL =	openssl-1.0.2p
ZLIB =		zlib-1.2.11
PCRE =		pcre-8.42

release: export

	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/auto/configure $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	# delete incomplete sources
	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/event/ngx_event_acceptex.c
	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/event/ngx_event_connectex.c
	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/event/modules/ngx_iocp_module.*
	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/os/win32

	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/text/LICENSE $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/text/README $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/html $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/man $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	$(MAKE) -f docs/GNUmakefile changes

	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs
	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/misc

	tar -c -z -f $(NGINX).tar.gz --directory $(TEMP) $(NGINX)

	rm -rf $(TEMP)
	hg archive -X '.hg*' $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	hg ci -m nginx-$(VER)-RELEASE
	hg tag -m "release-$(VER) tag" release-$(VER)

	$(MAKE) -f misc/GNUmakefile release

	./auto/configure						\
		--with-cc=$(CC)						\
		--builddir=$(OBJS)					\
		--with-debug						\
		--prefix= 						\
		--conf-path=conf/nginx.conf				\
		--pid-path=logs/				\
		--http-log-path=logs/access.log				\
		--error-log-path=logs/error.log				\
		--sbin-path=nginx.exe					\
		--http-client-body-temp-path=temp/client_body_temp	\
		--http-proxy-temp-path=temp/proxy_temp			\
		--http-fastcgi-temp-path=temp/fastcgi_temp		\
		--http-scgi-temp-path=temp/scgi_temp			\
		--http-uwsgi-temp-path=temp/uwsgi_temp			\
		--with-cc-opt=-DFD_SETSIZE=1024				\
		--with-pcre=$(OBJS)/lib/$(PCRE)				\
		--with-zlib=$(OBJS)/lib/$(ZLIB)				\
		--with-select_module					\
		--with-http_v2_module					\
		--with-http_realip_module				\
		--with-http_addition_module				\
		--with-http_sub_module					\
		--with-http_dav_module					\
		--with-http_stub_status_module				\
		--with-http_flv_module					\
		--with-http_mp4_module					\
		--with-http_gunzip_module				\
		--with-http_gzip_static_module				\
		--with-http_auth_request_module				\
		--with-http_random_index_module				\
		--with-http_secure_link_module				\
		--with-http_slice_module				\
		--with-mail						\
		--with-stream						\
		--with-openssl=$(OBJS)/lib/$(OPENSSL)			\
		--with-openssl-opt=no-asm				\
		--with-http_ssl_module					\
		--with-mail_ssl_module					\

zip: export
	rm -f $(NGINX).zip

	mkdir -p $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/
	mkdir -p $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/logs
	mkdir -p $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/temp

	sed -i '' -e "s/$$/`printf '\r'`/" $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/conf/*

	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/text/LICENSE $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/
	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/text/README $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/
	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/html $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs
	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/ $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs

	cp -p $(OBJS)/nginx.exe $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)

	$(MAKE) -f docs/GNUmakefile changes
	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/CHANGES* $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/

	cp -p $(OBJS)/lib/$(OPENSSL)/LICENSE				\

	cp -p $(OBJS)/lib/$(PCRE)/LICENCE				\

	sed -ne '/^ (C) 1995-20/,/^  jloup@gzip\.org/p'			\
		$(OBJS)/lib/$(ZLIB)/README				\
		> $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/zlib.LICENSE

	touch -r $(OBJS)/lib/$(ZLIB)/README				\

	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/auto
	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/misc
	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src

	cd $(TEMP) && zip -r ../$(NGINX).zip $(NGINX)

icons:	src/os/win32/nginx.ico

# 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16 icons

src/os/win32/nginx.ico:	src/os/win32/nginx_icon48.xpm			\
			src/os/win32/nginx_icon32.xpm			\

	test -d $(TEMP) || mkdir $(TEMP)

	xpmtoppm --alphaout=$(TEMP)/nginx48.pbm				\
		src/os/win32/nginx_icon48.xpm > $(TEMP)/nginx48.ppm

	xpmtoppm --alphaout=$(TEMP)/nginx32.pbm				\
		src/os/win32/nginx_icon32.xpm > $(TEMP)/nginx32.ppm

	xpmtoppm --alphaout=$(TEMP)/nginx16.pbm				\
		src/os/win32/nginx_icon16.xpm > $(TEMP)/nginx16.ppm

	ppmtowinicon -output src/os/win32/nginx.ico -andpgms		\
		$(TEMP)/nginx48.ppm $(TEMP)/nginx48.pbm			\
		$(TEMP)/nginx32.ppm $(TEMP)/nginx32.pbm			\
		$(TEMP)/nginx16.ppm $(TEMP)/nginx16.pbm