view stream_geoip.t @ 1513:02412b209838

Tests: testing worker_shutdown_timeout works with HTTP/2. A request in HTTP/2 is ensured to be finalized with worker_shutdown_timeout by testing that it is logged at least, and the status code is not set as it would on proxy_read_timeout. After the fix has been fixed in ab5cac9d3f00, the latter can be tuned to a safer value without losing in execution time.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Mon, 23 Sep 2019 20:46:30 +0300
parents 3fc6817cd84a
children f3ba4c74de31
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Andrey Zelenkov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for stream geoip module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

use Socket qw/ $CRLF /;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;
use Test::Nginx::Stream qw/ stream /;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_geoip stream_return/)

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

stream {

    geoip_country  %%TESTDIR%%/country.dat;
    geoip_city     %%TESTDIR%%/city.dat;
    geoip_org      %%TESTDIR%%/org.dat;

    server {
        listen proxy_protocol;
        return  "country_code:$geoip_country_code




my $d = $t->testdir();

# country database:
# "","","RU","Russian Federation"
# "2001:db8::","2001:db8::","US","United States"

my $data = '';

for my $i (0 .. 156) {
	# skip to offset 32 if 1st bit set in ipv6 address wins
	$data .= pack_node($i + 1) . pack_node(32), next if $i == 2;
	# otherwise default to RU
	$data .= pack_node(0xffffb9) . pack_node(0xffff00), next if $i == 31;
	# continue checking bits set in ipv6 address
	$data .= pack_node(0xffff00) . pack_node($i + 1), next
		if grep $_ == $i, (44, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57);
	# last bit set in ipv6 address
	$data .= pack_node(0xffffe1) . pack_node(0xffff00), next if $i == 156;
	$data .= pack_node($i + 1) . pack_node(0xffff00);

$data .= chr(0x00) x 3;
$data .= chr(0xFF) x 3;
$data .= chr(12);

$t->write_file('country.dat', $data);

# city database:
# "167772161","167772161","RU","48","Moscow","119034","55.7543",37.6202",,

$data = '';

for my $i (0 .. 31) {
	$data .= pack_node(32) . pack_node($i + 1), next if $i == 4 or $i == 6;
	$data .= pack_node(32) . pack_node($i + 2), next if $i == 31;
	$data .= pack_node($i + 1) . pack_node(32);

$data .= chr(42);
$data .= chr(185);
$data .= pack('Z*', 48);
$data .= pack('Z*', 'Moscow');
$data .= pack('Z*', 119034);
$data .= pack_node(int((55.7543 + 180) * 10000));
$data .= pack_node(int((37.6202 + 180) * 10000));
$data .= chr(0) x 3;
$data .= chr(0xFF) x 3;
$data .= chr(2);
$data .= pack_node(32);

$t->write_file('city.dat', $data);

# organization database:
# "167772161","167772161","Nginx"

$data = '';

for my $i (0 .. 31) {
	$data .= pack_org(32) . pack_org($i + 1), next if $i == 4 or $i == 6;
	$data .= pack_org(32) . pack_org($i + 2), next if $i == 31;
	$data .= pack_org($i + 1) . pack_org(32);

$data .= chr(42);
$data .= pack('Z*', 'Nginx');
$data .= chr(0xFF) x 3;
$data .= chr(5);
$data .= pack_node(32);

$t->write_file('org.dat', $data);
$t->try_run('no inet6 support')->plan(20);


my %data = stream_pp('') =~ /(\w+):(.*)/g;
is($data{country_code}, 'RU', 'geoip country code');
is($data{country_code3}, 'RUS', 'geoip country code 3');
is($data{country_name}, 'Russian Federation', 'geoip country name');

is($data{area_code}, 0, 'geoip area code');
is($data{city_continent_code}, 'EU', 'geoip city continent code');
is($data{city_country_code}, 'RU', 'geoip city country code');
is($data{city_country_code3}, 'RUS', 'geoip city country code 3');
is($data{city_country_name}, 'Russian Federation', 'geoip city country name');
is($data{dma_code}, 0, 'geoip dma code');
is($data{latitude}, 55.7543, 'geoip latitude');
is($data{longitude}, 37.6202, 'geoip longitude');
is($data{region}, 48, 'geoip region');
is($data{region_name}, 'Moscow City', 'geoip region name');
is($data{city}, 'Moscow', 'geoip city');
is($data{postal_code}, 119034, 'geoip postal code');

is($data{org}, 'Nginx', 'geoip org');

like(stream_pp('::ffff:'), qr/org:Nginx/, 'geoip ipv6 ipv4-mapped');

%data = stream_pp('2001:db8::') =~ /(\w+):(.*)/g;
is($data{country_code}, 'US', 'geoip ipv6 country code');
is($data{country_code3}, 'USA', 'geoip ipv6 country code 3');
is($data{country_name}, 'United States', 'geoip ipv6 country name');


sub stream_pp {
	my ($ip) = @_;
	my $type = ($ip =~ ':' ? 'TCP6' : 'TCP4');
	return stream('' . port(8080))
		->io("PROXY $type $ip 8080 8080${CRLF}");

sub pack_node {
	substr pack('V', shift), 0, 3;

sub pack_org {
	pack('V', shift);
