view auth_basic.t @ 1907:034c9121b9d1

Tests: added h2_http2.t TODOs for LibreSSL and older OpenSSL. Those libraries provide an older callback order, where ALPN callback is invoked before SNI callback. Additionally, OpenSSL 1.0.2 doesn't send alert on ALPN mismatch.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Thu, 08 Jun 2023 16:41:11 +0400
parents 53a801bf4d0b
children 032ccd3118cb
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin

# Tests for auth basic module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

use MIME::Base64;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http auth_basic/)->plan(24)
	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            auth_basic           "closed site";
            auth_basic_user_file %%TESTDIR%%/htpasswd;

            location /inner {
                auth_basic off;
                alias %%TESTDIR%%/;

            location /var {
                # prepended with conf_prefix
                auth_basic_user_file $arg_f;
                alias %%TESTDIR%%/;


$t->write_file('index.html', 'SEETHIS');

	'crypt:' . crypt('password', 'salt') . "\n" .
	'crypt1:' . crypt('password', '$1$salt$') . "\n" .
	'crypt2:' . '$1$' . "\n" .
	'apr1:' . '$apr1$salt$Xxd1irWT9ycqoYxGFn4cb.' . "\n" .
	'apr12:' . '$apr1$' . "\n" .
	'plain:' . '{PLAIN}password' . "\n" .
	'ssha:' . '{SSHA}yI6cZwQadOA1e+/f+T+H3eCQQhRzYWx0' . "\n" .
	'ssha2:' . '{SSHA}_____wQadOA1e+/f+T+H3eCQQhRzYWx0' . "\n" .
	'ssha3:' . '{SSHA}Zm9vCg==' . "\n" .
	'sha:' . '{SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=' . "\n" .
	'sha2:' . '{SHA}_____Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=' . "\n" .
	'sha3:' . '{SHA}Zm9vCg==' . "\n"



like(http_get('/'), qr!401 Unauthorized!ms, 'rejects unathorized');


skip 'no crypt on win32', 5 if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

like(http_get_auth('/', 'crypt', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'normal crypt');
unlike(http_get_auth('/', 'crypt', '123'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'normal wrong');

like(http_get_auth('/', 'crypt1', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'crypt $1$ (md5)');
unlike(http_get_auth('/', 'crypt1', '123'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'crypt $1$ wrong');

like(http_get_auth('/', 'crypt2', '1'), qr!401 Unauthorized!,
	'crypt $1$ broken');


like(http_get_auth('/', 'apr1', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'apr1 md5');
like(http_get_auth('/', 'plain', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'plain password');
like(http_get_auth('/', 'ssha', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'ssha');
like(http_get_auth('/', 'sha', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'sha');

unlike(http_get_auth('/', 'apr1', '123'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'apr1 md5 wrong');
unlike(http_get_auth('/', 'plain', '123'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'plain wrong');
unlike(http_get_auth('/', 'ssha', '123'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'ssha wrong');
unlike(http_get_auth('/', 'sha', '123'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'sha wrong');

like(http_get_auth('/', 'apr12', '1'), qr!401 Unauthorized!, 'apr1 md5 broken');
like(http_get_auth('/', 'ssha2', '1'), qr!401 Unauthorized!, 'ssha broken 1');
like(http_get_auth('/', 'ssha3', '1'), qr!401 Unauthorized!, 'ssha broken 2');
like(http_get_auth('/', 'sha2', '1'), qr!401 Unauthorized!, 'sha broken 1');
like(http_get_auth('/', 'sha3', '1'), qr!401 Unauthorized!, 'sha broken 2');

like(http_get_auth('/', 'notfound', '1'), qr!401 Unauthorized!, 'not found');
like(http_get('/inner/'), qr!SEETHIS!, 'inner off');

like(http_get_auth('/var/?f=htpasswd', 'apr1', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!,
	'user file variable');
unlike(http_get_auth('/var/?f=nx', 'apr1', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!,
	'user file variable not found');
unlike(http_get_auth('/var/', 'apr1', 'password'), qr!SEETHIS!,
	'user file variable bad value');


sub http_get_auth {
	my ($url, $user, $password) = @_;

	my $auth = encode_base64($user . ':' . $password, '');

	return http(<<EOF);
GET $url HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost
Authorization: Basic $auth

