view stream_ssl_preread_protocol.t @ 1951:1867428f1673

Tests: fixed h3_limit_req.t spurious failures. In the "reset stream - cancellation" test, HTTP/3 stream is closed without sending the request body when the request is waiting in the limit_req module, and this results in error 444. However, when the request is received with some minor delay due to system load, it is not delayed by limit_req, and the stream is closed during reading the request body, which results in error 400 instead, breaking the test. Fix is to introduce yet another request before the "reset stream" test, so the stream in question is always delayed by limit_req.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Thu, 14 Mar 2024 02:25:49 +0300
parents f3ba4c74de31
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for stream_ssl_preread module, protocol preread.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_ssl_preread stream_return/)
	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF')->plan(7)->run();


daemon off;

events {

stream {

    server {
        ssl_preread  on;
        return       $ssl_preread_protocol;



is(get('SSLv3'), 'SSLv3', 'client hello SSLv3');
is(get('TLSv1'), 'TLSv1', 'client hello TLSv1');
is(get('TLSv1.1'), 'TLSv1.1', 'client hello TLSv1.1');
is(get('TLSv1.2'), 'TLSv1.2', 'client hello TLSv1.2');

is(get_tls13(), 'TLSv1.3', 'client hello supported_versions');

is(get_ssl2('SSLv2'), 'SSLv2', 'client hello version 2');
is(get_ssl2('TLSv1'), 'TLSv1', 'client hello version 2 - TLSv1');


sub get {
	my $v = shift;
	my ($re, $ch);

	$re = 0x0300, $ch = 0x0300 if $v eq 'SSLv3';
	$re = 0x0301, $ch = 0x0301 if $v eq 'TLSv1';
	$re = 0x0301, $ch = 0x0302 if $v eq 'TLSv1.1';
	$re = 0x0301, $ch = 0x0303 if $v eq 'TLSv1.2';

	my $r = pack("CnNn2C", 0x16, $re, 0x00380100, 0x0034, $ch, 0xeb);
	$r .= pack("N*", 0x6357cdba, 0xa6b8d853, 0xf1f6ac0f);
	$r .= pack("N*", 0xdf03178c, 0x0ae41824, 0xe7643682);
	$r .= pack("N*", 0x3c1b273f, 0xbfde4b00, 0x00000000);
	$r .= pack("CN3", 0x0c, 0x00000008, 0x00060000, 0x03666f6f);


sub get_tls13 {
	my $r = pack("N*", 0x16030100, 0x33010000, 0x2f0303eb);
	$r .= pack("N*", 0x6357cdba, 0xa6b8d853, 0xf1f6ac0f);
	$r .= pack("N*", 0xdf03178c, 0x0ae41824, 0xe7643682);
	$r .= pack("N*", 0x3c1b273f, 0xbfde4b00, 0x00000000);
	$r .= pack("CNCn", 0x07, 0x002b0007, 0x02, 0x7f1c);


sub get_ssl2 {
	my $v = shift;
	my $ch;

	$ch = 0x0002 if $v eq 'SSLv2';
	$ch = 0x0301 if $v eq 'TLSv1';

	my $r = pack("nCn4", 0x801c, 0x01, $ch, 0x0003, 0x0000, 0x0010);
	$r .= pack("C3", 0x01, 0x00, 0x80);
	$r .= pack("N4", 0x322dd95c, 0x4749ef17, 0x3d5f0916, 0xf0b730f8);

