view http_disable_symlinks.t @ 423:1ac74b568503

Tests: unbreak ssl_password_file.t with upcoming OpenSSL 1.0.2. The 512-bit keys, as generated by default by "openssl genrsa" in older versions, are rejected by OpenSSL library built from master branch (and upcoming OpenSSL 1.0.2). This brokes the test if the "openssl" binary is old (e.g., system one), but nginx is compiled against new OpenSSL. Fix is to explicitly generate 2048 bit keys. This is also consistent to what we generate in other places.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Thu, 03 Jul 2014 05:47:37 +0400
parents c28ecaef065f
children 2cd00179f4b2
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Andrey Belov

# Tests for disable_symlinks directive.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;
use POSIX;
use Cwd qw/ realpath /;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http rewrite/)
	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  s1;

        location /on/ {
            disable_symlinks on;

        location /not_owner/ {
            disable_symlinks if_not_owner;

        location /try_on/ {
            disable_symlinks on;
            try_files $uri $uri.html =404;

        location /try_not_owner/ {
            disable_symlinks if_not_owner;
            try_files $uri $uri.txt =404;

        location /if_on/ {
            disable_symlinks on;
            if (-f $request_filename) {
                return 204;

        location /if_not_owner/ {
            disable_symlinks if_not_owner;
            if (-f $request_filename) {
                return 204;

        location /complex/1/ {
            disable_symlinks on;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/./cached/../;

        location /complex/2/ {
            disable_symlinks on;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%//./cached/..//;

        location /complex/3/ {
            disable_symlinks on;
            alias ///%%TESTDIR%%//./cached/..//;

        location ~ (.+/)tail$ {
            disable_symlinks on;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/$1;

        location ~ (.+/)tailowner$ {
            disable_symlinks if_not_owner;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/$1;

        location ~ (.+/)tailoff$ {
            disable_symlinks off;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/$1;

        location /dir {
            disable_symlinks on;
            try_files $uri/ =404;

        location /from {
            disable_symlinks on from=$document_root;

            location /from/wo_slash {
                alias %%TESTDIR%%/dirlink;
            location /from/with_slash/ {
                alias %%TESTDIR%%/dirlink/;
            location ~ ^/from/exact/(.+)$ {
                alias %%TESTDIR%%/$1;

    server {
        server_name  s2;

        open_file_cache max=16 inactive=60s;
        open_file_cache_valid 30s;
        open_file_cache_min_uses 1;
        open_file_cache_errors on;

        location /cached-off/ {
            disable_symlinks off;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/cached/;

        location /cached-on/ {
            disable_symlinks on;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/cached/;

        location /cached-if-not-owner/ {
            disable_symlinks if_not_owner;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/cached/;

        location / {
            disable_symlinks off;


my $uid = getuid();
my ($extfile) = grep { -f "$_" && $uid != (stat($_))[4] }
	('/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/protocols', '/etc/host.conf');

plan(skip_all => 'no external file found')
	if !defined $extfile;

$t->try_run('no disable_symlinks')->plan(28);

my $d = $t->testdir();


$t->write_file("empty.html", "");
symlink("empty.html", "$d/link");
symlink($extfile, "$d/link2");

$t->write_file("on/empty.html", "");
symlink("empty.html", "$d/on/link");
symlink($extfile, "$d/on/link2");

$t->write_file("not_owner/empty.html", "");
symlink("empty.html", "$d/not_owner/link");
symlink($extfile, "$d/not_owner/link2");

$t->write_file("try_on/try.html", "LOCAL TRY");
symlink($extfile, "$d/try_on/try");

$t->write_file("try_not_owner/try.html", "LOCAL TRY");
symlink($extfile, "$d/try_not_owner/try");
symlink("try.html", "$d/try_not_owner/try.txt");

$t->write_file("if_on/empty.html", "");
symlink("empty.html", "$d/if_on/link");
symlink($extfile, "$d/if_on/link2");

$t->write_file("if_not_owner/empty.html", "");
symlink("empty.html", "$d/if_not_owner/link");
symlink($extfile, "$d/if_not_owner/link2");

$t->write_file("dir/empty.html", "");
symlink("dir", "$d/dirlink");

symlink($extfile, "$d/cached/link");


skip 'cannot test under symlink', 25 if $d ne realpath($d);

like(http_get_host('s1', '/link'), qr!200 OK!, 'static (off, same uid)');
like(http_get_host('s1', '/link2'), qr!200 OK!, 'static (off, other uid)');

like(http_get_host('s1', '/on/link'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'static (on, same uid)');
like(http_get_host('s1', '/on/link2'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'static (on, other uid)');

like(http_get_host('s1', '/not_owner/link'), qr!200 OK!,
	'static (if_not_owner, same uid)');
like(http_get_host('s1', '/not_owner/link2'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'static (if_not_owner, other uid)');

like(http_get_host('s1', '/try_on/try'), qr/LOCAL TRY/,
	'try_files (on)');
like(http_get_host('s1', '/try_not_owner/try'), qr/LOCAL TRY/,
	'try_files (if_not_owner)');

like(http_get_host('s1', '/if_on/link'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'if (on, same uid)');
like(http_get_host('s1', '/if_on/link2'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'if (on, other uid)');

like(http_get_host('s1', '/if_not_owner/link'), qr!204 No Content!,
	'if (if_not_owner, same uid)');
like(http_get_host('s1', '/if_not_owner/link2'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'if (if_not_owner, other uid)');

like(http_get_host('s2', '/cached-off/link'), qr!200 OK!,
	'open_file_cache (pass 1)');
like(http_get_host('s2', '/cached-on/link'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'open_file_cache (pass 2)');
like(http_get_host('s2', '/cached-off/link'), qr!200 OK!,
	'open_file_cache (pass 3)');
like(http_get_host('s2', '/cached-if-not-owner/link'), qr!403 Forbidden!,
	'open_file_cache (pass 4)');
like(http_get_host('s2', '/cached-off/link'), qr!200 OK!,
	'open_file_cache (pass 5)');

like(http_get('/complex/1/empty.html'), qr!200 OK!, 'complex root 1');
like(http_get('/complex/2/empty.html'), qr!200 OK!, 'complex root 2');
like(http_get('/complex/3/empty.html'), qr!200 OK!, 'complex root 3');

# workaround for freebsd 8: we use O_EXEC instead of O_SEARCH (since there
# is no O_SEARCH), and O_DIRECTORY does nothing.  setting the 'x' bit
# tests to pass as openat() will correctly fail with ENOTDIR

chmod(0700, "$d/link");

like(http_get('/link/tail'), qr!40[34] !, 'file with trailing /, on');
like(http_get('/link/tailowner'), qr!404 !, 'file with trailing /, owner');
like(http_get('/link/tailoff'), qr!404 !, 'file with trailing /, off');

like(http_get('/dirlink'), qr!404 !, 'directory without /');
like(http_get('/dirlink/'), qr!404 !, 'directory with trailing /');

} # SKIP: cannot test under symlink

like(http_get('/from/wo_slash/empty.html'), qr!200 OK!, '"from=" without /');
like(http_get('/from/with_slash/empty.html'), qr!200 OK!, '"from=" with /');
like(http_get('/from/exact/link'), qr!200 OK!, '"from=" exact match');


sub http_get_host {
	my ($host, $url) = @_;
	return http(<<EOF);
GET $url HTTP/1.0
Host: $host

