view auth_request_satisfy.t @ 1871:1ba5108b6c24

Tests: handled unsupported PSS in sigalgs. It might happen that TLSv1.3 is disabled and PSS isn't supported as seen on Amazon Linux (LTS). Now setting sigalgs is retried without PSS on failure. Patch by Maxim Dounin.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Tue, 23 May 2023 16:30:02 +0400
parents 882267679006
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin

# Tests for auth request module with satisfy directive.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()
	->has(qw/http rewrite access auth_basic auth_request/)

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            return 444;

        location /all/allow {
            satisfy all;
            allow all;
            auth_request /auth;

        location /all/deny {
            satisfy all;
            deny all;
            auth_request /auth;

        location /all/basic {
            satisfy all;
            auth_basic "restricted";
            auth_basic_user_file %%TESTDIR%%/htpasswd;
            auth_request /auth;

        location /any/allow {
            satisfy any;
            allow all;
            auth_request /auth;

        location /any/deny {
            satisfy any;
            deny all;
            auth_request /auth;

        location /any/basic {
            satisfy any;
            auth_basic "restricted";
            auth_basic_user_file %%TESTDIR%%/htpasswd;
            auth_request /auth;

        location = /auth {
            if ($request_uri ~ "open$") {
                return 204;
            if ($request_uri ~ "unauthorized$") {
                return 401;
            if ($request_uri ~ "forbidden$") {
                return 403;


$t->write_file('htpasswd', 'user:{PLAIN}secret' . "\n");


# satisfy all - first 401/403 wins

like(http_get('/all/allow+open'), qr/ 404 /, 'all allow+open');
like(http_get('/all/allow+unauthorized'), qr/ 401 /, 'all allow+unauthorized');
like(http_get('/all/allow+forbidden'), qr/ 403 /, 'all allow+forbidden');

like(http_get('/all/deny+open'), qr/ 403 /, 'all deny+open');
like(http_get('/all/deny+unauthorized'), qr/ 403 /, 'all deny+unauthorized');
like(http_get('/all/deny+forbidden'), qr/ 403 /, 'all deny+forbidden');

like(http_get('/all/basic+open'), qr/ 401 /, 'all basic+open');
like(http_get('/all/basic+unauthorized'), qr/ 401 /, 'all basic+unauthorized');
like(http_get('/all/basic+forbidden'), qr/ 401 /, 'all basic+forbidden');

# satisfy any - first ok wins
# additionally, 403 shouldn't override 401 status

like(http_get('/any/allow+open'), qr/ 404 /, 'any allow+open');
like(http_get('/any/allow+unauthorized'), qr/ 404 /, 'any allow+unauthorized');
like(http_get('/any/allow+forbidden'), qr/ 404 /, 'any allow+forbidden');

like(http_get('/any/deny+open'), qr/ 404 /, 'any deny+open');
like(http_get('/any/deny+unauthorized'), qr/ 401 /, 'any deny+unauthorized');
like(http_get('/any/deny+forbidden'), qr/ 403 /, 'any deny+forbidden');

like(http_get('/any/basic+open'), qr/ 404 /, 'any basic+open');
like(http_get('/any/basic+unauthorized'), qr/ 401 /, 'any basic+unauthorized');
like(http_get('/any/basic+forbidden'), qr/ 401 /, 'any basic+forbidden');
