view js_fetch_objects.t @ 1826:1f125771f1a1

Tests: adapted session reuse tests to work with TLSv1.3. In TLSv1.3, session tickets are sent after the handshake, and saving session right after the handshake is not going to work. To properly test session resumption, sessions are now saved after some data exchange.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Tue, 21 Mar 2023 02:58:02 +0300
parents de6aeda5c274
children 0152ce2de27f
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Dmitry Volyntsev
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for http njs module, fetch objects.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http rewrite/)
	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    js_import test.js;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location /njs {
            js_content test.njs;

        location /headers {
            js_content test.headers;

        location /request {
            js_content test.request;

        location /response {
            js_content test.response;

        location /fetch {
            js_content test.fetch;

        location /fetch_multi_header {
            js_content test.fetch_multi_header;

        location /method {
            return 200 $request_method;

        location /header {
            return 200 $http_a;

        location /body {
            js_content test.body;


my $p0 = port(8080);

$t->write_file('test.js', <<EOF);
    function test_njs(r) {
        r.return(200, njs.version);

    function header(r) {
        r.return(200, r.headersIn.a);

    function body(r) {
        r.return(201, r.requestText);

    async function run(r, tests) {
        var fails = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
            var v, t = tests[i];

            try {
                v = await t[1]();

            } catch (e) {
                v = e.message;

            if (v != t[2]) {
                fails.push(`\${t[0]}: got "\${v}" expected: "\${t[2]}"\n`);

        r.return(fails.length ? 400 : 200, fails);

    async function headers(r) {
        const tests = [
            ['empty', () => {
                var h = new Headers();
                return h.get('a');
             }, null],
            ['normal', () => {
                var h = new Headers({a: 'X', b: 'Z'});
                return `\${h.get('a')} \${h.get('B')}`;
             }, 'X Z'],
            ['trim value', () => {
                var h = new Headers({a: '  X   '});
                return h.get('a');
             }, 'X'],
            ['invalid header name', () => {
                const valid = "!#\$\%&'*+-.^_`|~0123456789";

                for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
                    var c = String.fromCodePoint(i);

                    if (valid.indexOf(c) != -1 || /[a-zA-Z]+/.test(c)) {

                    try {
                        new Headers([[c, 'a']]);
                        throw new Error(
                                   `header with "\${c}" (\${i}) should throw`);

                    } catch (e) {
                        if (e.message != 'invalid header name') {
                            throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['invalid header value', () => {
                var h = new Headers({A: 'aa\x00a'});
             }, 'invalid header value'],
            ['forbidden header', () => {
                const forbidden = ['Host', 'Connection', 'Content-length'];
                forbidden.forEach(fh => {
                    var headers = {};
                    headers[fh] = 'xxx';
           = 'bar';

                    var h = new Headers(headers);
                    if (h.get(fh) != 'xxx') {
                        throw new Error(`forbidden header \${fh}`);

                    if (h.get('foo') != 'bar') {
                        throw new Error(
                              `non forbidden header foo: \${h.get('foo')}`);

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['combine', () => {
                var h = new Headers({a: 'X', A: 'Z'});
                return h.get('a');
             }, 'X, Z'],
            ['combine2', () => {
                var h = new Headers([['A', 'x'], ['a', 'z']]);
                return h.get('a');
             }, 'x, z'],
            ['combine3', () => {
                var h = new Headers();
                h.append('a', 'A');
                h.append('a', 'B');
                h.append('a', 'C');
                h.append('a', 'D');
                h.append('a', 'E');
                h.append('a', 'F');
                return h.get('a');
             }, 'A, B, C, D, E, F'],
            ['getAll', () => {
                var h = new Headers({a: 'X', A: 'Z'});
                return njs.dump(h.getAll('a'));
             }, "['X','Z']"],
            ['inherit', () => {
                var h = new Headers({a: 'X', b: 'Y'});
                var h2 = new Headers(h);
                h2.append('c', 'Z');
                return h2.has('a') && h2.has('B') && h2.has('c');
             }, true],
            ['delete', () => {
                var h = new Headers({a: 'X', b: 'Z'});
                return h.get('a') && !h.get('b');
             }, true],
            ['forEach', () => {
                var r = [];
                var h = new Headers({a: '0', b: '1', c: '2'});
                h.append('z', '3');
                h.append('a', '4');
                h.append('q', '5');
                h.forEach((v, k) => { r.push(`\${v}:\${k}`)})
                return r.join('|');
             }, 'a:0, 4|c:2|q:5|z:3'],
            ['set', () => {
                var h = new Headers([['A', 'x'], ['a', 'y'], ['a', 'z']]);
                h.set('a', '#');
                return h.get('a');
             }, '#'],

        run(r, tests);

    async function request(r) {
        const tests = [
            ['empty', () => {
                try {
                    new Request();
                    throw new Error(`Request() should throw`);

                } catch (e) {
                    if (e.message != '1st argument is required') {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['normal', () => {
                var r = new Request("",
                                    {headers: {a: 'X', b: 'Y'}});
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.method} \${r.headers.a}`;
             }, ' GET X'],
            ['url trim', () => {
                var r = new Request("\\x00\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08"
                                    + "\\x09\\x0a\\x0b\\x0c\\x0d\\x0e\\x0f"
                                    + "\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16"
                                    + "\\x17\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d"
                                    + "\\x1e\\x1f\\x20\\x00"
                                    + "\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08"
                                    + "\\x09\\x0a\\x0b\\x0c\\x0d\\x0e\\x0f"
                                    + "\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16"
                                    + "\\x17\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d"
                                    + "\\x1e\\x1f\\x20");
                return r.url;
             }, ''],
            ['read only', () => {
                var r = new Request("");

                const props = ['bodyUsed', 'cache', 'credentials', 'headers',
                               'method', 'mode', 'url'];
                try {
                    props.forEach(prop => {
                        r[prop] = 1;
                        throw new Error(
                                    `setting read-only \${prop} should throw`);

                } catch (e) {
                    if (!e.message.startsWith('Cannot assign to read-only p')) {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['cache', () => {
                const props = ['default', 'no-cache', 'no-store', 'reload',
                               'force-cache', 'only-if-cached', '#'];
                try {
                    props.forEach(cv => {
                        var r = new Request("", {cache: cv});
                        if (r.cache != cv) {
                            throw new Error(`r.cache != \${cv}`);

                } catch (e) {
                    if (!e.message.startsWith('unknown cache type: #')) {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['credentials', () => {
                const props = ['omit', 'include', 'same-origin', '#'];
                try {
                    props.forEach(cr => {
                        var r = new Request("",
                                            {credentials: cr});
                        if (r.credentials != cr) {
                            throw new Error(`r.credentials != \${cr}`);

                } catch (e) {
                    if (!e.message.startsWith('unknown credentials type: #')) {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['forbidden request header', () => {
                const forbidden = ['Host', 'Connection', 'Content-length'];
                forbidden.forEach(fh => {
                    var r = new Request("",
                                    {headers: {[fh]: 'xxx', foo: 'bar'}});
                    if (r.headers.get(fh) != null) {
                        throw new Error(`forbidden header \${fh}`);

                    if (r.headers.get('foo') != 'bar') {
                        throw new Error(
                         `non forbidden header foo: \${r.headers.get('foo')}`);

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['method', () => {
                const methods = ['get', 'hEad', 'Post', 'OPTIONS', 'PUT',
                                 'DELETE', 'CONNECT'];
                try {
                    methods.forEach(m => {
                        var r = new Request("", {method: m});
                        if (r.method != m.toUpperCase()) {
                            throw new Error(`r.method != \${m}`);

                } catch (e) {
                    if (!e.message.startsWith('forbidden method: CONNECT')) {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['mode', () => {
                const props = ['same-origin', 'cors', 'no-cors', 'navigate',
                               'websocket', '#'];
                try {
                    props.forEach(m => {
                        var r = new Request("", {mode: m});
                        if (r.mode != m) {
                            throw new Error(`r.mode != \${m}`);

                } catch (e) {
                    if (!e.message.startsWith('unknown mode type: #')) {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],
            ['inherit', () => {
                var r = new Request("",
                                    {headers: {a: 'X', b: 'Y'}});
                var r2 = new Request(r);
                r2.headers.append('a', 'Z')
                return `\${r2.url}: \${r2.headers.get('a')}`;
             }, ' X, Z'],
            ['inherit2', () => {
                var r = new Request("",
                                    {headers: {a: 'X', b: 'Y'}});
                var r2 = new Request(r);
                r2.headers.append('a', 'Z')
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.headers.get('a')}`;
             }, ' X'],
            ['inherit3', () => {
                var h = new Headers();
                h.append('a', 'X');
                h.append('a', 'Z');
                var r = new Request("", {headers: h});
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.headers.get('a')}`;
             }, ' X, Z'],
            ['content type', async () => {
                var r = new Request("",
                                    {body: 'ABC', method: 'POST'});
                var body = await r.text();
                return `\${body}: \${r.headers.get('Content-Type')}`;
             }, 'ABC: text/plain;charset=UTF-8'],
            ['GET body', () => {
                try {
                    var r = new Request("", {body: 'ABC'});

                } catch (e) {
                    if (!e.message.startsWith('Request body incompatible w')) {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],

        run(r, tests);

    async function response(r) {
        const tests = [
            ['empty', async () => {
                var r = new Response();
                var body = await r.text();
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.status} \${body} \${r.headers.get('a')}`;
             }, ': 200  null'],
            ['normal', async () => {
                var r = new Response("ABC", {headers: {a: 'X', b: 'Y'}});
                var body = await r.text();
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.status} \${body} \${r.headers.get('a')}`;
             }, ': 200 ABC X'],
            ['headers', async () => {
                var r = new Response(null,
                                    {headers: new Headers({a: 'X', b: 'Y'})});
                var body = await r.text();
                return `\${r.url}: \${body} \${r.headers.get('b')}`;
             }, ':  Y'],
            ['json', async () => {
                var r = new Response('{"a": {"b": 42}}');
                var json = await r.json();
                return json.a.b;
             }, 42],
            ['statusText', () => {
                const statuses = ['status text', 'aa\\u0000a'];
                try {
                    statuses.forEach(s => {
                        var r = new Response(null, {statusText: s});
                        if (r.statusText != s) {
                            throw new Error(`r.statusText != \${s}`);

                } catch (e) {
                    if (!e.message.startsWith('invalid Response statusText')) {
                        throw e;

                return 'OK';

             }, 'OK'],

        run(r, tests);

    async function fetch(r) {
        const tests = [
            ['method', async () => {
                var req = new Request("$p0/method",
                                      {method: 'PUT'});
                var r = await ngx.fetch(req);
                var body = await r.text();
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.status} \${body} \${r.headers.get('a')}`;
             }, '$p0/method: 200 PUT null'],
            ['request body', async () => {
                var req = new Request("$p0/body",
                                      {body: 'foo'});
                var r = await ngx.fetch(req);
                var body = await r.text();
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.status} \${body}`;
             }, '$p0/body: 201 foo'],

        run(r, tests);

    async function fetch_multi_header(r) {
        const tests = [
            ['request multi header', async () => {
                var h = new Headers({a: 'X'});
                h.append('a', 'Z');
                var req = new Request("$p0/header",
                                      {headers: h});
                var r = await ngx.fetch(req);
                var body = await r.text();
                return `\${r.url}: \${r.status} \${body}`;
             }, '$p0/header: 200 X, Z'],

        run(r, tests);

     export default {njs: test_njs, body, headers, request, response, fetch,

$t->try_run('no njs')->plan(5);


local $TODO = 'not yet' unless has_version('0.7.10');

like(http_get('/headers'), qr/200 OK/s, 'headers tests');
like(http_get('/request'), qr/200 OK/s, 'request tests');
like(http_get('/response'), qr/200 OK/s, 'response tests');
like(http_get('/fetch'), qr/200 OK/s, 'fetch tests');

local $TODO = 'not yet' unless $t->has_version('1.23.0');

like(http_get('/fetch_multi_header'), qr/200 OK/s,
	'fetch multi header tests');



sub has_version {
	my $need = shift;

	http_get('/njs') =~ /^([.0-9]+)$/m;

	my @v = split(/\./, $1);
	my ($n, $v);

	for $n (split(/\./, $need)) {
		$v = shift @v || 0;
		return 0 if $n > $v;
		return 1 if $v > $n;

	return 1;
