view config_dump.t @ 1215:26884729e06b

Tests: cope with resolver resend in mail resolver tests. Currently, if resolver didn't find PTR type in the answer section of PTR response, it keeps the node in the resend queue until the next timer event.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:09:04 +0300
parents a07205e8bb76
children 766bcbb632ee
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for dumped nginx configuration (nginx -T).
# Among other things, test that configuration blocks are properly processed.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http map/);

$t->plan(13)->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

include %%TESTDIR%%/inc.conf;
include %%TESTDIR%%/inc.conf;

events {

http {

    map $args $x {
        default  0;
        foo      bar;
        include  map.conf;
        include  map.conf;

    upstream u {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / { }


$t->write_file('inc.conf', 'include inc2.conf;');
$t->write_file('inc2.conf', '#inc2.conf');
$t->write_file('map.conf', '#map.conf;');



my $d = $t->testdir;

my $dump = $t->dump_config();
like($dump, qr!^# configuration file $d/nginx.conf:$!m, 'nginx.conf found');
like($dump, qr!^# configuration file $d/inc.conf:$!m, 'inc.conf found');
like($dump, qr!^# configuration file $d/inc2.conf:$!m, 'inc2.conf found');
like($dump, qr!^# configuration file $d/map.conf:$!m, 'map.conf found');

local $TODO = 'not yet' unless $t->has_version('1.11.6');

unlike($dump, qr!(# configuration file $d/inc.conf:).*\1!s, 'inc.conf uniq');
unlike($dump, qr!(# configuration file $d/inc2.conf:).*\1!s, 'inc2.conf uniq');
unlike($dump, qr!(# configuration file $d/map.conf:).*\1!s, 'map.conf uniq');


is(getconf($t, $dump, 'nginx.conf'), $t->read_file('nginx.conf'), 'content');
is(getconf($t, $dump, 'inc.conf'), $t->read_file('inc.conf'), 'content inc');
is(getconf($t, $dump, 'map.conf'), $t->read_file('map.conf'), 'content inc 2');

unlink($t->testdir . "/inc.conf");
unlink($t->testdir . "/map.conf");

$dump = $t->dump_config();
unlike($dump, qr!file $d/inc.conf!, 'missing inc.conf');
unlike($dump, qr!file $d/map.conf!, 'missing map.conf');
like($dump, qr!file $d/nginx.conf test failed!, 'test failed');

$t->write_file('inc.conf', 'include inc2.conf;');
$t->write_file('inc2.conf', '#inc2.conf');
$t->write_file('map.conf', '#map.conf;');


sub getconf {
	my ($t, $string, $conf) = @_;
	my $prefix = "# configuration file $d/$conf:\n";
	my $offset = index($string, $prefix) + length($prefix);
	my $len = length($t->read_file($conf));
	my $s = substr($string, $offset, $len);
	$s =~ tr/\r//d;
	return $s;