view ssi.t @ 1897:38f1fd9ca3e6

Tests: unbreak reading new stderr data after eof. Tests don't expect to stop reading redirected stderr when end of file is reached, but rather to read new data being appended, similar to "tail -f". The behaviour is found changed in Ubuntu 23.04's Perl 5.36, which applies the upstream patch [1] expected for inclusion in the upcoming Perl 5.38. The fix is to clear the filehandle's error state to continue reading. [1] Updated mail_error_log.t and stream_error_log.t for consistency.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Mon, 29 May 2023 17:27:11 +0400
parents 0605f9a6f7b0
children 2a0a6035a1af
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin

# Tests for nginx ssi module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http ssi cache proxy rewrite/)

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    proxy_cache_path       %%TESTDIR%%/cache levels=1:2

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        if ($args = "found") {
            return 204;

        location / {
            ssi on;
        location /proxy/ {
            ssi on;
        location /cache/ {
            proxy_cache NAME;
            proxy_cache_valid 200 1h;
        location /local/ {
            ssi off;
            alias %%TESTDIR%%/;
        location = /test-empty-postpone.html {
            ssi on;
            postpone_output 0;
        location /var {
            ssi on;
            add_header X-Var x${date_gmt}x;
        location /var_noformat {
            ssi on;
            add_header X-Var x${date_gmt}x;
            return 200;
        location /var_nossi {
            add_header X-Var x${date_gmt}x;
            return 200;


$t->write_file('test1.html', 'X<!--#echo var="arg_test" -->X');
	'X<!--#include virtual="/test1.html?test=test" -->X');
	'X<!--#set var="blah" value="test" --><!--#echo var="blah" -->X');
	'X<!--#set var="blah" value="<test>" -->'
	. '<!--#echo var="blah" encoding="none" -->X');
	'X<!--#set var="blah" value="<test>" -->'
	. '<!--#echo var="blah" encoding="url" -->X');
	'X<!--#set var="blah" value="<test>" -->'
	. '<!--#echo var="blah" encoding="entity" -->X');
	'X<!--#include virtual="/check?found" -->X');
$t->write_file('test-empty1.html', 'X<!--#include virtual="/empty.html" -->X');
	'X<!--#include virtual="/local/empty.html" -->X');
	'X<!--#include virtual="/cache/empty.html" -->X');
	'X<!--#include virtual="/proxy/empty.html" -->X');
$t->write_file('empty.html', '');

$t->write_file('unescape.html?', 'SEE-THIS') unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
	'X<!--#include virtual="/tes%741.html?test=test" -->X');
	'X<!--#include virtual="/unescape.html%3f" -->X');
	'X<!--#include virtual="/test1.html%3ftest=test" -->X');

	'x<!--#if expr="$arg_custom" -->'
		. '<!--#config timefmt="%A, %H:%M:%S" -->'
		. '<!--#set var="v" value="$date_gmt" -->'
		. '<!--#echo var="v" -->'
	. '<!--#else -->'
		. '<!--#set var="v" value="$date_gmt" -->'
		. '<!--#echo var="v" -->'
	. '<!--#endif -->x');



like(http_get('/test1.html'), qr/^X\(none\)X$/m, 'echo no argument');
like(http_get('/test1.html?test='), qr/^XX$/m, 'empty argument');
like(http_get('/test1.html?test=test'), qr/^XtestX$/m, 'argument');
like(http_get('/test1.html?test=test&a=b'), qr/^XtestX$/m, 'argument 2');
like(http_get('/test1.html?a=b&test=test'), qr/^XtestX$/m, 'argument 3');
like(http_get('/test1.html?a=b&test=test&d=c'), qr/^XtestX$/m, 'argument 4');
like(http_get('/test1.html?atest=a&testb=b&ctestc=c&test=test'), qr/^XtestX$/m,
	'argument 5');

like(http_get('/test2.html'), qr/^XXtestXX$/m, 'argument via include');

like(http_get('/test3.html'), qr/^XtestX$/m, 'set');

like(http_get('/test4-echo-none.html'), qr/^X<test>X$/m,
	'echo encoding none');

local $TODO = 'no strict URI escaping yet' unless $t->has_version('1.21.1');

like(http_get('/test5-echo-url.html'), qr/^X%3Ctest%3EX$/m,
	'echo encoding url');


like(http_get('/test6-echo-entity.html'), qr/^X&lt;test&gt;X$/m,
	'echo encoding entity');

# args should be in subrequest even if original request has no args and that
# was queried somehow (e.g. by server rewrites)

like(http_get('/test-args-rewrite.html'), qr/^XX$/m, 'args only subrequest');

like(http_get('/test-args-rewrite.html?wasargs'), qr/^XX$/m,
	'args was in main request');

# Last-Modified and Accept-Ranges headers should be cleared

unlike(http_get('/test1.html'), qr/Last-Modified|Accept-Ranges/im,
	'cleared headers');
unlike(http_get('/proxy/test1.html'), qr/Last-Modified|Accept-Ranges/im,
	'cleared headers from proxy');

# empty subrequests

like(http_get('/test-empty1.html'), qr/HTTP/, 'empty with ssi');
like(http_get('/test-empty2.html'), qr/HTTP/, 'empty without ssi');
like(http_get('/test-empty3.html'), qr/HTTP/, 'empty with proxy');
like(http_get('/test-empty3.html'), qr/HTTP/, 'empty with proxy cached');

like(http_get('/test-empty-postpone.html'), qr/HTTP.*XX/ms,
	'empty with postpone_output 0');

# handling of escaped URIs

like(http_get('/unescape1.html'), qr/^XXtestXX$/m, 'escaped in path');

skip 'incorrect filename on win32', 2 if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

like(http_get('/unescape2.html'), qr/^XSEE-THISX$/m,
	'escaped question in path');
like(http_get('/unescape3.html'), qr/404 Not Found/,
	'escaped query separator');


# handling of embedded date variables

my $re_date_gmt = qr/X-Var: x.+, \d\d-.+-\d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d .+x/;

like(http_get('/var_nossi.html'), $re_date_gmt, 'no ssi');
like(http_get('/var_noformat.html'), $re_date_gmt, 'no format');

like(http_get('/var_format.html?custom=1'), $re_date_gmt, 'custom header');
like(http_get('/var_format.html'), $re_date_gmt, 'default header');

	qr/x.+, \d\d:\d\d:\d\dx/, 'custom ssi');
	qr/x.+, \d\d-.+-\d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d .+x/, 'default ssi');
