view secure_link.t @ 1969:3ba1668cea87

Tests: adjusted stream_ssl_alpn.t to handle old SSL libraries. The "ssl_alpn" directive of the stream module requires an SSL library with ALPN support, and startup fails if the directive is used in the configuration but ALPN support is not available (notably, with OpenSSL before 1.0.2). Restored try_run() to skip the test in this case.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Mon, 06 May 2024 00:03:01 +0300
parents 97c8280de681
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin

# Tests for nginx secure_link module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

use Digest::MD5 qw/ md5 md5_hex /;
use MIME::Base64 qw/ encode_base64 /;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http secure_link rewrite/)->plan(19);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            # new style
            # /test.html?hash=BASE64URL

            secure_link      $arg_hash;
            secure_link_md5  secret$uri;

            # invalid hash
            if ($secure_link = "") {
                return 403;

            # expired
            if ($secure_link = "0") {
                return 403;

            # $secure_link = "1"

        location = /expires.html {
            # new style with expires
            # /test.html?hash=BASE64URL&expires=12345678

            add_header X-Expires $secure_link_expires;

            secure_link      $arg_hash,$arg_expires;
            secure_link_md5  secret$uri$arg_expires;

            # invalid hash
            if ($secure_link = "") {
                return 403;

            # expired
            if ($secure_link = "0") {
                return 403;

            # $secure_link = "1"

        location /p/ {
            # old style
            # /p/d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249/test.html

            secure_link_secret secret;

            if ($secure_link = "") {
                return 403;

            rewrite ^ /$secure_link break;

        location /inheritance/ {
            secure_link_secret secret;

            location = /inheritance/test {
                secure_link      Xr4ilOzQ4PCOq3aQ0qbuaQ==;
                secure_link_md5  secret;

                if ($secure_link = "1") {
                    rewrite ^ /test.html break;

                return 403;

        location /stub {
            return 200 x$secure_link${secure_link_expires}x;


$t->write_file('test.html', 'PASSED');
$t->write_file('expires.html', 'PASSED');


# new style

	qr/PASSED/, 'request md5');
	qr/PASSED/, 'request md5 no padding');
	qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request md5 too long');
	qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request md5 too long encoding');
	qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request md5 decode error');
	qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request md5 mismatch');
like(http_get('/test.html'), qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request no hash');

# new style with expires

my ($expires, $hash);

$expires = time() + 86400;
$hash = encode_base64url(md5("secret/expires.html$expires"));
like(http_get('/expires.html?hash=' . $hash . '&expires=' . $expires),
	qr/PASSED/, 'request md5 not expired');
like(http_get('/expires.html?hash=' . $hash . '&expires=' . $expires),
	qr/X-Expires: $expires/, 'secure_link_expires variable');

$expires = time() - 86400;
$hash = encode_base64url(md5("secret/expires.html$expires"));
like(http_get('/expires.html?hash=' . $hash . '&expires=' . $expires),
	qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request md5 expired');

$expires = 0;
$hash = encode_base64url(md5("secret/expires.html$expires"));
like(http_get('/expires.html?hash=' . $hash . '&expires=' . $expires),
	qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request md5 invalid expiration');

# old style

like(http_get('/p/' . md5_hex('test.html' . 'secret') . '/test.html'),
	qr/PASSED/, 'request old style');
like(http_get('/p/' . md5_hex('fake') . '/test.html'), qr/^HTTP.*403/,
	'request old style fake hash');
like(http_get('/p/' . 'foo' . '/test.html'), qr/^HTTP.*403/,
	'request old style short hash');
like(http_get('/p/' . 'x' x 32 . '/test.html'), qr/^HTTP.*403/,
	'request old style corrupt hash');
like(http_get('/p%2f'), qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request old style bad uri');
like(http_get('/p/test.html'), qr/^HTTP.*403/, 'request old style no hash');
like(http_get('/inheritance/test'), qr/PASSED/, 'inheritance');

like(http_get('/stub'), qr/xx/, 'secure_link not found');


sub encode_base64url {
	my $e = encode_base64(shift, "");
	$e =~ s/=+\z//;
	$e =~ tr[+/][-_];
	return $e;
