view ssl_certificate_chain.t @ 1248:70192b1baf01

Tests: added exception test to stream_js.t using 'require'. The stream js tests introduced in edf5a3c9e36a fail on njs 0.1.14. It doesn't currently provide an easy way to check its version, whilst we are obligated to gracefully handle such cases somehow. With such an addition of 'require', now the tests are skipped instead on the previous versions.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Tue, 21 Nov 2017 13:16:39 +0300
parents 0af58b78df35
children 8c764fd93b5e
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for http ssl module with certificate chain.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; };
plan(skip_all => 'IO::Socket::SSL not installed') if $@;
eval { IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE(); };
plan(skip_all => 'IO::Socket::SSL too old') if $@;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http http_ssl/)

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;

        ssl_certificate_key end.key;
        ssl_certificate end.crt;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;

        ssl_certificate_key int.key;
        ssl_certificate int.crt;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;

        ssl_certificate_key end.key;
        ssl_certificate end-int.crt;


my $d = $t->testdir();

$t->write_file('openssl.conf', <<EOF);
[ req ]
default_bits = 1024
encrypt_key = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]

$t->write_file('ca.conf', <<EOF);
[ ca ]
default_ca = myca

[ myca ]
new_certs_dir = $d
database = $d/certindex
default_md = sha1
policy = myca_policy
serial = $d/certserial
default_days = 1
x509_extensions = myca_extensions

[ myca_policy ]
commonName = supplied

[ myca_extensions ]
basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE

foreach my $name ('root') {
	system('openssl req -x509 -new '
		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
		. "-out $d/$name.crt -keyout $d/$name.key "
		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";

foreach my $name ('int', 'end') {
	system("openssl req -new "
		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
		. "-out $d/$name.csr -keyout $d/$name.key "
		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";

$t->write_file('certserial', '1000');
$t->write_file('certindex', '');

system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
	. "-keyfile $d/root.key -cert $d/root.crt "
	. "-subj /CN=int/ -in $d/int.csr -out $d/int.crt "
	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
	or die "Can't sign certificate for int: $!\n";

system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
	. "-keyfile $d/int.key -cert $d/int.crt "
	. "-subj /CN=end/ -in $d/end.csr -out $d/end.crt "
	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
	or die "Can't sign certificate for end: $!\n";

	$t->read_file('end.crt') . $t->read_file('int.crt'));



is(get_ssl_socket(port(8080)), undef, 'incomplete chain');
ok(get_ssl_socket(port(8081)), 'intermediate');
ok(get_ssl_socket(port(8082)), 'intermediate server');


sub get_ssl_socket {
	my ($port) = @_;
	my ($s, $verify);

	eval {
		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" };
		local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "sigpipe\n" };
		$s = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
			Proto => 'tcp',
			PeerAddr => '',
			PeerPort => $port,
			SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(),
			SSL_ca_file => "$d/root.crt",
			SSL_verify_callback => sub {
				my ($ok) = @_;
				$verify = $ok;
				return $ok;
			SSL_error_trap => sub { die $_[1] }

	if ($@) {
		log_in("died: $@");
		return undef;

	return $verify;
