view error_log.t @ 1958:70302d2090ad

Tests: fixed HTTP/3 stream offset adjustment when sending body. Previously, size of the body without the DATA frame header was used, resulting in incorrect offset being used in further QUIC frames, making it impossible to send the request body in multiple DATA frames.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Sat, 27 Apr 2024 18:55:08 +0300
parents 38f1fd9ca3e6
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for error_log.
# Various log levels emitted with limit_req_log_level.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

plan(skip_all => 'win32') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http limit_req/)
	->plan(25)->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:1m rate=1r/m;
    limit_req zone=one;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location /debug {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_debug_debug.log debug;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_debug_info.log info;
            error_log stderr debug;
        location /info {
            limit_req_log_level info;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_info_debug.log debug;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_info_info.log info;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_info_notice.log notice;
            error_log stderr info;
        location /notice {
            limit_req_log_level notice;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_notice_info.log info;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_notice_notice.log notice;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_notice_warn.log warn;
            error_log stderr notice;
        location /warn {
            limit_req_log_level warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_warn_notice.log notice;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_warn_warn.log warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_warn_error.log error;
            error_log stderr warn;
        location /error {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_error_warn.log warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_error_error.log;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_error_alert.log alert;
            error_log stderr;

        location /file_low {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_low.log warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_low.log;
        location /file_dup {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi.log;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi.log;
        location /file_high {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_high.log emerg;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_high.log;

        location /stderr_low {
            error_log stderr warn;
            error_log stderr;
        location /stderr_dup {
            error_log stderr;
            error_log stderr;
        location /stderr_high {
            error_log stderr emerg;
            error_log stderr;


open OLDERR, ">&", \*STDERR;
open STDERR, '>', $t->testdir() . '/stderr' or die "Can't reopen STDERR: $!";
open my $stderr, '<', $t->testdir() . '/stderr'
	or die "Can't open stderr file: $!";


open STDERR, ">&", \*OLDERR;


# charge limit_req



skip "no --with-debug", 3 unless $t->has_module('--with-debug');

isnt(lines($t, 'e_debug_debug.log', '[debug]'), 0, 'file debug debug');
is(lines($t, 'e_debug_info.log', '[debug]'), 0, 'file debug info');
isnt(lines($t, 'stderr', '[debug]'), 0, 'stderr debug');


is(lines($t, 'e_info_debug.log', '[info]'), 1, 'file info debug');
is(lines($t, 'e_info_info.log', '[info]'), 1, 'file info info');
is(lines($t, 'e_info_notice.log', '[info]'), 0, 'file info notice');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[info]'), 1, 'stderr info');

is(lines($t, 'e_notice_info.log', '[notice]'), 1, 'file notice info');
is(lines($t, 'e_notice_notice.log', '[notice]'), 1, 'file notice notice');
is(lines($t, 'e_notice_warn.log', '[notice]'), 0, 'file notice warn');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[notice]'), 1, 'stderr notice');

is(lines($t, 'e_warn_notice.log', '[warn]'), 1, 'file warn notice');
is(lines($t, 'e_warn_warn.log', '[warn]'), 1, 'file warn warn');
is(lines($t, 'e_warn_error.log', '[warn]'), 0, 'file warn error');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[warn]'), 1, 'stderr warn');

is(lines($t, 'e_error_warn.log', '[error]'), 1, 'file error warn');
is(lines($t, 'e_error_error.log', '[error]'), 1, 'file error error');
is(lines($t, 'e_error_alert.log', '[error]'), 0, 'file error alert');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 1, 'stderr error');

# count log messages emitted with various error_log levels

is(lines($t, 'e_multi_low.log', '[error]'), 2, 'file low');

is(lines($t, 'e_multi.log', '[error]'), 2, 'file dup');

is(lines($t, 'e_multi_high.log', '[error]'), 1, 'file high');

is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 2, 'stderr low');

is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 2, 'stderr dup');

is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 1, 'stderr high');


sub lines {
	my ($t, $file, $pattern) = @_;

	if ($file eq 'stderr') {
		my $value = map { $_ =~ /\Q$pattern\E/ } (<$stderr>);
		return $value;

	my $path = $t->testdir() . '/' . $file;
	open my $fh, '<', $path or return "$!";
	my $value = map { $_ =~ /\Q$pattern\E/ } (<$fh>);
	close $fh;
	return $value;
