view http_resolver_aaaa.t @ 1236:93f749c1d5c5

Tests: fixed parallel tests execution with UDP. Previously, when checking ports availability, a UDP socket was always created first, then a TCP socket was created. On success, one of UDP and TCP sockets was closed (depending on the "udp" option) and the second one was used to busy this port in other scripts. This lead to the following problem: in an attempt to reopen a UDP socket used in a given testing script it could be stolen by another script as part of checking ports availability. To solve this problem, UDP and TCP ports were split into two non-overlapping ranges: TCP ports are only used in the range 8000-8499, and UDP ports - in the range 8500-8999. In addition, the order of creating sockets in UDP tests has been reversed: now a TCP socket used as a lock precedes a UDP socket.
author Andrey Zelenkov <>
date Thu, 26 Oct 2017 18:00:21 +0300
parents fcd65708672d
children e4974af3fb12
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for AAAA capable http resolver.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http proxy rewrite/);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        listen       [::1]:%%PORT_8080%%;
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            proxy_pass  http://$host:%%PORT_8080%%/backend;

            proxy_next_upstream http_504 timeout error;
            proxy_intercept_errors on;
            proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
            error_page 504 502 /50x;
            add_header X-Host $upstream_addr;
        location /two {
            proxy_pass  http://$host:%%PORT_8080%%/backend;

        location /backend {
            return 200;
        location /50x {
            return 200 $upstream_addr;


$t->try_run('no inet6 support')->plan(72);

$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, port(8081), $t);
$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, port(8082), $t);

$t->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8081));
$t->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8082));


my (@n, $response);

my $p0 = port(8080);

like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/\[fe80::1\]/, 'AAAA');
like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/\[fe80::1\]/, 'CNAME');
like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/\[fe80::1\]/,
	'CNAME cached');

# CNAME + AAAA combined answer
# demonstrates the name in answer section different from what is asked

like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/\[::1\]/, 'CNAME + AAAA');

# many AAAA records in round robin
# nonexisting IPs enumerated with proxy_next_upstream

like(http_host_header('', '/'),
	qr/^\[fe80::(1\]:$p0, \[fe80::2\]:$p0|2\]:$p0, \[fe80::1\]:$p0)$/m,
	'AAAA many');

like(http_host_header('', '/'),
	qr/^\[fe80::(1\]:$p0, \[fe80::2\]:$p0|2\]:$p0, \[fe80::1\]:$p0)$/m,
	'AAAA many cached');

# tests for several resolvers specified in directive
# query bad ns, make sure that error responses are not cached

like(http_host_header('', '/two'), qr/502 Bad/, 'two ns bad');

# now get correct response

like(http_host_header('', '/two'), qr/200 OK/, 'two ns good');

# response is cached, actual request would get error

like(http_host_header('', '/two'), qr/200 OK/, 'two ns cached');

# various ipv4/ipv6 combinations

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'zero zero responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'zero zero');

like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/^\[fe80::1\]:$p0$/ms,
	'zero AAAA');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 2, 'zero CNAME responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'zero CNAME 1');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'zero CNAME 2');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 2, 'zero CNAME+AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'zero CNAME+AAAA 1');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::2\]:$p0/, 'zero CNAME+AAAA 2');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'zero error responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'zero error');

like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/^$p0$/ms,
	'A zero');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 2, 'A AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'A AAAA 1');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'A AAAA 2');

like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/^$p0$/ms,
	'A CNAME');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 4, 'A CNAME+AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'A CNAME+AAAA 1');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'A CNAME+AAAA 2');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'A CNAME+AAAA 3');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::2\]:$p0/, 'A CNAME+AAAA 4');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'A error responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'A error');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'CNAME zero responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'CNAME zero');

like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/^\[fe80::1\]:$p0$/ms,

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 2, 'CNAME CNAME responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME CNAME 1');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'CNAME CNAME 2');

like(http_host_header('', '/'), qr/^\[fe80::1\]:$p0$/ms,

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 2, 'CNAME CNAME+AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'CNAME CNAME+AAAA 1');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::2\]:$p0/, 'CNAME CNAME+AAAA 1');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'CNAME error responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'CNAME error');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 2, 'CNAME+A zero responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A zero 1');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A zero 2');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 4, 'CNAME+A AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A AAAA 1');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A AAAA 2');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'CNAME+A AAAA 3');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::2\]:$p0/, 'CNAME+A AAAA 4');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 2, 'CNAME+A CNAME responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A CNAME 1');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A CNAME 2');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 4, 'CNAME+A CNAME+AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A CNAME+AAAA 1');
like($response, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME+A CNAME+AAAA 2');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'CNAME+A CNAME+AAAA 3');
like($response, qr/\[fe80::2\]:$p0/, 'CNAME+A CNAME+AAAA 4');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'CNAME+A error responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'CNAME+A error');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'error zero responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'error zero');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'error AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'error AAAA');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'error CNAME responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'error CNAME');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'error CNAME+AAAA responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'error CNAME+AAAA');

$response = http_host_header('', '/');
is(@n = $response =~ /$p0/g, 0, 'error error responses');
like($response, qr/502 Bad/, 'error error');


sub http_host_header {
	my ($host, $uri) = @_;
	return http(<<EOF);
GET $uri HTTP/1.0
Host: $host



sub reply_handler {
	my ($recv_data, $port, $state) = @_;

	my (@name, @rdata);

	use constant NOERROR	=> 0;
	use constant SERVFAIL	=> 2;
	use constant NXDOMAIN	=> 3;

	use constant A		=> 1;
	use constant CNAME	=> 5;
	use constant AAAA	=> 28;
	use constant DNAME	=> 39;

	use constant IN		=> 1;

	# default values

	my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 3600);

	# decode name

	my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
	while (1) {
		$len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
		last if $len == 0;
		push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
		$offset += $len;

	$offset -= 1;
	my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);

	my $name = join('.', @name);
	if (($name eq '') || ($name eq '')) {
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, "fe80::1");

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, "fe80::1");

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, "fe80::1");

	} elsif (($name eq '') && $type == AAAA) {
		if ($state->{manycnt} > 1) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;

		push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, 'fe80::1');
		push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, 'fe80::2');

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($state->{cnamecnt} > 2) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;
		push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
			8, 5, 'alias', 0xc012);

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
			8, 5, 'alias', 0xc014);

		# points to "alias" set in previous rdata

		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc031, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("::1"));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($port == port(8081)) {
		if ($state->{twocnt} & 1) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;

		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, '::1');

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		# assume no answers given

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, 'fe80::1');

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc010);

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				8, 5, 'alias', 0xc011);
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::1"));
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::2"));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, 'fe80::1');

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc010);

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				8, 5, 'alias', 0xc011);
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::1"));
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::2"));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				8, 5, 'alias', 0xc010);

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				8, 5, 'alias', 0xc010);
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, "fe80::1");

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
			9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc010);

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias4', 0xc012);
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias6', 0xc012);

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
			9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc011);

		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::1"));
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::2"));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc011);
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc011);
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc00c, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::1"));
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc00c, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::2"));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
			9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc011);
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
			9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc012);

		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02f, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02f, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02f, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::1"));
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02f, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::2"));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc011);
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nC4", 0xc02e, A, IN, $ttl,
				4, split('\.', ''));
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, 'fe80::1');

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa6n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				9, 6, 'alias2', 0xc010);

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
				8, 5, 'alias', 0xc011);
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::1"));
			push @rdata, pack('n3N nn8', 0xc02e, AAAA, IN, $ttl,
				16, expand_ip6("fe80::2"));

	} elsif ($name eq '') {
		if ($type == A) {
			$rcode = SERVFAIL;
		if ($type == AAAA) {
			$rcode = NXDOMAIN;

	$len = @name;
	pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
		0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);

sub rd_addr {
	my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;

	my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';

	pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);

sub expand_ip6 {
	my ($addr) = @_;

	substr ($addr, index($addr, "::"), 2) =
		join "0", map { ":" } (0 .. 8 - (split /:/, $addr) + 1);
	map { hex "0" x (4 - length $_) . "$_" } split /:/, $addr;

sub rd_addr6 {
	my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;

	pack 'n3N nn8', 0xc00c, AAAA, IN, $ttl, 16, expand_ip6($addr);

sub dns_daemon {
	my ($port, $t) = @_;

	my ($data, $recv_data);
	my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		LocalAddr => '',
		LocalPort => $port,
		Proto => 'udp',
		or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";

	# track number of relevant queries

	my %state = (
		cnamecnt	=> 0,
		twocnt		=> 0,
		manycnt		=> 0,

	# signal we are ready

	open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . $port;
	close $fh;

	while (1) {
		$socket->recv($recv_data, 65536);
		$data = reply_handler($recv_data, $port, \%state);
