view grpc.t @ 1328:a682c219af45

Tests: updated ssl_engine_keys.t test. After merge with libp11, pkcs11 engine shared object was renamed from "" to "". Changed configuration accordingly. Additionally, changed "init" to "1" in the engine configuration. This keeps pkcs11 engine loaded and prevents segmentation faults observed during nginx shutdown. While here, restored correct order of ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Tue, 22 May 2018 17:46:59 +0300
parents 351b95be742b
children 6874b32dc3d2
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for grpc backend.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;
use Test::Nginx::HTTP2;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http rewrite http_v2 grpc/)

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    upstream u {
        keepalive 1;

    server {
        listen http2;
        server_name  localhost;

        http2_max_field_size 128k;
        http2_max_header_size 128k;
        http2_body_preread_size 128k;

        location / {
            grpc_pass grpc://;

            if ($arg_if) {
                # nothing

            limit_except GET {
                # nothing

        location /KeepAlive {
            grpc_pass u;

        location /LongHeader {
            grpc_set_header X-LongHeader $arg_h;

        location /LongField {
            grpc_buffer_size 65k;

        location /SetHost {
            grpc_set_header Host custom;

        location /SetArgs {
            set $args $arg_c;


$t->try_run('no grpc')->plan(100);


my $p = port(8081);
my $f = grpc();

my $frames = $f->{http_start}('/SayHello');
my ($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 4, 'request - HEADERS flags');
ok((my $sid = $frame->{sid}) % 2, 'request - HEADERS sid odd');
is($frame->{headers}{':method'}, 'POST', 'request - method');
is($frame->{headers}{':scheme'}, 'http', 'request - scheme');
is($frame->{headers}{':path'}, '/SayHello', 'request - path');
is($frame->{headers}{':authority'}, "$p", 'request - authority');
is($frame->{headers}{'content-type'}, 'application/grpc',
	'request - content type');
is($frame->{headers}{te}, 'trailers', 'request - te');

$frames = $f->{data}('Hello');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "SETTINGS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 1, 'request - SETTINGS ack');
is($frame->{sid}, 0, 'request - SETTINGS sid');
is($frame->{length}, 0, 'request - SETTINGS length');

($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
is($frame->{data}, 'Hello', 'request - DATA');
is($frame->{length}, 5, 'request - DATA length');
is($frame->{flags}, 1, 'request - DATA flags');
is($frame->{sid}, $sid, 'request - DATA sid match');

$frames = $f->{http_end}();
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 4, 'response - HEADERS flags');
is($frame->{sid}, 1, 'response - HEADERS sid');
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'response - status');
is($frame->{headers}{'content-type'}, 'application/grpc',
	'response - content type');
ok($frame->{headers}{server}, 'response - server');
ok($frame->{headers}{date}, 'response - date');
ok(my $c = $frame->{headers}{'x-connection'}, 'response - connection');

($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
is($frame->{data}, 'Hello world', 'response - DATA');
is($frame->{length}, 11, 'response - DATA length');
is($frame->{flags}, 0, 'response - DATA flags');
is($frame->{sid}, 1, 'response - DATA sid');

(undef, $frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 5, 'response - trailers flags');
is($frame->{sid}, 1, 'response - trailers sid');
is($frame->{headers}{'grpc-message'}, '', 'response - trailers message');
is($frame->{headers}{'grpc-status'}, '0', 'response - trailers status');

# next request is on a new backend connection, no sid incremented

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/SayHello');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{sid}, $sid, 'request 2 - HEADERS sid again');
$frames = $f->{http_end}();
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
cmp_ok($frame->{headers}{'x-connection'}, '>', $c, 'response 2 - connection');

# upstream keepalive

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/KeepAlive');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{sid}, $sid, 'keepalive - HEADERS sid');
$frames = $f->{http_end}();
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
ok($c = $frame->{headers}{'x-connection'}, 'keepalive - connection');

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/KeepAlive', reuse => 1);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
cmp_ok($frame->{sid}, '>', $sid, 'keepalive - HEADERS sid next');
$frames = $f->{http_end}();
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{'x-connection'}, $c, 'keepalive - connection reuse');

# various header compression formats

$frames = $f->{http_end}(mode => 3);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'without indexing');
is($frame->{headers}{'content-type'}, 'application/grpc',
	'without indexing 2');

$frames = $f->{http_end}(mode => 4);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'without indexing new');
is($frame->{headers}{'content-type'}, 'application/grpc',
	'without indexing new 2');

$frames = $f->{http_end}(mode => 5);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'never indexed');
is($frame->{headers}{'content-type'}, 'application/grpc',
	'never indexed 2');

$frames = $f->{http_end}(mode => 6);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'never indexed new');
is($frame->{headers}{'content-type'}, 'application/grpc',
	'never indexed new 2');

# padding & priority

$frames = $f->{http_end}(padding => 7);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'padding');

$frames = $f->{http_end}(prio => 137, dep => 0x01020304);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'priority');

$frames = $f->{http_end}(padding => 7, prio => 137, dep => 0x01020304);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'padding priority');

skip 'long test', 1 unless $ENV{TEST_NGINX_UNSAFE};

$frames = $f->{http_end}(padding => 7, prio => 137, dep => 0x01020304,
	split => [(map{1}(1..20)), 30], split_delay => 0.1);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'padding priority split');


# grpc error, no empty data frame expected

$frames = $f->{http_err}();
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 5, 'grpc error - HEADERS flags');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
ok(!$frame, 'grpc error - no DATA frame');

# continuation from backend, expect parts assembled

$frames = $f->{continuation}();
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 4, 'continuation - HEADERS flags');
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'continuation - status');
is($frame->{headers}{'content-type'}, 'application/grpc',
	'continuation - content type');

($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
is($frame->{data}, 'Hello world', 'continuation - DATA');
is($frame->{length}, 11, 'continuation - DATA length');
is($frame->{flags}, 0, 'continuation - DATA flags');

(undef, $frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 5, 'continuation - trailers flags');
is($frame->{headers}{'grpc-message'}, '', 'continuation - trailers message');
is($frame->{headers}{'grpc-status'}, '0', 'continuation - trailers status');

# continuation from backend, header split

$frames = $f->{http_end}(mode => 6, continuation => [map { 1 } (1 .. 42)]);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':status'}, '200', 'continuation - header split');

# continuation to backend

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/LongHeader?h=' . ('Z' x 31337));
@$frames = grep { $_->{type} =~ "HEADERS|CONTINUATION" } @$frames;
is(@$frames, 4, 'continuation - frames');

$frame = shift @$frames;
is($frame->{type}, 'HEADERS', 'continuation - HEADERS');
is($frame->{length}, 16384, 'continuation - HEADERS length');
is($frame->{flags}, 1, 'continuation - HEADERS flags');
ok($frame->{sid}, 'continuation - HEADERS sid');

$frame = shift @$frames;
is($frame->{type}, 'CONTINUATION', 'continuation - CONTINUATION');
is($frame->{length}, 16384, 'continuation - CONTINUATION length');
is($frame->{flags}, 0, 'continuation - CONTINUATION flags');
ok($frame->{sid}, 'continuation - CONTINUATION sid');

$frame = shift @$frames;
is($frame->{type}, 'CONTINUATION', 'continuation - CONTINUATION 2');
is($frame->{length}, 16384, 'continuation - CONTINUATION 2 length');
is($frame->{flags}, 0, 'continuation - CONTINUATION 2 flags');

$frame = shift @$frames;
is($frame->{type}, 'CONTINUATION', 'continuation - CONTINUATION n');
cmp_ok($frame->{length}, '<', 16384, 'continuation - CONTINUATION n length');
is($frame->{flags}, 4, 'continuation - CONTINUATION n flags');
is($frame->{headers}{':path'}, '/LongHeader?h=' . 'Z' x 31337,
	'continuation - path');
is($frame->{headers}{'x-longheader'}, 'Z' x 31337, 'continuation - header');


# long header field

$frames = $f->{field_len}(2**7);
($frame) = grep { $_->{flags} & 0x4 } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{'x' x 2**7}, 'y' x 2**7, 'long header field 1');

$frames = $f->{field_len}(2**8);
($frame) = grep { $_->{flags} & 0x4 } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{'x' x 2**8}, 'y' x 2**8, 'long header field 2');

$frames = $f->{field_len}(2**15);
($frame) = grep { $_->{flags} & 0x4 } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{'x' x 2**15}, 'y' x 2**15, 'long header field 3');

# flow control

$frames = $f->{data_len}(('Hello' x 13000) . ('x' x 550), 65535);
my $sum = eval join '+', map { $_->{type} eq "DATA" && $_->{length} } @$frames;
is($sum, 65535, 'flow control - iws length');


$frames = $f->{data_len}(undef, 10);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
is($frame->{length}, 10, 'flow control - update length');
is($frame->{flags}, 0, 'flow control - update flags');


$frames = $f->{data_len}(undef, 5);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
is($frame->{length}, 5, 'flow control - rest length');
is($frame->{flags}, 1, 'flow control - rest flags');


# preserve output

$frames = $f->{http_pres}();
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 4, 'preserve - HEADERS');

my @data = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
$sum = eval join '+', map { $_->{length} } @data;
is($sum, 20480, 'preserve - DATA');

(undef, $frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{flags}, 5, 'preserve - trailers');

# DATA padding

$frames = $f->{http_end}(body_padding => 42);
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "DATA" } @$frames;
is($frame->{data}, 'Hello world', 'response - DATA');
is($frame->{length}, 11, 'response - DATA length');
is($frame->{flags}, 0, 'response - DATA flags');

# :authority inheritance

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/SayHello?if=1');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':authority'}, "$p", 'authority in if');

# misc tests

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/SetHost');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
ok(!$frame->{headers}{':authority'}, 'set host - authority');
is($frame->{headers}{'host'}, 'custom', 'set host - host');

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/SetArgs?f');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':path'}, '/SetArgs', 'set args');

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/SetArgs?c=1');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':path'}, '/SetArgs?1', 'set args len');

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/SetArgs esc');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':path'}, '/SetArgs%20esc', 'uri escape');

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':path'}, '/', 'root index');

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/', method => 'GET');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':method'}, 'GET', 'method get');

$frames = $f->{http_start}('/', method => 'HEAD');
($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
is($frame->{headers}{':method'}, 'HEAD', 'method head');


sub grpc {
	my ($server, $client, $f, $s, $c, $sid, $csid, $uri);
	my $n = 0;

	$server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		Proto => 'tcp',
		LocalHost => '',
		LocalPort => $p,
		Listen => 5,
		Reuse => 1
		or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";

	$f->{http_start} = sub {
		($uri, my %extra) = @_;
		my $body_more = 1 if $uri !~ /LongHeader/;
		my $meth = $extra{method} || 'POST';
		$s = Test::Nginx::HTTP2->new() if !defined $s;
		$csid = $s->new_stream({ body_more => $body_more, headers => [
			{ name => ':method', value => $meth, mode => !!$meth },
			{ name => ':scheme', value => 'http', mode => 0 },
			{ name => ':path', value => $uri, },
			{ name => ':authority', value => 'localhost' },
			{ name => 'content-type', value => 'application/grpc' },
			{ name => 'te', value => 'trailers', mode => 2 }]});

		if (!$extra{reuse}) {
			eval {
				local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" };

				$client = $server->accept() or return;

			if ($@) {
				log_in("died: $@");
				return undef;

			log2c("(new connection $client)");

			$client->sysread(my $buf, 24) == 24 or return; # preface

			$c = Test::Nginx::HTTP2->new(1, socket => $client,
				pure => 1, preface => "") or return;

		my $frames = $c->read(all => [{ fin => 4 }]);

		if (!$extra{reuse}) {

		my ($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
		$sid = $frame->{sid};
		return $frames;
	$f->{data} = sub {
		my ($body, %extra) = @_;
		$s->h2_body($body, { %extra });
		return $c->read(all => [{ sid => $sid,
			length => length($body) }]);
	$f->{data_len} = sub {
		my ($body, $len) = @_;
		$s->h2_body($body) if defined $body;
		return $c->read(all => [{ sid => $sid, length => $len }]);
	$f->{update} = sub {
	$f->{update_sid} = sub {
		$c->h2_window(shift, $sid);
	$f->{http_end} = sub {
		my (%extra) = @_;
		$c->new_stream({ body_more => 1, %extra, headers => [
			{ name => ':status', value => '200',
				mode => $extra{mode} || 0 },
			{ name => 'content-type', value => 'application/grpc',
				mode => $extra{mode} || 1, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'x-connection', value => $n,
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
		]}, $sid);
		$c->h2_body('Hello world', { body_more => 1,
			body_padding => $extra{body_padding} });
		$c->new_stream({ headers => [
			{ name => 'grpc-status', value => '0',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'grpc-message', value => '',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
		]}, $sid);

		return $s->read(all => [{ fin => 1 }]);
	$f->{http_pres} = sub {
		my (%extra) = @_;
		$s->h2_settings(0, 0x4 => 8192);
		$c->new_stream({ body_more => 1, %extra, headers => [
			{ name => ':status', value => '200',
				mode => $extra{mode} || 0 },
			{ name => 'content-type', value => 'application/grpc',
				mode => $extra{mode} || 1, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'x-connection', value => $n,
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
		]}, $sid);
		for (1 .. 20) {
			$c->h2_body(sprintf('Hello %02d', $_) x 128, {
				body_more => 1,
				body_padding => $extra{body_padding} });
		# reopen window
		$s->h2_window(2**24, $csid);
		$c->new_stream({ headers => [
			{ name => 'grpc-status', value => '0',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'grpc-message', value => '',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
		]}, $sid);

		return $s->read(all => [{ sid => $csid, fin => 1 }]);
	$f->{http_err} = sub {
		$c->new_stream({ headers => [
			{ name => ':status', value => '200', mode => 0 },
			{ name => 'content-type', value => 'application/grpc',
				mode => 1, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'grpc-status', value => '12',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'grpc-message', value => 'unknown service',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
		]}, $sid);

		return $s->read(all => [{ fin => 1 }]);
	$f->{continuation} = sub {
		$c->new_stream({ continuation => 1, body_more => 1, headers => [
			{ name => ':status', value => '200', mode => 0 },
		]}, $sid);
		$c->h2_continue($sid, { continuation => 1, headers => [
			{ name => 'content-type', value => 'application/grpc',
				mode => 1, huff => 1 },
		$c->h2_continue($sid, { headers => [
			# an empty CONTINUATION frame is legitimate
		$c->h2_body('Hello world', { body_more => 1 });
		$c->new_stream({ continuation => 1, headers => [
			{ name => 'grpc-status', value => '0',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
		]}, $sid);
		$c->h2_continue($sid, { headers => [
			{ name => 'grpc-message', value => '',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },

		return $s->read(all => [{ fin => 1 }]);
	$f->{field_len} = sub {
		my ($len) = @_;
		$c->new_stream({ continuation => [map {2**14} (0..$len/2**13)],
			body_more => 1, headers => [
			{ name => ':status', value => '200', mode => 0 },
			{ name => 'content-type', value => 'application/grpc',
				mode => 1, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'x' x $len, value => 'y' x $len, mode => 6 },
		]}, $sid);
		$c->h2_body('Hello world', { body_more => 1 });
		$c->new_stream({ headers => [
			{ name => 'grpc-status', value => '0',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
			{ name => 'grpc-message', value => '',
				mode => 2, huff => 1 },
		]}, $sid);

		return $s->read(all => [{ fin => 1 }]);
	return $f;

sub log2i { Test::Nginx::log_core('|| <<', @_); }
sub log2o { Test::Nginx::log_core('|| >>', @_); }
sub log2c { Test::Nginx::log_core('||', @_); }
