view ssi_if.t @ 836:a9c4cebcfe69

Tests: adjusted http resolver test with resend. Don't bother with socket error to force resolver resend. Nginx doesn't handle well ECONNREFUSED send() error, which results in "500 Internal Server Error". It may deserve a separate test, though.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Fri, 29 Jan 2016 00:40:05 +0300
parents 6c0a5903d0ae
children e9064d691790
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin
# (C) Valentin Bartenev

# Tests for nginx ssi module, "if" statement.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http ssi/)->plan(43);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;
        location / {
            ssi on;


my $if_elif_else =
	'<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->IF'
	. '<!--#elif expr="$arg_elif" -->ELIF'
	. '<!--#else -->ELSE'
	. '<!--#endif -->';

my $zig = 'GOOD';
my $zag = 'GOOD';

foreach my $i (reverse 1 .. 15) {
	if ($i % 2) {
		$zig =
		"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$i<!--#else -->$zig<!--#endif -->";
		$zag =
		"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$zag<!--#else -->$i<!--#endif -->";
	} else {
		$zig =
		"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$zig<!--#else -->$i<!--#endif -->";
		$zag =
		"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$i<!--#else -->$zag<!--#endif -->";



$t->write_file('if_var.html', 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');

like(http_get('/if_var.html?v=1'), qr/^xOKx$/m, 'if variable exists');
like(http_get('/if_var.html'), qr/^xx$/m, 'if variable not exists');

	'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = equal" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');

like(http_get('/if_eq.html?v=equal'), qr/^xOKx$/m, 'if var = text');
like(http_get('/if_eq.html?v=notequal'), qr/^xx$/m, 'if var = text (false)');

	'x<!--#if expr="equal != $arg_v" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');

like(http_get('/if_neq.html?v=notequal'), qr/^xOKx$/m, 'if text != var');
like(http_get('/if_neq.html?v=equal'), qr/^xx$/m, 'if text != var (false)');

	# PCRE may not be available unless we have rewrite module

	skip 'no PCRE', 4 unless $t->has_module('rewrite');

		'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = /re+gexp?/" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');

	like(http_get('/if_eq_re.html?v=XreeeegexX'), qr/^xOKx$/m,
		'if var = /regex/');
	like(http_get('/if_eq_re.html?v=XrgxX'), qr/^xx$/m,
		'if var = /regex/ (false)');

		'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v != /re+gexp?/" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');

	like(http_get('/if_neq_re.html?v=XrgxX'), qr/^xOKx$/m,
		'if var != /regex/');
	like(http_get('/if_neq_re.html?v=XreeeegexX'), qr/^xx$/m,
		'if var != /regex/ (false)');

	'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = var$arg_v2" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');

like(http_get('/if_varvar.html?v=varHERE&v2=HERE'), qr/^xOKx$/m,
	'if var = complex');

	# PCRE may not be available unless we have rewrite module

	skip 'no PCRE', 2 unless $t->has_module('rewrite');

		'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = /(CAP\d).*(CAP\d)/" -->'
			. '<!--#echo var="1" -->x<!--#echo var="2" -->'
		. '<!--#endif -->x');

	like(http_get('/if_cap_re.html?v=hereCAP1andCAP2'), qr/^xCAP1xCAP2x$/m,
		'if regex with captures');

		'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = /(?P<ncap>HERE)/" -->'
			. '<!--#echo var="ncap" -->'
		. '<!--#endif -->x');

	like(http_get('/if_ncap_re.html?v=captureHEREeee'), qr/^xHEREx$/m,
		'if regex with named capture');

$t->write_file('if.html', 'x' . $if_elif_else . 'x');

like(http_get('/if.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if');
like(http_get('/if.html?if=1&elif=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if suppresses elif');
like(http_get('/if.html?elif=1'), qr/^xELIFx$/m, 'elif');
like(http_get('/if.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m, 'else');

	'x<!--#if expr="$arg_1" -->IF1<!--#else -->ELSE1<!--#endif -->'
	. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_2" -->IF2<!--#else -->ELSE2<!--#endif -->'
	. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_3" -->IF3<!--#else -->ELSE3<!--#endif -->'
	. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_4" -->IF4<!--#else -->ELSE4<!--#endif -->'
	. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_5" -->IF5<!--#else -->ELSE5<!--#endif -->x');

	qr/^xIF1xIF2xIF3xIF4xIF5x$/m, 'multiple if (sequentially)');
like(http_get('/if_multi.html?1=t&3=t&5=t'), qr/^xIF1xELSE2xIF3xELSE4xIF5x$/m,
	'multiple if (interlaced)');
like(http_get('/if_multi.html?2=t&4=t'), qr/^xELSE1xIF2xELSE3xIF4xELSE5x$/m,
	'multiple if (interlaced reversed)');

	'<!--#block name="one" -->' . $if_elif_else . '<!--#endblock -->'
	. 'x<!--#include virtual="/404?$args" stub="one" -->x');

like(http_get('/if_in_block.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if (in block)');
like(http_get('/if_in_block.html?if=1&elif=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m,
	'if suppresses elif (in block)');
like(http_get('/if_in_block.html?elif=1'), qr/^xELIFx$/m, 'elif (in block)');
like(http_get('/if_in_block.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m, 'else (in block)');

	'x<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->'
		. '<!--#config timefmt="IF" -->'
		. '<!--#set var="v" value="$date_gmt" -->'
		. '<!--#echo var="v" -->'
	. '<!--#else -->'
		. '<!--#config timefmt="ELSE" -->'
		. '<!--#set var="v" value="$date_gmt" -->'
		. '<!--#echo var="v" -->'
	. '<!--#endif -->x');

like(http_get('/if_config_set_echo.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m,
	'if config-set-echo');
like(http_get('/if_config_set_echo.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m,
	'else config-set-echo');

	'x<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->'
		. '<!--#include virtual="/if.html?if=1" -->'
	. '<!--#else -->'
		. '<!--#include virtual="/if.html" -->'
	. '<!--#endif -->x');

like(http_get('/if_include.html?if=1'), qr/^xxIFxx$/m,
	'if include');
like(http_get('/if_include.html'), qr/^xxELSExx$/m,
	'else include');

	'<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->'
		. '<!--#block name="one" -->IF<!--#endblock -->'
	. '<!--#else -->'
		. '<!--#block name="one" -->ELSE<!--#endblock -->'
	. '<!--#endif -->'
	. 'x<!--#include virtual="/404" stub="one" -->x');

like(http_get('/if_block.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if block');
like(http_get('/if_block.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m, 'else block');

local $TODO = 'support for nested ifs';

	'x<!--#if expr="$arg__if" -->IFx' . $if_elif_else
	. '<!--#elif expr="$arg__elif" -->ELIFx' . $if_elif_else
	. '<!--#else -->ELSEx' . $if_elif_else
	. '<!--#endif -->x');

like(http_get('/ifif.html?_if=1&if=1'), qr/^xIFxIFx$/m, 'if if');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_if=1&elif=1'), qr/^xIFxELIFx$/m, 'if elif');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_if=1'), qr/^xIFxELSEx$/m, 'if else');

like(http_get('/ifif.html?_elif=1&if=1'), qr/^xELIFxIFx$/m, 'elif if');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_elif=1&elif=1'), qr/^xELIFxELIFx$/m, 'elif elif');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_elif=1'), qr/^xELIFxELSEx$/m, 'elif else');

like(http_get('/ifif.html?if=1'), qr/^xELSExIFx$/m, 'else if');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?elif=1'), qr/^xELSExELIFx$/m, 'else elif');
like(http_get('/ifif.html'), qr/^xELSExELSEx$/m, 'else else');

	"x<!--#if expr='\$arg_0' -->$zig<!--#else -->$zag<!--#endif -->x");

	qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zigzag');
	qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zagzig');

	'<!--#block name="one" -->'
	. "x<!--#if expr='\$arg_0' -->$zig<!--#else -->$zag<!--#endif -->x"
	. '<!--#endblock -->'
	. 'x<!--#include virtual="/404?$args" stub="one" -->x');

	qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zigzag block');
	qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zagzig block');

